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Car seats - extended rear facing

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Topic: Car seats - extended rear facing
Posted By: weegee
Subject: Car seats - extended rear facing
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 10:53am
Hi all I know there has been a bit of debate in various threads recently about car seat safety and in particular extended rear facing of toddlers, after Campbell Live's great story on the subject (which you can view online - here if you missed it).

I thought it would be a good idea for a centralised thread (I went looking for an old one to bump and couldn't believe there wasn't one suitable!) where we can share some of the unbiased research and information about car seat safety, and to answer any questions people might have.

If you want to know about extended rear facing - this page is a good place to start; the basic thing is that because small children have proportionally larger and heavier heads, and undeveloped spinal cords, in a collision where an adult might get bad whiplash a child who is facing the front of the car is at serious risk for internal decapitation. Yes that's as bad as it sounds - it means when they're thrown forward their neck completely snaps and they can be paralysed or killed instantly. When they're rear facing, however, they are thrown into the back of the seat instead so that risk is virtually eliminated.

The simple fact is that in a head on collision, front facing children have a 75% greater chance of injury than rear facing children.

If you currently have your baby rear facing, you are doing the best for your child. Please keep them rear facing until they reach the limit of the car seat you have in terms of weight or height. If they reach that weight or height, please consider a new seat that will allow you to keep them rear facing for longer.

There's a brilliant (and nice and short - only 30 seconds or so) comparison video of rear facing vs front facing in a crash test on YouTube - here That's all I needed to see to convince me of the benefits. Please, please, go look at it (it's only crash test dummies so not gory or scary, I promise!).

People ask all the time if JJ complains about being rear facing still but he doesn't know any different (he's 21 months) And he really doesn't mind having his legs slightly bent. Nor does a friend's 5 year old mind Yes, there is a slightly bigger theoretical risk that they might end up with broken legs in a head-on collision, but I know I would rather have a child with broken legs than one that is dead or completely paralysed.

Something else I hear asked is about the lack of interaction with their child because they're facing away from them - well really you should be concentrating on driving but a great product to have is a mirror mounted on the seat behind them, that way you can see them in your rear view mirror and check if they're asleep etc. I particularly love the - Bear View Mirrors you can get from a bunch of places including Baby on the Move and Little Funky Monkey, they're a nice large size and very cute.

I have been asked by another OB mum to recommend some brands of car seats that allow you to rear face for longer and I will put some links into a separate post.

Anybody else who wants to share information on this topic, please feel free to jump in, I don't want this to be solely a weegee lecture thread

And please, if you don't understand something or have a more detailed question, ask - if I don't know the answer myself I do know people who will know the answer

ETA - if you have turned your child around when they hit 12 months or the minimum weight for forward facing, I don't think you're "a bad parent" and I am not judging you or your parenting skills. I have to admit that if you have the means to leave your child rear facing though, and there are no other mitigating circumstances, then I do make the assumption that you haven't educated yourself on the topic. Just coming from the position of an information junkie


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 10:58am
Something else I saw on another message board after the Campbell Live story aired was that proponents of extended rear facing are paranoid scare mongerers, and people should just relax and turn their children around when they wanted, after all, it's "a personal choice". If you were unlucky enough to be in an accident and your forward facing children were killed, well, it was just their time.

My response to that sort of comment is, how far are you going to take that reasoning? If it's "just their time", why bother with a car seat at all? Why bother wearing a seat belt yourself? If it's your time, it's your time, right? Surely, if you can make a journey safer - and the safest possible - you should.


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 11:30am
Right, about specific car seats. There is a perception out there that car seats that allow you to rear face for longer are horrifically expensive. While on average it's true that extended rear facing seats are more expensive (well, don't you expect to have to pay more for something with higher specs/better performance?), you don't have to spend mega bucks.

If you prefer to do your own research there's a good catalogue (in the process of being updated) on - this page .

Here's my $2 worth anyway

Some background: we originally spent almost $400 on a Safe n Sound Royale. We thought we were getting pretty much the best seat we could (and we were, according to the sales assistants in most baby gear shops). They're a popular brand choice with NZ parents. They do give rear facing a bit of a bad name though because it's a right PITA lifting your rear facing child over the tether strap and they take up the most space I've seen any rear facing car seat take up - ok for us as we're short but if you have long legs or a small car then it might be an issue. The Safe n Sound seats rear face to 12kg which JJ just sneaks under at the moment.

When I started doing a bit more reading on the subject I looked into seats that are readily available in NZ and would allow us to rear face for longer. The first one I came across was the,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,14/category_id,16/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,1/ - Brio Zento which allows you to rear face to a whopping 25kg. Unfortunately even a scare mongering paranoid like me can't justify something like $600 for a car seat so I sadly crossed it off my list. I don't know anybody who has bought one that regrets it though (there's a great thread in the product review section with LOTS of info on these seats).

As a bit of a stop gap measure we bought a - Cosco Scenera which was only $185 (you can even get them from some Repco and The Warehouse stores, but be careful of the manufacture dates cos they don't get them in very often). They look a bit budget compared to the plush comfort of our Royale but do you know what? JJ seems to prefer riding in it because he has a bit more space without all that cushioning (which is designed for comfort/looks, not safety). The Scenera rear faces to 16kg which is a lot longer especially with my 25th percentile toddler.

Many of the Evenflo seats available here (not the Tribute, but the Symphony, Triumph Advance etc) rear face to 16kg as well and are comparable in price to your average Safe n Sound etc (somewhere between $300 and $500). - Winkalotts have a few of these although they're out of stock of some of the cheaper ones. Something else I love about these seats is that most of them have an adjustable slide harness that means you don't have to rethread it as your child gets taller. I have heard they are quite wide seats though (no way you're getting three across a back seat).

I currently want a - Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL (or two, actually) - they are coming into NZ for the first time in July and if you preorder by the end of April they're $399 (normal RRP $499). I can point you in the right direction if you're interested in learning more about these seats - they rear face til 20kg then forward face fully harnessed til 36kg so really take the place of two seats because you will be able to get away without a booster for ages with that. They are really narrow (so if we had two in the back seat we could fit a third bum in there if we needed to) and fold flat for travel which is cool. Plus they have amazing crash test results - practically indestructible steel alloy frames compared to the plastic and polystyrene you see on most seats.

