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Bottle Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Infant/toddler feeding
Forum Description: From breast/bottle feeding and starting solids, to fussy toddlers, discuss it here!
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Topic: Bottle Babies
Posted By: Neeks
Subject: Bottle Babies
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 11:13am
Jess, I know how you feel about the whole bottle baby thing... I couldn't do it past 6 months as she was always attached to me as she got older (feeding 2 hourly) and Keziah is a much happier baby now that she's formula fed..

Was weighed yesterday for her 9 month Plunket check and she weighs in at 9.25kg (between 50 & 75%ile) and is 72cm tall (well in to the 75%ile) so we're obviously doing something right aye??


Posted By: mandz
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 11:26am
Hi Jess

I too bottle feed my baby. Oliver only has infacol and formula in his bottle though. He is on losec for the reflux and I give him that with a tiny bit of pamol each day - does the trick!

Oliver will pretty much take any bottle you give him but we did have huge problems with the feeding until we got his reflux under control (his is silent). Now he is a wee piggy He was last weighed at 3 months and was 6.88kgs and 65cms tall. He is in the 75th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height.

I felt guilty about not being able to breastfeed for longer, but in the end what mattered most was a happy and healthy baby and a happy and healthy mummy (and daddy!).



Zack Robert Henton - 29th December 2009

Posted By: MissAngel
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 12:19pm
Thomas is on the Karicare thickened formula for babies who regurgitate - not cuz he pukes, but cuz he's a ravenous baby who wouldnt settle, and now we're doing fabulous! He uses Fisher Price adjustable flow teats on the same bottles or Avent - depending which is clean. We were using the tomee tippee ones, but the thick formula doesnt like to come out of them.
He's putting on lots of weight now he's getting the nourishment he needs - he's nearly 7kg!!!!! what a fatty :P

Alex, Thomas and Lily" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: mamanee
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 12:48pm
Bottle fed baby here!

Sam was never able to latch, no matter what I or anybody could do, so he was put on the bottle at three weeks. No regrets, no guilt, totally happy with my decision.

He is now 14 months old, 12.5KG and 88CM tall, so he's doing GREAT!

On a side note, I was watching TV this morning and there was something on the news about breastfeeding, and when asked what are the options for women who can't or won't breastfeed, the only option given was GET HELP to breastfeed.   Which isn't fair IMO, because for some of us, help to breastfeed isn't an option. It would be nice for women to be able to access resources about formula, bottles and even expressing.

Anyway! Rant over.

Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 12:48pm

Andrew was a bottle baby. He went from losing weight being BF to gaining good amounts on formula. Don't know what was up with my milk it was there but not enough to get him growing.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 1:34pm
Bottle baby here!

Jack was bottle fed from 3 days, formula from 3 weeks.

Basically I was told I would probably have trouble breastfeeding not because of no milk etc (I had a great milk supply) but because I have assymetrical breasts and so much pain in my right one that I have had to sleep propped up since I was 15. I tried, but there was no way I was dealing with the pain in my right breast at all!

Jack also wouldn't latch and spent his first 3 days screaming. His first proper feed was when he was 3 1/2 days old, EBM in an Avent bottle, and the look on his face was priceless. I have never looked back but always get disappointed when all the breastfeeding stuff is about 'get help and support'. Um sometimes no matter how much support you have it won't matter!

I have since had a breast reduction and reconstruction so will not be able to breastfeed next time either, which I'm happy with.

TBH I love the bottle! After stopping sterilising and boiling water stopped, I found it so easy! We can leave Jack and daycare, mums and dads or anywhere and he's fine. Such a relief. Plus its easy to work when I don't have to worry about breastfeeding.

The only thing that still irks me is that I've never failed at anything I've attempted, so that's the only reason I have issues with not being able to breastfeed.

Thanks for starting this Jess - nice to know there are people in the same position and we can have a thread where people will not give us 'helpful' advice about breastfeeding.

Posted By: J&Ls mum
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 2:13pm
Another bottle fed baby here.

Jorja gets EBM vis the bottle and has done since she was 2 weeks old (before that EBM/Formula via tube in nose).

We brought the tommee tippee breast like bottles but she just spat them out, we tried nipple shields, she spat them out too! LOL! Finally found a teat she does like, the tommee tippee anti-colic bottles with PUR standard teats. :)

J - born 26th April 2008
L - born 3rd Sept 2010">

Posted By: tropics
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 2:31pm
Im a EBM bottle feeder too

Jayden was taking 2-3 hours for a feed and would scream and scream and wouldn't latch etc he is now such a contented baby on the bottle and im a happier mummy! Ive been sick pretty much since he was born so ive found bottle feeding has been great

weve been using the advent bottles

-------------"> [/url]

Posted By: lucky3rdtime
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 2:39pm
Hi all, nice to have a non judgemental thread about bottle feeding.

I saw that thing on the news this morning and it angered me as does one of the new ads, where the woman isn't sure she wants to continue bfing but basically gets told she should. Well sorry but if you don't want to do it, why should you feel like you have to and then you won't enjoy feeding your baby and your baby will sense you aren't happy.

I have nothing against bfing, but it was never going to be for me. I have never wanted to bf and never did, my wee girl has been formula fed since she was born and she is a healthy happy little bubba, who has not been sick for one single day of her life.   

I get so sick of people judging me for it though, why should i feel guilty because I choose not to bf, she's my child and there is nothing wrong with formula feeding. I personally think there is too much emphasis on bfing, if its not for you why should you feel forced to do it.

We use nuk bottles and teats, but I also have some phil and teds latte bottles, which are great for travelling, and Gabs doesn't seem to care either way.

God there is so much more to being a mum than bfing anyway.

Sorry I get on a bit of a rant about this subject cos it really p*sses me off that people think they can pass judgement on others in this way.

