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Tips for people with vices

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Topic: Tips for people with vices
Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Subject: Tips for people with vices
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 10:26am
Like me lol. my vice is ice cream.

buuuut what ive done is instead of ice cream in a bowl (because our bowls are HUGE) i allow myself an iced coffee with a dessert spoon in it. or i put ice cream in a glass, its heaps less, but the glass is still full.

hmmm i make sure i eat breakfast before i go grocery shopping on a saturday morning and that cuts down on the splurges coz im hungry.

If im snakcish i make a banana smoothie coz i can sip it for ages and make it last so i dont feel like "hmmm banana's gone, what now?"

i will boil eggs and bake chicken breasts in the morning for lunch time sammies. (mmmmm)

i drink water from a water bottle not a glass. (if i drink from a glass i have less than i glass in a day, from a bottle i have about 2-3L a day.. i hate when water sits out. it gets a stale taste, and a water bottle i dont warry bout DS grabbing at it)

when we eat dinner, and i want seconds, i always go for salad (i make an awesome salad!!!) so that i fill up on healthy stuff (ohk mayo isnt healthy, but better than a full cream potato bake lol)

any other tips?

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 10:36am
With the ice cream thing (as that was one of mine) save a couple of yoghurt containers and use those for your ice cream serving.. or the WW ice cream containers cause they are smaller. I just don't buy ice cream then I don't eat it. Or I buy a type I don't like so the boys can have it.

Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 10:41am
yeah im terrible at not buying. but i can make a tub last 2-3 weeks instead of 4 days lol. so im working on not buying it. but the yoghurt containers are a great idea!

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 11:10am
I am terrible with icing, I make cupcakes a couple of times a week for lunch boxes & often do an icing which I have to eat the left overs...not much but not good.

Oh & can not have ice cream in the house as I can not resist the kids have fruit usually

Posted By: xLUCKYx
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 11:14am
Another tip for the ice cream - you will be amazed! Chop a fresh banana into chunks and freeze it. Once frozen, throw it in the blender and process until it looks like - soft serve icecream!! This is sooooo yummy you will feel like you are eating the real deal :-)

I also buy flavours of things I don't like if DF or the kids want something.

There are heaps of foods that I just wont buy as I know they are not safe in my house!

You can make variations on fave meals by using lower fat / sugar ingredients - this is always fun - nice to feel like you are eating your favorite food and its not breaking the rules.

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 11:19am
Originally posted by xXELAx xXELAx wrote:

Another tip for the ice cream - you will be amazed! Chop a fresh banana into chunks and freeze it. Once frozen, throw it in the blender and process until it looks like - soft serve icecream!! This is sooooo yummy you will feel like you are eating the real deal :-)

oh yum, will try that....does the banana go brown or stay like it is??

Posted By: xLUCKYx
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 11:21am
It actually goes a bit whiter so looks like real soft serve - goes all creamy too. I usued to make that when I did body for life and would add protein powder to it too - sounds gross but = really yum!

Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 11:53am
Originally posted by xXELAx xXELAx wrote:

Another tip for the ice cream - you will be amazed! Chop a fresh banana into chunks and freeze it. Once frozen, throw it in the blender and process until it looks like - soft serve icecream!! This is sooooo yummy you will feel like you are eating the real deal :-)

great idea!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 8:40pm
I love baking and eat way way too much of it, but cant stop!

Cheese - I get a 1kg block and grate 1/4 of the block per week into a bag - so that is all we can use that week, and the block has to last 4 weeks not one week like it used to!

Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 09 September 2010 at 8:52pm
Originally posted by Kellz Kellz wrote:

I love baking and eat way way too much of it, but cant stop!

Cheese - I get a 1kg block and grate 1/4 of the block per week into a bag - so that is all we can use that week, and the block has to last 4 weeks not one week like it used to!

oooh good idea! we have managed to get a block out to 2 weeks. but if it can last 4 weeks then awesome!

Posted By: Jacobsmumma
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 2:07pm

Hiya, hahaha where do I start..... chips are my vice so I try not to have them in the house, but that doens't always stop me as I live just up the road from a supermarket!!  And lollies seem to be making their way into my diet too!!!

Lately I've been making yummy green salads and making sure it fills up most of my plate, then I don't have much room for whatever dinner I've made to add to the plate.  Also I put my alarm on for 20mins after each meal and I can't get anything else to eat until the timers gone off.  That way my brain has time to register that I'm actually full and I don't overeat.  Usually I'd be at the kitchen cupboard straight after eating looking for something else to eat!!  It's working tho as I haven't been eating anything else after meals  

(9lbs 6ozs)

(11lbs 4ozs)

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 2:13pm
I'm curious, how do you guys go through so much cheese? 1kg lasts us 6 weeks

Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 6:12pm
we have alot of pasta because its quick... when we do pasta, we add chicken stock powder, garlic stock powder and grated cheese (melts all together)

ummm cheese on toast (once or twice a week)

DP loves cheese sammies (but he cuts cheese like a doorstop. not thin like i do)

put it in scrambled eggs

a little bit in salads...

Posted By: xLUCKYx
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 6:29pm
Originally posted by kebakat kebakat wrote:

I'm curious, how do you guys go through so much cheese? 1kg lasts us 6 weeks

I was wondering that too - guess we don't eat a lot of cheese cos a 500gram block lasts about a month here. We just chop it up for the kids every now and again and make them mousetraps :-)

Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 6:32pm
I try not to buy but that's not working so well at the moment!

Chips -- in my last PG I would eat a big bag each day . Now we (all 3 of us) go through one bag a week. I put them in a small ramekin and that's my serving if I have them.