Ok, that's me done for now


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: Renee & Lauren
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 11:33am
do you know when I had my daughter 5 yrs ago - I was told by plunket to put her carseat foward facing at 6 months. Now yesterday my sil came over and her 7 mth old was still rear facing so I am confused as to whether DS should be rear facing til when???


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 11:49am
Plunket change their recommendations all the time depending on ... who knows what.

The latest Plunket guidelines are rear facing till at least 12 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation is 2 years from memory.

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 11:50am
Rear facing til when? Til as long as possible is the answer. Unfortunately Plunket don't know everything and often give poor advice (not just on car seats!).

Their current official advice (echoed by - NZTA ) is to leave your child rear facing until at least 12 months of age:

Originally posted by Plunket Plunket wrote:

To keep baby safe, keeping them in a rear-facing car seat beyond one year of age is recommended. You may need to change car seats as your baby grows, moving to a bigger seat that will allow you to continue to have baby rear-facing.

ETA here's another great page with lots of good links including AAP information: - linky . There's a cool photo album linked to at the bottom of that page showing older babies and toddlers happily rear facing


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: WestiesGirl
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 11:59am
Great info Weegee! I agree with RF for as long as possible and we will until at least 12 months as well. We will reassess once we get to 12 months but we will probably continue with RF'ing post 12 months.
I am really pedantic about car safety and carseats and only hope that NZ toughen up the Child Restraint laws and requirements.

Our Angel July 08 Gone but not forgotten

And to complete our family, our princess has arrived

Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 12:10pm
I was gutted to find that my car seat only rear faced til 9kg or 75cm. Luckly I had a skinny short baby which mean this was until 12 months. I'd like to get him another car seat so I can rear face him but can't afford it.


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: Renee & Lauren
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 12:11pm
thanks heaps guys.. this is going to make it easier for me to get DH to buy a new carseat now.. which is what I want..


Posted By: palomino
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 12:19pm
Great thread with lots of awesome info. Im another that is lucky to have a wee babe with a seat that rear faces till 12kgs so we will be rear facing for awhile yet!

Posted By: ooEvaoo
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 12:51pm
That's some awesome info weegee. *Slap me* but my DS is forward facing from around 6 months I think....instead of following my better judgement I took advice from the powers that be...the MIL. I definitely will not repeat that with future children....and will definitely be buying a seat that allows bubs to sit rear facing for a looooong time. Still got a while before I needa worry about that though so plenty of time to save up lol.


Posted By: noodle
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 1:10pm
great info weegee I have just done all this research aswell, I turned DS foward facing about 6 weeks or so ago and have now just turned him back to rear facing, I thought he would kick up a stink as he had, had time being foward facing so knew all that he could see but it hasn't bothered him at all...I just wish I had done a bit more research when we were buying his carseat as we too bought the safe n sound Royale and yep it only refaces until 12kg, lucky at the moment he is 10.2kg so we have a wee while left in it (until the tether starps drive me menatl the heavier he gets lol) but I think we will buy a Brio Zento in the near future for him.
that clip on youtube is so so scary it was definatley the deciding factor for me!


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 1:46pm

Thanks weegee this was a hot topic in Nov 10 dd thread, and after seeing the campbell live segment, I want to keep my child rear facing as long as their weight and height allows.

I have a question for those with people movers - which seat do you attached the car seat to? The middle ones or the ones at the back?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: angel4
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 2:43pm
i have a question in relation to the rear facing thing. My children seem to outgrow the height limits long before they outgrow the weight. Henry has been following between the 50th and 70th percentile since birth so that means that he will outgrow the height at about 2, 2.5. Is that old enough to turn forward?
We have a cosco scenera.
We are planning to buy another one for kiara as we have been very happy with the seat. It was a complete fluke that we bought one for henry - only bought it because it was one of the cheapest ones we could find that went from birth (sounds awful but i didnt know anything about carseat safety then).

Does it seem sensible to everyone to just buy another scenera or is there a different carseat we should buy for henry and move kiara into the scenera. After a bit of research about 2 weeks ago we have turned henry back to rearfacing and would like to keep him that way. We dont want to spend too much money (just the reality of our situation)

Thanks - hope that made sense

Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 2:57pm
I watched - this youtube video about rear facing a few months back, and a couple of others that popped up as related videos as well, and was instantly convinced that I would be leaving Lyall rear facing as long as possible.
I'm lucky I fluked having the Cosco Scenera which goes up to 16kg and Lyall is a lightweight so will be able to rear face for ages yet. My dragon mirror is great so I can see him too.
If I hadn't seen those videos I would've turned him forward facing as soon as he was the minimum age for it, for the reasons commonly used - so he can see more, so I can see him, etc. When my older 2 kids were small it was only recommended to rear face until 6 thats what I did! I cringe to think of it now!


Posted By: Genie
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 3:01pm
We bought our Cosco Scenera because of the price factor too - had a 50% off voucher which bought it down to $100 In saying that though we knew it met the right safety standards etc.


Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 3:50pm
caliandjack - I'm pretty sure I've seen that the safest place for car seats in a people mover is the middle row of seats rather than the ones at the back, but I will check that one for you.

angel4 - 2-2.5 is way better than 12 months and unless you are able to find the money to get a taller seat it's still your best bet to get another Scenera (I seem to remember from your other thread your limit was about $250?). Taller kids make life difficult! I'm glad we have vertically challenged genes

The Cosco Scenera is fantastic value for money considering how long it can rear face for, and if we find we can't fit a Radian or two into our budget this month we'll be buying another Scenera soon too (#2 will go into the SnS Royale, but we need two seats for JJ).

Genie, you got a good score!


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: arohanui
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 3:54pm
Awesome thread.

My oldest boy is in a Brio RF, and will be til at least 3 years old. He's tall, in the 97th percentile - and doesn't seem uncomfortable at all. And in fact, as far as seeing things and communicating - I think he can see better facing backwards and we have some great conversations! I can see things coming up, so can tell him "Oo there's a big boat coming up" and then he'll see it and talk more about it. I think he can see things heaps easier cos they're not just rushing by IYKWIM.

