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Confused about cloth nappies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Product Reviews
Forum Name: Cloth Nappy Discussion
Forum Description: Are you new to cloth nappies? Looking for washing tips? Want to rave about a great new nappy you've tried? By popular request a board especially for all our cloth Mums!
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Topic: Confused about cloth nappies
Posted By: lauraangharad
Subject: Confused about cloth nappies
Date Posted: 06 June 2013 at 2:53pm
We really want to use cloth nappies when our little one is born in November but I know absolutely nothing about them. I've been reading various websites and topics here but I'm still at a loss.

I found this website: where you can get a pack that should see you from newborn to potty training for about $600. This seems like a good deal but I have no idea if they are good quality, if it really will be enough, nor do I really understand how the nappies work. There are the cloth prefolds, liners and covers. Why would you need fewer covers than the prefolds - are the prefolds the actual nappies and the covers just something to cover them? Why do you need to cover them? If the prefolds are the nappies why would you need to line them?

I can't understand any of the descriptions I've read. Does anyone have a simple guide - I read the guide on this forum - the nappy systems post - and I'm still not clear. Are the different styles better for different ages? How would I know what I want/need.

Is there somewhere that runs classes/demonstrations that I can go to before I have my baby so I can start from the beginning with cloth nappies?

Posted By: luvmylittlies
Date Posted: 07 June 2013 at 3:54pm
Have a look around for hire kits.  They often have a few different types to try and that can give you the idea of what you
and your partner like before you buy.  I've done both my kids in cloth and just kind of used what I've picked up on sale
 or cheaply on Trademe but what I like would be very different from someone else.  For example I HATE velcro but
other people love it.  I also don't like 'All in ones' but again other people love them.  I love snap in inserts but my
boyfriend is totally useless at unsnapping them before they are washed so now I tend to avoid them.  If I could do it
all over again I would predominantly use prefolds with a reliable cover.  I particularly like the GroVia covers (or 'shells')
 and the BumGenious ones (I think they're called Flips?).  But there are many other good ones out there.  I'd also
have a few pretty patterned trim nappies as extras like Itti Bitti's (again there's lots out there). Oh and then you
need something good as a night nappy (I use Pop In's).
Have I confused you more?  I suggest getting a few recommendations from friends and buying 1 or 2 of some
different types then working out what you like then spending more on those types.  Once you take the plunge it isn't
nearly as confusing as it seems.

Adoring Mum to Talisin 8/9/11 and Kiara 18/01/10

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 08 June 2013 at 6:50pm
Definitely get a few to try out different brands and styles before buying a whole set. I have used cloth exclusively for both girls and my preferences are totally opposite to the above poster. What works for you and your babe will be different to the next person. Try a few out


Posted By: Swanie
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 11:00am
I'm only 14 weeks pregnant but ive made my first baby purchase and its 3 grovia nappies on TM. Cant wait to see them.
Im going to start building my stack over the next 5 months :) I'll also make an order at ALVA with a lot of different styles and sizes.

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Posted By: lauraangharad
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 12:47pm
What is ALVA?

Someone in my office brought an all-in-one in for me to look at that her daughter, who is also pregnant, got off TM. I would really like to play with one of each type before I make my mind up.

The Nappy Lady seems a good source of information too.

I think I'm slowly starting to get my foggy pregnancy brain around it all! Thank you, please keep the advice coming!

Posted By: Swanie
Date Posted: 10 June 2013 at 1:33pm
its a Chinese brand, cheaper with awesome reviews on youtube. I think its a good way to buy one of all the types to choose and maybe buy the most expensive brands later.

