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1st baby 10 weeks prem

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Name: Planning Pregnancy (trying for baby)
Forum Description: Trying to get pregnant? Going through fertility treatment? Just planning your first or second child? There are many people out there in the same boat to help and listen and share with
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Topic: 1st baby 10 weeks prem
Posted By: georgiem
Subject: 1st baby 10 weeks prem
Date Posted: 24 January 2010 at 5:45pm
I have a 15 month old son who was born 10 weeks early, while the first wee while was pretty scary he is now thriving. I would love my son to have a sibling but am scared of the same thing happening, I would be keen to hear from anyone who has gone through a similar experience and how you got on

Posted By: _H_
Date Posted: 24 January 2010 at 6:10pm
hi georgiem and welcome to Ohbaby

we are trying for our first so cant really comment much but have just being thinking how scary yet exciting TTC is

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Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 24 January 2010 at 6:51pm
Hi Georgiemum

If you go into the pregnancy section you will see a thread "high risk" pregnancies... there are a few mums in there who had prem babies who are pg with 2nd or 3rd bubbas and have gone on to carry to term.



Posted By: MaeBeeBaby
Date Posted: 24 January 2010 at 8:29pm
I was first-born at 6 weeks prem, and my other two brothers were full term - one of them is 3 years younger than me, the other is 15 years younger than me.

Can't help much further sorry, and probably not many in here would be able to, as we are all still in the 'TTC' bracket of life.

Posted By: KH25
Date Posted: 24 January 2010 at 8:55pm
hi Georgiem - I guess a lot would depend on why your son was born early? My DD was 14 weeks early but no reason was found for it. So we have been told we only have a slightly higher risk than anyone else for having another prem. But yes, the decision to try for #2 was a scary one, I can't even begin to imagine how hard the NICU world would be with another child to think about    Good luck to you

Kelly, mum to DD, 19Jun06 (26wks 1lb15oz) DS1, 24Oct10 (32wks 4lb11oz) and DS2, 31Dec11 (32wks, 4lb11)">

Posted By: georgiem
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 8:50am
Hi KH25
Thank you for your reply. No, similar to yourself they never had a reason why my son came early, I had a relatively uneventful preganancy until one day my waters broke and 40 minutes later I had a baby in NICU. I didnt cope with the shoke of it all very well and needed to get a fair bit of help for PND. I spoke to OBYN and they said that the likelyhood was 25% of having another prem, so I guess we will focus on the 75% chance that it wont happen!! I guess it is trying to realise too that stress will not help a future pregnancy so trying to stay positive is the big thing.
I know what you mean though NICU was so all consuming and how you would fit another child around that would be hard. Thanks again for replying to my post it means alot

Posted By: georgiem
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 8:55am
Hi melnel

Thanks for your advice, I will check out the high risk pregnancy threads

Posted By: Troods
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 10:57am
Hi georgiem.

My first was born at 31w and she was growth restricted. That was due to severe pre-eclampsia. She is now almost 2years and doing really well and thriving.

I was a bit apprehensive about how the 2nd time round would go, but this time things have gone really well. I've had extra monitoring etc but so far no cause for concern. I'm now 38w 4d and really didn't expect to get this far. I'm also in the high risk pregnancy thread. Feel free to lurk in there and read our stories.


Missed MC July 2011

Posted By: SarahJane
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 11:08am

Hi there,

I completely relate!

DS is now 2 1/2, he was born at 30 weeks (prom) and spent 7 weeks in the NICU roller coaster.

I have been ttc for a few months now, it took a long time until I was ready (or had forgotten how bad it was). I had a mc in Nov, so now I am worried about the first 14 weeks and the last 14.... doesn't leave you much time to enjoy being pregnant! I am so jealous of those that are fortunate enough to have had a good pregnancy and birth and healthy baby. They will never know how lucky they are.

But in the end, we feel that the family isn't complete yet, and you never know, maybe just maybe it will turn out ok.

Good luck with whatever you decide and feel free to pm me.

Posted By: georgiem
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 11:31am
Hi TrudandEm
That is brilliant news! 38 weeks 4d, I am so happy for you! I have had a read of some posts in the high risk thread and have found them really encouraging, I am so pleased to have found some Mum's who share similar experiences.
All the very best for the last week

Posted By: georgiem
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 1:58pm
Hi SarahJane
I am really sorry to hear about your miscarriage. We also had a mc back in December. We were not planning a child so I was very suprised to find out that even though I was on the pill and have PCOS I was pregnant. (ironic considering we were a week off IVF when we conceived our first after months of charting, seeing fertility accupuncturists, naturapaths, you name it I saw them!) So when we found out we were pregnant again I was scared, then elated, only to loose the baby a few weeks later. So I guess now I am trying to decide whether to conciously try for another baby, in my heart of hearts I know I want too add to our family and feel that the love I would have for another child outways my fear of being in the same situation again.

Posted By: zoeymil
Date Posted: 25 January 2010 at 7:48pm
Hi georgiem
My daughter who is 13 months was born at 28 weeks , she had growth restriction and was only 690grams she was sooo tiny, we are trying for # 2 now.... i'm so nervous and scared i have been giving no answers as to what happened and why it happened, even after she was born i never spoke to a specialist. I think i'm still shocked by what happened a whole year later. This time round i will know more and know when things are quite right and not feel bad for bothering my midwife and i will be asking for scans fortnightly. Good luck with TTC , PM me if you ever want to chat


Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 26 January 2010 at 2:13pm
Hi georgiem

My son was born 8 weeks early and is now almost 14m. Like you, we have no idea why he came early - my waters broke completely out of the blue at 31wks and with drugs and bed rest we managed to keep him in till 32wks but then he wanted out! So out he came. Up till then my pregnancy was really uneventful.

DH and I are currently TTC #2. I am trying to concentrate on getting pregnant first and then (if) we do I will probably spend the rest of the time waiting for the baby to come early

Good luck!

Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

Posted By: georgiem
Date Posted: 26 January 2010 at 3:33pm
Hi kiwisj

All the best for trying to conceive #2!

The picture of your little boy is just gorgeous!

Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 26 January 2010 at 6:54pm
Ahhh thanks georgiem! I think he is gorgeous too but I am biased I think

Posted before I really meant to before .... I think I will stress out quite a bit when I get pregnant again but like you will be trying very hard to stay positive.

We were very very lucky with Callum; because he stayed in for a week post my waters breaking I had the steroid injections and they had time to work. C breathed on his own from the beginning and didn't need oxygen or anything. He was only in the NICU for 10 days but just being in there and speaking to other parents made us very grateful. Now I worry that with a second one, it could be even earlier and scarier IYKWIM.

BUT onwards and upwards - I try to take MIL's advice and not worry about things before they happen. Sometimes it works

Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

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