Mama to DS1 (5 years), DS2 (3 years) and..." rel="nofollow">

Posted By: notenufchaos
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 4:59pm
i tuned my dd1 forward facing at 12 months for the simple reason she hated the car and was always screaming due to getting car sick - instantly had a different child in the car. dd two however doesnt seem to have the same probs so will be rearfacing till she grow out of carseat - sns royale lol

-------------" rel="nofollow">

DD 1-25/05/2008

DD 2-2/2/2010

Posted By: angel4
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 5:07pm
ok thanks for confirming that the best choice is the scenera. We also know for a fact that we can fit 3 of them across the back of our car so that is always good for when we have a 3rd a bit later down the track.
Right off to buy another one now then as kiara is 1cm off growing out of her capsule. Tall children are difficult, though not sure where they got the tall gene from as both dh and i are just bellow average lol

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 5:11pm
I was at coffee group one day and one of the ladies said she had turned her 4month olds rear facing seat to forward facing , she asked if that was illegal and everyone else said it wasn't and that it was fine, I was in minority (as in the only one ) that said personally I thought babies were better being rear facing til at least one , and I tried to find something on the net that said in plain and simple terms "Its illegal " but everything said "its recommended " which ,for me would be enough , since these are experts, but of course they just encouraged the women in the coffee group to say it wasnt illegal


Posted By: angel4
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 5:28pm
The kelly. that is really stupid. That would be like me turning kiara around now I cant even imagine doing it. Are there even seats out there that forward face from that weight? Kiara is 7kgs. Ive only heard of them from 9kgs.

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 6:18pm
Yup that's the problem with our current law (and Laura talked about it in her interview too) - all it says is that children under 5 years of age must be in an approved child restraint


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 13 April 2010 at 9:31pm
Originally posted by Bubba2 Bubba2 wrote:

i tuned my dd1 forward facing at 12 months for the simple reason she hated the car and was always screaming due to getting car sick - instantly had a different child in the car. dd two however doesnt seem to have the same probs so will be rearfacing till she grow out of carseat - sns royale lol

Just wanted to come back to this one - I'm not saying this was your situation cos you had car sickness to contend with as well, but just in case others are thinking of turning their 12 month olds around because they're being difficult in the car...

We went through a patch at about 12 months old where JJ hated going in his car seat too. He struggled and screamed and I literally had to wrestle him into the seat. Looking back I think it was less about facing backwards and more about being constrained (he didn't like being strapped into a stroller around then either). The screaming usually stopped once we were underway or I found something to distract him (usually food ).

Turning him front facing might have been enough of a novelty to stop him from the drama production but we didn't do it and just rode it out (much as you occasionally have to ride out the odd phase of separation anxiety, night waking, etc). And now he's happy as larry. So I just wanted to say, if you find yourself dealing with a difficult toddler not wanting to go into their seat, try riding it out and all your distraction tactics before you try turning them around.


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: notenufchaos
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 11:30am
i second what weegee says regarding toddler tanty's about being in car for us she was happy enough to get into the car it was once we were moving she would start screaming this was from the trip home from hospital after birth - carsickness runs in my family too.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

DD 1-25/05/2008

DD 2-2/2/2010

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 4:47pm
Great thread Weegee. I was so stoked to see that Campbell Live piece since I always get looks when people see my daughter still rear facing in her Brio at almost 2.5 years.

Happily my mum is paying for another Brio for DD#2. (We didn't buy the first one either) Sadly though because our car needs the front seat forward when the Brio is rear facing we will have to turn DD#1 around at that point so we can fit both of them in the car and still be able to drive it.

It makes me nervous thinking about driving with DD#1 FF but at the same time I'll be glad to get DD#2 out of a capsule.

Also not sure if this is correct or not but I heard that plunket recommended 12 months or 12 kgs and DD#1 is still only 11.5kgs now.


Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 5:06pm
Bummer about having to turn R around Bobbie, but 2.5 is better than most people get!

This may sound like sacrilege but if you're not going to be RFing her in the Brio, you could probably save some of your Mum's money getting a different seat and using the Brio you already have for M... the Brio only FFs fully harnessed to 18kg (then you can use it as a booster to 25kg)... if you got something like the Radians that are coming in then they're roughly $100 less (or $200 less if you order by the end of the month) and they FF until 36kg so you'd be getting way more bang for your buck so to speak.

Not sure what the weight was that Plunket used to say, I went looking but they have taken the weight part of it out of their official recommendation these days...


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: myonlineself
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 10:01pm
Yay I'm so pleased to read this thread, people look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'm thinking of getting the Brio so I can rear face beyond a year - they thing I'm being precious and overly paranoid, but seriously, why wouldn't you if you can?


Posted By: minik8e
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 10:17pm
I just told DH and his family that they HAD to be rear facing till 1 year old or 12kg, whichever is later, to stop any arguments (they are very much - but we never did it and our kids are fine - mentality). DH can't wait for them to be FF, regardless of how many YouTube videos I show him or stuff I read out to him. I don't know how old they will be at 12kg though...they were 7.9kg at 7 months old?!?!?! We have SnS Omega seats which RF till 12kg.

Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 11:39pm
Originally posted by TheKelly TheKelly wrote:

I was at coffee group one day and one of the ladies said she had turned her 4month olds rear facing seat to forward facing , she asked if that was illegal and everyone else said it wasn't and that it was fine, I was in minority (as in the only one ) that said personally I thought babies were better being rear facing til at least one , and I tried to find something on the net that said in plain and simple terms "Its illegal " but everything said "its recommended " which ,for me would be enough , since these are experts, but of course they just encouraged the women in the coffee group to say it wasnt illegal

arghh there is no way I would forward face a 4 month old no matter what weight they were..Lucas is 4 months and around 8kgs his safe n sound you can forward face from 8kgs but yeah he is way too small so will rear face him for as long as I can.


Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 14 April 2010 at 11:42pm
Kate, Megan was 12.5kgs at around 19/20 months...I did end up buying a cosco as I watned her rearfacing even hopin to get the radian so can continue to RF her and giver her brother the cosco.