I don't really want to buy second hand nappies for my first precious baby

here are some great videos, I love youtube so addictive

have fun.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: snapdragon_77
Date Posted: 18 June 2013 at 8:55am
If you can make it to a Nappy Lady Workshop they are well worth the money - usually about $20 and you get a sample pack of nappies worth around $100, usually include a prefold and cover, an all in one and a pocket nappy so a great introduction - plus she goes over all the differences in the nappies and how to use them. I would hold off buying a large stash of one type until your baby is born, as what suits one baby does not necessarily suit others. I tried prefolds but they would just leak and leak and leak and I had no idea why - nearly gave up, but then got a trial pack with a Happy Heinys pocket nappy in and they worked like a dream! I now also have some all in ones which are great for going out and about, and some fitteds (Bamboozles come highly recommended) with covers and boosters for night time. Also love the Candies by Bubblebubs - very absorbant! Most of the websites that sell cloth nappies will do a trial pack of a couple of different types of nappy - try or Good luck and stick with it - good for your pocket, good for the environment, and (a lot of people forget about this bit) good for your baby - think about all the chemicals that go into making disposables - ick!

Caroline H - Mum to Theo (10 weeks)

Posted By: lauraangharad
Date Posted: 18 June 2013 at 9:15am
Thanks, really good advice. I'll check out when there are Nappy Lady workshops in Wellington.

Posted By: Flutterby
Date Posted: 18 June 2013 at 1:13pm
I have been using cloth on dd for almost 2 yrs now. I just started off trying out different brands till I found ones I like. I now use mainly rarpz pockets, itti bitti snap ins and tuttos and grovia. I use pop ins for night. Will be using cloth from birth with this next one. I plan on using covers and prefolds for the first few wks thenI have plenty of different styles to use.
The cloth nappy work shops are great. I went to one a couple of months ago and got the $20 pack to put away for baby.


Posted By: amk11
Date Posted: 29 June 2013 at 7:19pm
We went to the nappy lady workshop in Hamilton last night and it was very helpful.
Got 2 good quality cloth nappies to try and have bought a few more this weekend. We bought a range (tots bots, bambino mio and green beginning).
The main thi g she said as that it is best to buy a handful of different brands and try them on your baby, then get more. We have some pocket nappies, prefolds and all in ones for those lazy days.
You can get them at baby city and baby factory too.
Have a look at [URL= for more info

IVF 1- No embryos to transfer
IVF 3- BFP, miscarriage at 7 weeks
IVF 4- BFP, Joshua born 15/12/2013 and one frozen embryo
IVF 5- Baby number 2 due 21/2/2017 and 1 frozen embryo ❤

Posted By: Tangerine
Date Posted: 30 June 2013 at 9:44pm
I went to a nappy lady seminar in wellington and it was brilliant. She gives great advice and is non-biast with her opinions on which brand and type.

I agree with the others- having a few different brands and types are so handy and a good way to suss out which you prefer. The other thing is to go onto trademe and buy say a couple tots bots, a couple real nappy and maybe a couple pocket style. Then try them on bubs and see which type you like. Then splash out and buy what you like. Second hand is great too :)


Posted By: amk11
Date Posted: 30 June 2013 at 10:09pm
Agreed tangerine, was great and gave us confidence that we can use cloth nappies successfully

IVF 1- No embryos to transfer
IVF 3- BFP, miscarriage at 7 weeks
IVF 4- BFP, Joshua born 15/12/2013 and one frozen embryo
IVF 5- Baby number 2 due 21/2/2017 and 1 frozen embryo ❤

Posted By: lauraangharad
Date Posted: 01 July 2013 at 12:26pm
Thanks all. I've been in contact with the Nappy Lady and unfortunately she hasn't got any funding to come back to Wellington before my due date so no nappy workshop for me :(

I got some different ones on trade me but I really don't understand what I'm doing with them. The pocket ones are easy but the other one I have is confusing.

I think I'm just going to have to wait until I actually have a baby to try things, which is annoying as I wanted to use cloth from birth which I don't think I'm going to be able to as I won't know what to buy in advance so won't have enough nappies and will have to use disposibles to start with at least.

Posted By: amk11
Date Posted: 01 July 2013 at 7:43pm
That's a pain Laura, for our newborn we have bought some bambino mios, they are fancy prefolds and suppose to be good for little bubba's

The other ones we really like are the pea pods, you can get them in different sizes or one size fits all that is adjustable. Being pocket nappies they dry quickly like prefolds.