Ice cream - usually don't have it in the house. We do at the moment and it's not a good situation!

Snacks - I'm spending money on nice spreads and chutneys and having corn crackers with spread, Edam cheese and tomatoes for snacks.

Lunches - making big things of soup and having them with toast or pita bread. Buying more expensive but yummy ingredients (like avocado) to make toasted sammies with just a bit of cheese.

I'm spending a bit more money on pre-prepared things (like soups if I CBAed cooking) and having them rather than takeaways for lunches. Buying lots more fruit and actually eating it for snacks! Turns out I'm craving salads and fruit so that works well.

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: kebakat
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 7:06pm
Thats alot of cheese! I make lots of pasta too but only add a sprinkling of parmesan cheese on top

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 10 September 2010 at 9:25pm

That is a lot of cheese, we take about 4-6 weeks to go through a block.

My biggest problem is chippies.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Jacobsmumma
Date Posted: 14 September 2010 at 8:52am

Hey, just thought I would share.  The other night I made spag bol and instead of having a portion of pasta with the meat sauce, I baked a sweet potato and had that with the mince instead and it was so yummy.  I didn't miss the pasta at all.  Might help those with pasta as their vice

(9lbs 6ozs)

(11lbs 4ozs)

Posted By: xLUCKYx
Date Posted: 14 September 2010 at 9:28am
Has anyone tried the banana thing yet? I really want to but keep forgetting to freeze my banana!!

I am making pasta carbonara tonight but will use light evaporated milk instead of cream and a small amount of tasty cheese. I was thinking what else to have it with other than pasta too lol

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 14 September 2010 at 1:11pm
Originally posted by xXELAx xXELAx wrote:

Has anyone tried the banana thing yet? I really want to but keep forgetting to freeze my banana!!

I bought 6 bananas Sunday & the kids & DH polished them off Monday, trying to do healthier lunches so need to go get double tonight & freeze some, lol

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 15 September 2010 at 12:13pm
Alex the bananas re in the freezer waiting waiting waiting...ha ha

Posted By: lilfatty
Date Posted: 15 September 2010 at 12:17pm
Alex - it does work .. you need a pretty good blender though    Not that ive tried it since you posted because I dont eat bananas this close to comp (well not till carb up day)

Mummy to Issy (3) and Elias (18 months)

I did it .. 41 kgs gone! From flab to fab in under a year - LFs weight blog

Posted By: jazzy
Date Posted: 16 September 2010 at 7:28am
well I made it last night & my blender could not do it, so put it in the food processes & ended up adding a dash of green top milk...mmm it was yummy but I was banana out lol..

Posted By: kellie
Date Posted: 21 September 2010 at 8:47am
I tried the banana thing, and I was really suprised. It is just like ice cream!

Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 22 September 2010 at 10:52am
i keep forgetting to freeze my bananas lol.

will give it a go on the weekend (shopping day)

Posted By: Nikki
Date Posted: 24 October 2010 at 9:09pm
Oooh, must try the banana thing.
I used to put heaps of ice cubes in my protein shakes - comes out like a frappacino / milkshake kinda - just lots of ice, some trim milk and choc protein powder and blend til smooth. Haven't done that for years.

My vice is chippies. I can not have them in the house. Even cheesy ones (big uns, cheezels etc) or crackers that are like chippies. The only thing I do is not have them around, and buy multipacks so if I am eating them its just a small pack. And have lower fat/calorie versions like popcorn or those pop chips here so I eat them instead.

I love lollies too, but they are easier to avoid and I don't get cravings unless I see them. I ate HEAPS while pg/BFing tho ..... DH was horrified when he kept finding my hidden bags of lollies all over the house!

DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)

Posted By: VioletStar
Date Posted: 25 October 2010 at 1:45pm
MyLilSquishy - How do you make this awesome salad?

I'm going to put a banana in the freezer now! Hope my blender can blend it up properly!

Formerly Wishin41

Posted By: myonlineself
Date Posted: 03 November 2010 at 3:22pm
I'm so going to buy extra bananas when I'm next at the fruit shop.

I can't have chips or chocolate in the house. Found a bag of chicken chips the other day (not even a flavour I like that much) and polished off the entire thing... felt sick afterwards too.

Also - DH likes baking and makes choc chip cookies with chocolate melts - I keep having a few chocolate melts and then he goes to make them and the packet is gone, oops!


Posted By: MyLilSquishy
Date Posted: 03 November 2010 at 7:14pm
lol my salad starts basic and i just add what i feel like/have in the pantry lol.

Iceberg or Cos Lettuce
Grated cheese (love mozerella)
hard boiled egg/s
baked shredded chicken breast
mayo/ceasar/vinegarette/avaocado&garlic dressing

then add what i feel like.
grated apple
grated carrot
cubed/diced mango

mmmmmmm yummy! (i make it with chicken and have that as the meal, or have it as a side to some meat yum i want salad now lol)

Posted By: mrsturtle
Date Posted: 15 November 2010 at 9:26pm
Ohh must try the banana thing!

Mine is Coke - Yeah i know its bad for you but i can quite happily polish off 2.25lt a day i really need to try drink more water
Im heavier now than when i was pregnant......

Posted By: girly_girl
Date Posted: 07 January 2011 at 12:46pm
Mine is chocolate, always has been. I try to substitute with hot choc, but its just not the same.


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 01 March 2011 at 7:05pm
Yum!! Just tried the banana 'ice-cream' and it was great! DH used the potato masher to push the banana down far enough so that it all got blended

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

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