Posted By: RBsMama
Date Posted: 15 April 2010 at 11:54am
Where would I order the Radian from weegee? I think they look fantastic.

Posted By: myonlineself
Date Posted: 15 April 2010 at 12:20pm
My MIL is also of the "we did it this way and our kids are fine mentality" - Its so stupid - its really "we did it this way and I guess we were just lucky!" Its the same with sleeping baby on the back - that's just the latest 'thing' too apparently.

My MIL wants a car seat for her car - and will go with whatever I suggest. The problem I can see is that SIL has a baby 2 months older and they will be wanting to forward face sooner, so I'm expecting that when their boy is forward facing that the MIL will turn car seat around and expect our baby to be forward facing in her car... I guess I will just have to be a grumpy paranoid mummy and say sorry - she can't ride in your car unless the car seat is rear facing....they will just have to swap it depending on which baby they are carrying ;-) (my mum will just go with whatever I say lol)


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 15 April 2010 at 6:47pm
Originally posted by minik8e minik8e wrote:

I just told DH and his family that they HAD to be rear facing till 1 year old or 12kg, whichever is later, to stop any arguments (they are very much - but we never did it and our kids are fine - mentality). DH can't wait for them to be FF, regardless of how many YouTube videos I show him or stuff I read out to him. I don't know how old they will be at 12kg though...they were 7.9kg at 7 months old?!?!?! We have SnS Omega seats which RF till 12kg.

It really seems to be a man thing

I ended up having a chat with Daniel's carer about RF today, explaining that I was going to RF again and why. She seemed quite interested and was going to tell her pregnant SIL about it ....

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 15 April 2010 at 9:57pm
Yay Fliss! The word really seems to be getting out there, I'm not getting looked at like such a fruit loop any more

DebsB (and anyone else), there are more details about the Radians and how to order them etc in - this thread over on The Nappy Network


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: E&L+1
Date Posted: 16 April 2010 at 9:33am
We are planning on RF DD as long as possible, when #2 comes along we will buy her a new carseat so that she can RF as long as possible and the baby can go into her S&S meridian. I want to keep her there until at least 2 but I have a feeling that we won't fit 2 RF carseats in the car we have atm so could be a good reason to get a new one


Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 1:15am
Awesome thread Weegee!

Originally posted by Bobbie Bobbie wrote:

Great thread Weegee. I was so stoked to see that Campbell Live piece since I always get looks when people see my daughter still rear facing in her Brio at almost 2.5 years.

Happily my mum is paying for another Brio for DD#2. (We didn't buy the first one either) Sadly though because our car needs the front seat forward when the Brio is rear facing we will have to turn DD#1 around at that point so we can fit both of them in the car and still be able to drive it.

It makes me nervous thinking about driving with DD#1 FF but at the same time I'll be glad to get DD#2 out of a capsule.

Also not sure if this is correct or not but I heard that plunket recommended 12 months or 12 kgs and DD#1 is still only 11.5kgs now.

Bobbie, just wanted to say that if your Mum was happy to pay for a Brio you could look at a Britax Two-way from this site - Our friends have one RFing in their small car - it sits quite upright and the front seats aren't pushed forward at all. It cost them just under $600 (including shipping to NZ) and is a great seat. Totally legal to use here as well as having a 10yr lifespan like the Brio. Your DD1 could RF in this and DD2 in the Brio.

Just a thought anyway

ETA -Hakan who runs the site is very friendly and replies promptly to any questions. Alternatively like Weegee suggested to Radian is another awesome option - they come in pretty prints too

Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 1:36am
Great thread, thanks Weegee.

I researched all this stuff as C came up to 12m and when we bought our car a month ago it was really easy to convince DH that RF is best - even with the MAJOR price tag that goes with it here We were looking at the Brio Zento.

Unfortunately, it's all gone out the window as we can't fit a larger RF seat behind EITHER of our front seats, the car is just too small (wasn't an option to get a different car, don't get me started on the cost of a car here ) so we had to buy FF. I am happy with the seat we have and happy that C also still fits comfortably into his capsule at 16.5m old and 11.8kg (!!) so we will use that until he grows out of it or BBII arrives.

Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 7:52am
We rear-faced til 1, but 2 four-hour trips away with a screaming kid in the back because he was getting so frustrated, and me puking because I had to keep turning around to calm him down meant we FF him when we got home. He's a different kid now - we even tried him RF again for a while but it was a no-go. We can't find 2 RF carseats in our car either as we are both tall (doesn't matter what car either - we've tried in heaps!)

Question (not starting a debate, am purely interested) - are there stats on the survival or injury rates for RF v FF? I'm not talking the crash tests, but actual stats? We had a car crash at the start of the year which almost wrote off our car and DS didn't get hurt at all (not that that means anything, but I am just purely curious).

Posted By: E&L+1
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 10:24am
emz I think there are overseas stats but not sure where you would find them.


Posted By: tiptoes
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 9:55pm
Thanks heaps for this, I didn't know anything about extended use of RF car seats and just assumed you automatically switched them around at 12 months. I think I'll try and keep Cooper RF as long as possible now as I'm not really the best driver so something that makes him safer is a good idea.

Funnily enough MIL just asked us today when we were saying we were going to switch out of the capsule into the other carseat (still RF) if that was FF and when I said no, he needs to be RF till 12 months she looked surprised. Scarily she's a nanny and I'm sure she looks after a 6 month old. I hope she's going to switch her car seat around now that I said the rule is to 12 months. Maybe I'll send her those links.


Posted By: tiptoes
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 9:57pm
Originally posted by emz emz wrote:

Question (not starting a debate, am purely interested) - are there stats on the survival or injury rates for RF v FF? I'm not talking the crash tests, but actual stats? We had a car crash at the start of the year which almost wrote off our car and DS didn't get hurt at all (not that that means anything, but I am just purely curious).

Not quite the stats you're after but still really interesting.

Children in Sweden generally ride rear facing until they are three to five years old or as much as 25kg (55lbs), lowering traffic death and injury rates in Sweden considerably. It is uncommon to turn a child to forward-facing before these ages. "From 1992 through June 1997, only 9 children properly restrained rear-facing died in motor vehicle crashes in Sweden, and all of these involved catastrophic crashes with severe intrusion and few other survivors."


Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 24 April 2010 at 9:59pm
Emz, it's a tricky question, because you're not necessarily comparing apples with apples (all accidents are different, all car seats are different etc), but there's one example of a good paper - here from the British Medical Journal using US data


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 25 April 2010 at 12:27pm
Interesting paper Weegee. Especially that the benefit of rear facing is heaps greater for 1-2 year-olds than 0-1.

I discussed the radian with DH, and his response was "thats cheaper than a child" and he's right. If you don't crash, great, but if you do crash, a decent carseat will be the best $500 you've ever spent!

What I don't like about DD's carseat (it's a SnS, not sure what model), is that I have to have the front passenger seat really far forward to fit it in reclined RF, and that means when we travel as a family, I am at risk by being so close to the dash. It's safer for the front seat passengers to sit as far from the dash as possible, so I don't like that it's a choice between her safety and mine (of course, I choose hers, but I don't think it's great that I have to choose at all, you know?).


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 25 April 2010 at 7:09pm
T-Rex we have the same problem and is why we couldnt buy one of the fancy ones for extended RF.. it just wouldnt fit in our car! Will be absolutely impossible to fit 2 RF in our car as DH wont be able to drive ever! Means Jake will be turned the day baby comes home from the hospital.... I didnt think of that when we decided to TTC again!


Posted By: HuntersMama
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 11:38am
Just saw this article on nzherald online


Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 2:43pm
OH OH I just came up with a really really good question..........

Does the same 10year expiry apply on these newer RF seats that go for longer etc?? Or cos they are of higher quality will we expect to get longer out of them? I ask cos im hoping to find one second hand off TM cos i just dont have the funds to buy a new one and need to sell my guardian SNS first before i can even consider buying a better non tethered RF seat.

Can anyone tell me what would be the cheapest RF for up to about 20kgs out at the moment??
My 6yr old is only 19kgs so im kinda hoping his brother goes along the same weight and height cos my 6yr old is very short also so im pretty sure i can get away with a 20kgs RF seat.........if not it will be a darn site better than my 12kgs one thats still in its box

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:10pm
Originally posted by Chickielou Chickielou wrote:

Does the same 10year expiry apply on these newer RF seats that go for longer etc?? Or cos they are of higher quality will we expect to get longer out of them? I ask cos im hoping to find one second hand off TM cos i just dont have the funds to buy a new one and need to sell my guardian SNS first before i can even consider buying a better non tethered RF seat.

Sorry, nope The expiry depends on when and where it was made. 10 years is the absolute maximum (partly to take into account advances in technology, both in cars and seats, partly due to material degradation etc). The Radian for instance has an 8 year life. The Brio Zento has the maximum 10 year life. There are more details about expiry dates - here .

Originally posted by Chickielou Chickielou wrote:

Can anyone tell me what would be the cheapest RF for up to about 20kgs out at the moment??

Unless you bring in a seat from Sweden or the US the Brio Zento is your ONLY option available in NZ to RF that long. The Radian will go to 18kg, and there are a few I posted links to on the first page of this thread that go to 16kg (the Cosco Scenera being the cheapest - apparently some stores of The Baby Factory have them on sale this month).

Bobbie, I'm checking on your questions (ETA - just went back to see what they were and couldn't find them, does that mean you found the answers? I remembered there was something about shoulder width for the Radian?)


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:10pm
depends on the seat still Lou. The radian is 8 years. Not sure on the brio. It's a pain though, eh?


Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:12pm
hehe ok... weegee obviously has 2 hands to type her response


Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:13pm
Originally posted by T_Rex T_Rex wrote:

hehe ok... weegee obviously has 2 hands to type her response

One and a half anyway


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:35pm
Chickielou, all seats have different lifespans - heres a page with most seats available in NZ - Expiry dates

Cosco Scenera
-US seat
- 6yr expiry from manu. date
-around $200 but can often get them cheaper on sale from BOTM, The Warehouse, Repco.
-Doesn't tether RFing (does FFing)
-RFs up to 15.8kgs.

Sunshine Radian
-US seat
-RFs up to 20kgs
-Tethers RFing (doesn't have too but is recommended to) Tethers differently to SnS seats - goes from the back of the car seat down to the seats in front.
-5 point harnessing to 36 kgs.
-lifespan of 8 years.

Brio Zento
-European seat
-Tethers RFing - like the Radian - from the back of the carseat down to the front seats
-RFs 25kgs
-FF birth to 18kgs (harnessed)
-FF in booster mode with seatbelt 18-25kgs
-10 yr lifespan
-around $560-$600

In all honesty, I would say the Radian (although alot of $$$) is your best bet - simply because once FFing you can keep your wee man harnessed up to 36kgs which is pretty impressive - this will see him through to a really good age, weight and height.
Unfortunetly I doubt you will find one of these on TM. You may find a Brio come up occasionally. Please be careful with buying second-hand. You don't know the history of the seat, how it has been looked after etc. Any minor accident can cause damage to the seat (which may be overlooked). Also if they have cleaned the seat using cleaners it may weaken the straps. Unless you know who you are buying from and trust that they have followed the manufacturers instructions I personally wouldn't buy second-hand.

If I were you I would hold onto your SnS guardian. It is still a REALLY good seat and may see your wee man through to 2years RFing. (I know of a little boy still RFing in his at 23mths). In this time I would save for a Radian (they are going to be a mainstay in NZ YAY!!) and then sell off your Guardian closer to the time he is outgrowing it.

Anyway, HTH

Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:44pm
hehe Weegee and T-Rex - snap!

(although I have to point out that the Radian RFs to 20kgs not 18kgs)

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 3:54pm

I particualry want to use RF seat for as long as possible, and am becoming more and more horrified at parents who don't.  I can see the potential for severe injuries to my child even in a minor colission - particualrly if some one rear ends you - causing whip lash type injuries these are pretty severe in adults - and in children in FF seats they'd be closer to the area of impact.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 4:09pm
Originally posted by caliandjack caliandjack wrote:

I particualry want to use RF seat for as long as possible, and am becoming more and more horrified at parents who don't.  I can see the potential for severe injuries to my child even in a minor colission - particualrly if some one rear ends you - causing whip lash type injuries these are pretty severe in adults - and in children in FF seats they'd be closer to the area of impact.

