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Fussy on the breast - what’s wrong?

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Infant/toddler feeding
Forum Description: From breast/bottle feeding and starting solids, to fussy toddlers, discuss it here!
Printed Date: 03 June 2024 at 2:25am
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Topic: Fussy on the breast - what’s wrong?
Posted By: mummymonster
Subject: Fussy on the breast - what’s wrong?
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 10:12am
My little guy (7wks) has been getting really fussy at the breast lately. I can't figure out what's wrong, so wish I could just ask him what's up

When he had a bad feed (too often this week). He fusses and squirms, he whacks/squeezes by breast. He goes on and comes off crying/screaming, then goes on again (repeatedly). He's frantic to go back on, but really unhappy when he gets there. Makes me feel like he's not getting enough milk and my breast isn't doing it's job for him
These feeds can last 30-50min, but no idea how much of that he's actually sucking for. Eventually I give up and try to console my poor wee man.

A good feed only lasts 5-15 min. Sometimes one side, sometimes both. He eats, he often starts to fall asleep. Sometimes he'll come off with that cute happy fed baby look and just lie there for a while (oh, so miss that ), othertimes he'll really fall asleep and just suckle a bit for comfort every now and then (I know I shouldn't let him use me as a pacifier, but when you're that cute you can get away with anything ). So clearly there's enough milk there right?

So what's his beef?

Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 10:30am
Sounds like he has wind! Chelsea used to do that a lot until we got some wind medicine and she doesn't do it anymore.
A popular wind treatment is Infacol (from chemist or supermarket). Otherwise a lot of chemists make their own versions. We use Dr Westons wind formula which is made at Queen St Pharmacy in Upper Hutt. There is also Rhuger which is made in Dunedin. Might pay to contact a few pharmacies near you to ask if they make their own wind medicine. (assuming your son does have wind, but that's what it sounds like to me)

Hope you can get it sorted soon, and definitely does sound like you have plenty of milk for him

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Mamma2N
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 10:43am
Yep I'd say maybe wind and/or maybe he has a sore tummy from being over-fed. I know at that age DD was never feeding for longer than 5-6mins at a time (although she is demand fed). Have you tried a dummy? We never had much luck with one but others swear by them. Oh and don't feel bad about boobing to sleep - we still do it here! She's happy, I'm happy and it doesn't actually affect anyone else!! Just do what works for you and baby!

Sounds like you definetly have enough milk so don't worry about that

ETA - Also keep in mind he is coming up to the age where he will get distracted VERY easily! I miss the days when she would quietly suckly away till she was full! hehe

Posted By: myfullhouse
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 10:50am
Before trying wind remedies you could just try winding him when he gets fussy. Sometimes Ben does this and I wind him up to a couple of times during a feed.


Posted By: mummyofprinces
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 9:25pm
Jake went through a similiar phase, it was right before a growth spurt. It seems my super fast letdown had eased off as my supply had settled a bit and my boobs were not becoming so engorged when a feed was due.

He wouldnt whack my breasts, but would grunt and groan and pull off (and I mean pull, with the nipple in his mouth until it popped out) a few days later he went from sleeping through the night back to 3 hourly feeds and back came the huge boobies!

Are there any signs that might suggest silent reflux??? That could be another possibility.


Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 16 September 2009 at 10:27pm
If its not wind, it could be like Mel suggested - you might have had a fast letdown with an abundant milk supply, that is now settling down.

I had this with Campbell, and he'd get fussy and impatient when he had to suddenly work for his feed. Its usually at around 6-8 weeks that your supply will settle down too. Perservere, and he should figure it out soon.

Posted By: mumtooboys
Date Posted: 24 September 2009 at 1:44pm - This Kellymom link might help too.


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