You could buy a few (say 6) before and then get more. W now have 9 nappies and will get more once baby is born

IVF 1- No embryos to transfer
IVF 3- BFP, miscarriage at 7 weeks
IVF 4- BFP, Joshua born 15/12/2013 and one frozen embryo
IVF 5- Baby number 2 due 21/2/2017 and 1 frozen embryo ❤

Posted By: spanky77
Date Posted: 04 August 2013 at 2:10pm
Have had realnappies recommended to me too, only just been to website . . . Not such a fan of prefolds so far. Am finding the microfibres liners good for keeping moisture away from bums. Babyis 10 weeks old and I totally intended to go cloth nappy all the way but we are still mainly using disposable. Dp does not like the cloth nappies ( but if he changes her once a day . . . It's not really up to him!). We got some from baby factory and some from nappy lady and some from kids expo. Gone through most of them in a day, I think drying is a bit of an issue here! Pocket nappies, all in ones and prefolds I think are what we have a selection of here, still figuring out which ones I 'like'.
I went to the nappy lady session when she was here earlier in the year, was good, and good to be able to see and handle the different types. We got a handout with the talk, can't currently find it.buried in a sea of baby bumpf. Happy to discuss further, Although I'm noton these forums that much, flick us a pm if you want? Still figuring it out myself really though (and am in Welly too )

3x miscarriages, balanced translocation likely culprit.

BFP from 2nd round IVF, The Bonk born in May 2013

Posted By: lauraangharad
Date Posted: 06 August 2013 at 1:37pm
Thanks Spanky, that's really helpful. I'll see how I do but may drop you a line at some point.

I had an email from the Nappy Lady a day or so ago - she is coming to Wellington after all, the week before I'm due so I'm booked on and really looking forward to it. A colleague as also given me a couple of packs of newborn disposables that his little girl has just grown out of, so at least if I'm struggling initially I've got those for emergencies!

Posted By: spanky77
Date Posted: 09 August 2013 at 8:36am
Oh cool, I just popped in to say that you can write to your council to request funding for her to do a workshop. I guess if enough people do that they might cough up. I suppose this applies to most of NZ.

You know there is a nappy composting service in Wellington if enviro stuff is a concern? I think we have just dropped off our last bag of the first 6 we purchased, so roughly filled every 10-14 days (with the odd cloth nappy interlude), not put a single nappy in a yellow bag yet! Works out about $6 a bag I think and council also apply a discount (if ordering, make sure this is applied). Google envirocomp, they're really fast at getting the bags out too (well they have been on thetwooccasions I have ordered them!)

3x miscarriages, balanced translocation likely culprit.

BFP from 2nd round IVF, The Bonk born in May 2013

Posted By: amk11
Date Posted: 09 August 2013 at 10:46am
Glad nappy lady is coming Laura, it is a really useful workshop.
I have read about the composting scheme and I would definitely use it if it was here in Hamilton. We plan on mostly using cloth but have disposables as a back up and for those crazy days....l
Congrats on your baby spanky, my wife is pregnant after our 4th IVF round. I had a 2 failed rounds and a miscarriage so it was her turn and it worked first time for her

IVF 1- No embryos to transfer
IVF 3- BFP, miscarriage at 7 weeks
IVF 4- BFP, Joshua born 15/12/2013 and one frozen embryo
IVF 5- Baby number 2 due 21/2/2017 and 1 frozen embryo ❤

Posted By: HaumoanaNZ
Date Posted: 09 August 2013 at 11:27am
I got a sample pack from the snazipants website. Sanzipants also has good descriptions about the different nappy systems.

Once i worked out what I liked I ordered some cheap ones off TM. Itti Bitti's are my favorites but they are expensive compared to the cheapies I ordered which work almost as well.

I can't stand all in ones as they take too long to dry. I use snap in ones or pockets.

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Posted By: Fiona266747
Date Posted: 17 March 2021 at 10:06am
I used to use them but it was too much for me to handle, looking after my babies and kept having to wash them. I got a sample pack of pampers from" rel="nofollow - and it was perfect for me.

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