Although I agree with you caliandjack with regards to the benefits of RFing - we can hardly blame parents for FFing their children sooner than what is the best safety-wise, or even graduating to booster seats before the child is ready height/weight and even maturity wise. Firstly our countrys safety standards are pretty ambigious. Also many retailers have salespeople who unfortunetly don't know a hell of a lot about the seats they are selling let alone giving out incorrect information to unsuspecting buyers (obviously not all salespeople but there are alot). And lastly, we as a country aren't very concerned about what is the safest restraints for our children. Like anything, why would you RF your child when nobody else you know is doing so? Why keep your child in a booster past 5 when nobody else is doing so? etc etc

I know I for one didn't give carseats a second thought when pregnant. In fact if I hadn't come across info on another forum I'm on I am sure I would be none the wiser and would probably have my 1yr old FFing by now. I hope with more awareness in the future our country will become more concerned with keeping our children safer in cars.

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 4:25pm

I know myself and DH are pretty safety consicious, and have been seeing the promotion and push for RF. We don't need government regulations to change in order for us to make the right decision about safety for our children.

Its places like OB etc where these issues are discussed that allows me to make an informed parenting decision, and not simply following the pack.

This is simply my own choice, I'm not getting at anyone - for me this thread has been very beneficial.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 4:29pm
Originally posted by Mamma2N Mamma2N wrote:

hehe Weegee and T-Rex - snap!

(although I have to point out that the Radian RFs to 20kgs not 18kgs)

Oh whoops you're totally right!


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 4:58pm
WOW thanks for the response !!!!! very detailed thank you so much for taking the time to respond that fully. This is number 3 for me and a huge wake up call!!

Weegee the one reason i want to get rid of my guardian at the moment is because of the tether straps get right in the way when putting bubs into carseat. we have used it once and decided to hire a capsule cos we couldnt be a$$ed with the tether straps. If i could at least get one of the $200 RF up to 16kgs that would take me prob til at least 3-4 (if he ends up the same size as my 6yr old) and TBH if i could get my son to be RF to at the very least 2-3yrs i would be very happy also..........anything past 12months is gotta be good right??

I think i would like to sell my guardian now since its still brand new in the box so would fetch a better price and my son is still in a capsule so have possibly 2 more months hiring that and if need be will hire a RF carseat til i can afford one

Will be checking baby factory if they are on special too!!

Ok sorry one more question, here is a pic of a cosco........but to me the front seat looks like its been pushed right forwards.........would i need a fairly big car to fit a RF seat in?? I currently have a toyota camry station wagon - link to cosco on TM

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 5:41pm
ikwym re the tether strap on the SnS, it's a right PITA! We have a Cosco Scenera RF in our Toyota Caldina wagon and have heaps of room in the front passenger seat. (I can take a pic if you like, once I've tidied my car a bit ) That picture on the TM auction has the seat installed reclined way back like you would for a newborn, for an older baby you can install them much more upright. (If you're looking at getting that particular seat then pretty sure they have an 8 year life span, so it's halfway through.)

(Just went and had a look on TNN about the Alpha Omega - not the same beastie as the Scenera - my car seat guru - doesn't recommend them )


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: pekay
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 7:49pm
Hi guys- I am also a Pro rearfacer. Initially, I aimed initially to get to 1year, but after readng more on here, I am hoping to extend that.

My issue at the moment is that DD (9months) is already 11kg (well, very close to it). We have a mothers choice royal, which I have no problems with, but I recently came to realise that it is only RF'ing till 12kg's (Cr@p!!).

So I am on the hunt for another seat. I am so confused. On here there are suggested seats from $200, right through to $600. Am I 'cheap' to go for a cheaper one? Am I compromising my baby's safely by choosing a $200 seat over $600.

I am due again in sept, so another seat would have been needed anyway....I guess I just want reassurance that cheaper seats are ok?

Also- I am curious to why at 12kg (or other weights on other seats) babies all of a sudden need to be flipped round. I dont quite get how a seat can be 'unsafe' RF at one weight, but safe FF at that same weight. I am just curious.

I relaly wish I knew more of this info beofre I bought a seat when pregnant. I guess if in NZ, if plunket etc want you to keep RF for longer, they need to stop selling seats that turn to FF at lighter weights such as I guess most parents would simply follow what the seat says and not be aware of the dangers etc.

Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 9:10pm
Hi Pekay..

I guess the reason why we have so many seats that only RF to 12kgs is due to our countrys recommendations. And yes it is definetly unsafe to use a seat RFing once your child has outgrown it weight/height wise. Each seat is tested to give its limits on weight/height so you shouldn't keep your child RFing or even FFing if she has outgrown it. It's not guaranteed that the seat would perform as it should in the event of a collision if she has outgrown it.

The cheaper seats in this thread (eg Cosco Scenera) are good seats. So no, you are not neccesarily compromising her safety. However you need to think about how long you can use them for. In your case I think the Radian would be your best bet. It is quite a bit of $$$ but it would see her through to a really good RFing age and then once FFing she would be harnessed till 36kg.

Even though your DD has grown impressively well you may find her growth slows down once she gets on the move, although she is particularly close to the weight limit of your seat.

If I were in your position I would buy a Cosco Scenera (RFs to 15.8kgs) and sell off your Mothers Choice.. then saving for a Radian till your next bubs arrives. Put your new baby in the Cosco (can be used from birth) and put your DD1 into the Radian.
Alternatively hiring a capsule from plunket would be handy (unless of course you already have one) and buy a Radian later on giving you more time to save.


Posted By: Katep
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 9:22pm

Mum to the Gorgeous Leah!
              7 months

Posted By: pekay
Date Posted: 26 April 2010 at 9:23pm
Thanks for the recco! Yeh I have noticed her growth slowing, I feel a little cheated as I read someone else on OB had a 15month old that was like only 11kg or something!! I will do a little research on those seats tomorrow, for now it is bedtime!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 27 April 2010 at 4:45pm
Wow the cosco is cheap.. unless its not the right one I am looking at????? I am so seeing if they fit in our car and if they do am replacing Jakes seat pronto and grabbing one for the bump when I sell Jakes current one! Maybe I can convince the inlaws to buy one as the babys present (ahh, I can dream they are free!)


Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 27 April 2010 at 8:52pm
Yeah they are cheap aye. thats what worries

Ive found the reciept for my guardian carseat so hopefully baby factory will give me a refund or a store credit.......hopefully they get the radians instore soon before my boy is out of the capsule and i will get one of those otherwise it will prob be a cosco

Does anyone know of a longer RF carseat thats around $300 cos thats how much i paid for the guardian??

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 28 April 2010 at 8:47am
Im not concerned just shocked!

I just hope they fit in my car!


Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 29 April 2010 at 12:51pm
Me too..on the fitting

On the cheap front it worries me cos of that whole "you get what you pay for" mentality. I find it hard to get my head around the fact that there is something that is so cheap but is better than a $400 guardian seat

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 12:16pm
Im not sure it so much better in quality of make rather that it is safer as the child can be rear facing longer... Well thats how I am looking at it anyway...

Oh, now I am worried about the quality


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 4:35pm
Grr what a frustrating afternoon - where do I go to check out RF child car seats?
After a frustrating afternoon at Farmers and Babycity - discussing where the kids legs are going to go.
Surely where their head goes in an accident is more important.

And to answer the question I keep getting - with RF where do the childs legs go? Is there an allowance for a gap between the car seat and the back of the car?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 4:42pm
Fleur to begin with their legs fit inside the seat. Later they stick them up the seat backs, or fold their legs. If you google some photos you'll see what I mean. There is no gap. Hope that helps.

ETA. Who asks about their legs? The shop assistants?


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 4:54pm
Yes - both shop assistants tried to say there is no where for their legs to go - how big do they think a 1-2yr olds legs are.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 6:36pm
Well Jake still has room... LOL Maybe see if you have branch of near you. I have found them to be great.

Also perhaps your local Parents Centre they often run a class just car seats, the different kinds, the safety aspects, how to fit etc. They can be really useful.

I am lucky that Jake is small, my current car seat RF until 12kg.. well Jake is 8kg at 13 months.


Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 30 April 2010 at 10:37pm
Originally posted by melnel melnel wrote:

Im not sure it so much better in quality of make rather that it is safer as the child can be rear facing longer... Well thats how I am looking at it anyway...

Oh, now I am worried about the quality

Sorry now my neuroticness is rubbing off.......I just wish there were proper crash reviews for these things. Im just gonna keep my son in his capsule until he outgrows it then im sure he will be bigger and fill in the cosco guardian is all padded so it looks cosier, but it has the tethers which are so hard to put baby over while RF and only goes to 12kgs RF so safety wins over cosy. I can always buy a cushy seat insert Im sure

I went and had a look at the scenaro cosco today at warehouse and it looks ok. Of course its just a plastic frame like most of them unlike the radian which is steel frame......

I was fine living in my little bubble of ignorance along with the rest of NZ.........until i watched that youtube clip!! now i cant ignore how obvious the dangers are. Ive not had one friend or family member not give me the third degree on it and im then feeling like i have to justify why i would want my child to stay RF for the very least of 2yrs.......I need to come up with something to say like "cos its my decision to protect my child the best i can with the knowledge ive been given"
it would be so much easier if they did a campaign advising to keep your children/babies RF for as long as you can.......then you dont come across being the lepar or over protective.......oh well its to be expected i suppose cos those people would be just trying to make themselves feel better cos their children arent RF

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 01 May 2010 at 8:42am
I just say when people ask me why Jake is still RF, "Because it safer. Why would I want to put him in unneccessary Danger?"

Hmm, the warehouse?


Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 02 May 2010 at 5:13pm
Great thread with lots of info. I'm new to all of this but def want something that is safe and will last the distance, so not to worried about costs if these facts are covered.
We live in the Waitakere Trust area and everybody who I talk to about carseats says "Oh don't bother buying one, they are really expensive. Just get a free one from the Trust for a $20 donation"
I just can't see how a carseat I buy for $300 or $400 can compare with something which is free

Does anybody know which type (I know they are Evenflo) you get from the Trust?

I don't think I want a capsule but rather a seat I can use from birth for as long as possible.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 02 May 2010 at 5:30pm
Susy I think the models change but here is a link to a couple of evenflos - link , I am not sure how the trust works exactly so dont know if they have a deal with Evenflo or if they are second hand???? Would be worth talking to them about it...

Just saw that evenflo do a RF to 15.8kg seat to that can be used to 45kg as a booster....


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 02 May 2010 at 5:36pm
They are brand new and I have the older model of the Evenflo Triumph which we got from the trusts.

- cost
- RF to 15.8 kg (Dan is RF at 21 months - 12.3kg)

- big (wide and reasonably high - not so great in our car)
- basic, not many comforts (i.e. padding)

I don't know enough to know if others are better. If you want to RF longer than 2, then it's worth going for something like a Cosco or other brand. You could always get it and try it?

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 02 May 2010 at 5:45pm
Yeah we will most likely get one, even if its just used in DH's car as a spare. Might call them this week and find out what model they currently supply.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: pekay
Date Posted: 02 May 2010 at 7:17pm
I'm waiting to hear from our local carseat/plunket lady for some recommendations. They do a try before you buy which will be useful.

I am getting really annoyed with DF, he is like, just put her forward facing....So, I want to show him some research, videos?? Any recommendations of youtube clips?

Also have a question regarding the teather strap. DD has started to bounce her hand on it and tug at it. It loosens a we bit. Must they be super tight at all times? I am concerend something isnt right.

Posted By: LouD
Date Posted: 03 May 2010 at 9:48pm
SusyL - I cant rave enough how much easier life is by getting a capsule with a base. I have hired mine from the plunket and my son is 4months now and i hope to keep him in another couple of months. Its much easier to just pop into a shop and just grab the capsule out, this way baby gets to stay asleep the whole time and be none the wiser that youve even been somewhere half the time. Supermarket trolleys cater for capsules so you can leave baby in capsule instead of using the dirty seats that have loads of germs etc. And you can also hire the snap n go wheels so you can use like a pram. altho my capsule seems to sit really nicely in my pram

ive used a capsule for all three of my children........never consider doing it another way.

Ive also spoken to people that didnt do it for first by tried for second and they kicked themsevles the didnt do it for first cos of how much easier it makes life esp while your trying to get used to having a baby that dictates your every move.

Thats my 2cents worth, ask around and see what other people say

Pekay - to answer your question, at the beginning of this thread in the first page is a couple of links for info and vid clips.

Posted By: E&L+1
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 9:57am
We used a capsule with base for the first 5 months. It was the best thing we couldn've done. We were intending to go with a convertable from birth but couldn't decide in time so decided to hire a capsule instead. From about 3 months I tended to leave it in the car as I was finding it hard to carry it with her in it (I'm a shorty) but if she was asleep and it wasn't far I'd carry her in it. Her carseat now has annoying tether straps but it's one of the only ones I could find that fits nicely into our car (stupid small back seats!) But as she is older it's easy to lift her in over them.


Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 10:16am
What is a tether straps and why are they annoying? I read similar comments before and just looked it up on google but it doesn't make much sense to me

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: T_Rex
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 11:49am
Susyl, tether straps usually go from the sides of the carseat (up near the headrest of the carseat) to a bolt behind the seat the carseat is sitting on. It is to provide extra stability. It means that when the carseat is rearfacing, the straps go across the space from the carseat headrests to the seat back. There is one coming from each side of the carseat to a single bolt, so they make a triangle shape. The baby has to be lifted over or under these each time you get them in or out. My girl has been in one of these from birth and she's already very good and holding her body just right for lifting in and out, but I have to admit that I have bumped her head on the doorway more than once

Hopefully that makes some kind of sense!


Posted By: millymollymandy
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 12:47pm
I have DD who 9 months is 6.5 kg and 66 cm, so she'll fit her capsule for a bit longer. Usually she sleeps if we are going for a long journey, but last week we went out in the late afternoon and she stayed awake. She was really grizzly and then vomitted everywhere. Was happy as   when we stopped so I know it was car sickness.

I would like to keep her rear facing for as long as possible, but I dont want her hating the car and throwing up all the time.

What can I do to stop her being sick? Someone said heat rather the motion can be factor - is that right?

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 1:31pm
We had toys hanging for Jake to watch and found when we removed them he stopped getting car sick...

I loosen the tether straps before taking J out or putting him in and re tighten.... No way I could lift him over or under them they are so annoying!


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 3:48pm
Baby on the move have been super helpful - they recommend using the capsule for the first 3 months or until baby is too big I guess then moving to a car seat.
The Brio Zento is pretty flash but it can RF up to 25kgs, approx what age is that? It has the ability to recline into a couple of positions allowing room for legs between the car seat and the back of the car. Not cheap but then if its going to allow RF for extended period of time I think will be worth it.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 5:01pm
Hmm, depends so much on the child hun. The boy I looked after in London was 18kg at 4 years old so he would have been rear facing for some time in that seat!

Jake is 8kg at 13 months and hasnt actually gained weight since 9 months (hmm cant wait to see Plunket! praying he gains a kg in 2 months so they dont harrass me!). and if I go by standard growth Jake would probably rear face until 7 or 8 in that seat LOL

I went and looked at the cosco today at the warehouse... I dont think its going to fit Baby on the move are awesome! I am going to pop in sometime this week and see how it goes in the car FX.


Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 7:06pm
Different car seats have different tether strap arrangements - BOTM might be able to advice on which ones are easier than others

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 7:20pm
Do they have a showroom somewhere in Auckland?
I emailed them a couple of days ago with some price enquiries re hiring but haven't heard back from the yet.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: fire_engine
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 7:25pm
When I was looking with Dan, there was one in West Harbour.

Mum to two wee boys

Posted By: weegee
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 8:00pm
There's another BOTM around the corner from my parents in Hillcrest on the North Shore (just in someone's house by the looks) Loving how self sustaining this thread is now, everybody's getting so knowledgeable - yay thanks everyone!


Mum to JJ, 4 July 2008 & Addie, 28 July 2010

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 8:54pm
Thanks for starting it weegee - its so frustrating when sales people don't know anything about RF.
BOTM have been great - if I can RF till 2-3 I'd be happy with that.
IMO 1yr is just too little to be FF.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 8:55pm
Susyl I was having a look at the Waitakere Trust Car Seat scheme - says you can get them for free - not sure that we'd qualify being working people and all.
Will talk to Plunket when we get to Akl.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: sem
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 9:07pm
It def doesn't matter how much you earn, but it depends on where you live (within the Waitakere Licencing Trust area).
No idea of the boundries but am pretty sure Hobsonville falls under it.
They ask for a $25 donation.

Here we go again, another baby on it's way!

Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 9:13pm
Depends on if we get Whenuapai or Hobsonville - Whenuapai is within the area - didn't see Hobsonville listed. $25 donation is nothing.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 04 May 2010 at 9:32pm
Nope the Hillcrest one has closed down apparently. I used Melanie and I lost her number and emailed and was told she doesnt do it anymore but there is a show room somewhere on the shore.. I have an email from them will dig it out later.

Thank you Weegee!

You are right CJ, 1 is so little, especially when your 1 year is little!


Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 05 May 2010 at 12:35pm
regarding the BRIO I have heard some children have to be turned forward facing well before they hit 25kgs (say 5kgs or more to go) because they out grew it height wise.

I am getting a radian in July and although it only RF to 20kgs it had a higher shell than the BRIO so with any luck my 2.5 year old will hit the weight limit befor the height limit


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 05 May 2010 at 1:50pm

Unless our kid gets some remote hidden height gene - they aren't going to be tall. I'm a short arse and DH is average bloke height.

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Angel June 2012

Posted By: Muz
Date Posted: 05 May 2010 at 2:40pm
Does anyone have any feedback on the Safety 1st All-In-One Convertible? Just found it on BOTM and RF to 16kg like the cosco one. Not sure of price yet.


Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 05 May 2010 at 7:55pm

going by that it does seem quite wide 61.5cm just to compare the radian is about 43cms wide.


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