Anyway rant over sorry.


Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 4:10pm

wow yay go you ladies.

i'm expressing into bottles at the moment my lil ryan won't laatch without a nipple shield. They're such a hassle and so damb ugly. my dh is loving being able to give ryan a bottle.

am thinking of going to formular as soon my milk will just dry up. i'm not sure where to start though.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: catgirl
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 4:20pm
Hi everyone. Yay for a pro bottle-feeding thread! Both my babies were bottle-fed from really early on. It's a real pity there isn't more support & information about bottlefeeding from medical professionals.

My son was on the bottle from birth because he had low blood sugar. I tried bf as well but ended up with really messed up nipples due to poor support in the hospital . My milk didn't come in either so going on the bottle was an easy choice. I still felt guilty I couldn't feed him though. I stopped going to my antenatal coffee group after one of the women told me I didn't try hard enough to bf (without knowing anything about my situation). I had enough guilt myself without needing to feel judged by others. He thrived on formula (once we got his silent reflux under control) so I have no regrets about him being bottle fed.

I thought i'd give breastfeeding a go again with my newborn. I even went and saw the hospital lactation consultant beforehand and she wrote a bunch of things in my notes as well as giving me instructions etc before the birth. Unfortuanately this time around was even worse & she ended up being formula fed from about 1 week.

With my daughter the hospital midwives assured me my milk had come in and my daughter was feeding fine (despite her being permanently attached to me, and jaundiced). I was worried about her but they said she was fine & didn't need supplementary feeding and stupid me believed them.   I took my own formula and bottles into the hospital just in case & I think they would have said anything to discourage me from formula feeding. Turned out they were wrong ... I left hospital with a baby that lost more than 10% of her birthweight and was jaundiced to the point of nearly needing treatment. I'm still worried that she might have some damage resulting from it. I actually need to write a complaint about it but haven't got to it yet because she also has silent reflux.

She's now been checked out by a paediatrician & even he admitted what happened to us was a case of "breast is best" going too far.   

I use Dr Browns bottles - love them!


Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 4:33pm
My boy lost more than 10% in the first three days despite feeding like a demon, first 12 hours were difficult but then when we got some time alone without midwifes syringing colostrum into him he started to latch and fed well, he also ended up in the billibed with jaundice, my milk was late coming in cos of having a c/s but it could have happened anyway. I don't think he has any lasting damage from it. Its normal for breastfed babies to end up losing weight in the first week and lots of babies on formula or boob end up jaundiced, my neice and nephew both did and both were on formula from day one.

Sorry not trying to bash you or anything just trying to reassure you that you didn't do anything wrong and that it wouldn't have caused any long term damage.

Spencer has been bottle fed since 14 weeks, I stopped cos I had mastitis 5 times, I use to beat myself up about it but not anymore, he is happy and healthy and is doing well. We had some initial problems with the formula as it turns out he is allergic to diary but by 4 months he was on neocate and we haven't looked back.

I do intend to try and breastfeed again this time around and have looked into the specific problems I had and am hoping they can be avoided this time, but knowing babies we will have a whole host of different issue this time.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 6:03pm
Gremlins are my bottle babies and at 21 months still having two bottles a day. They were bottle fed EBM from 6 days old till 10 weeks with supplemental formula feeds from 3 weeks and then fully weaned onto formula at 10 weeks.

I struggled hugely with the decision to finally wean, even tho they were being bottle fed EBM I never really considered it 'bottle feeding' coz they were still getting breastmilk. But I had badly cracked nipples, ended up losing the top of one to a staph infection and neither of them latched well. Switching to formula was like admitting defeat which is not something I am good at, especially as I was able to express enough milk to feed them both so had no supply problems! But having two much happier babies made it all worth it, and I wasn't at all sad to give up the 3 hourly expressing.

One thing I do feel bad about is that they have both had no end of problems with their ears and I do wonder if they would have had the same problems if I'd been able to breastfeed them as bottle fed babies do have a higher incidence of middle ear problems. Still, it is what it is, nothing I can do about it now and it was the best decision for us at the time.

One good thing about bottle feeding tho is that I could escape from them! Maya never took a bottle and Chiara is looking to be the same way so I am tied to them, whereas anyone can feed the gremlins, as long as they get their bottles they don't care who gives it to them!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 6:06pm
PS. Jess, Mercedes would never take the Nuk bottles, she got too frustrated with them coz the teats were so slow.

Oh and re: the pneumoccocal vaccine, Chiara is absolutely having it, and both gremlins had it in Oz as it's on the schedule there. I've read a lot about it, and went to a media briefing on it, and IMO the risks are minimal if not non existent compared to the potential benefits. JMHO tho, each to their own, informed decision making etc.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 6:25pm
Originally posted by sarahbetha sarahbetha wrote:

wow yay go you ladies.

i'm expressing into bottles at the moment my lil ryan won't laatch without a nipple shield. They're such a hassle and so damb ugly. my dh is loving being able to give ryan a bottle.

am thinking of going to formular as soon my milk will just dry up. i'm not sure where to start though.

Thats like what happened to me, I had to start giving caden formula as my milk wasnt the best, it wasnt filling him up no matter how long he fed for and he wasnt gaining nearly enough weight.
He started fussing at the boob and ended up causing major nipple pain.
I got the tommee tippee bottles with the nipple like teat cause I was still breastfeeding as much a I could handle, but he just didnt want to know, cos the formula was filling his tummy and he was happy. He had never been 'full" before and was like and a much more settled bubba.

I didnt really know where to start or what to do either so thats why I tried doing both, but he didnt get better on the boob and my milk started to dry up and then I stopped all together.

Caden is on Heinz Nuture, he was on karicare but it made him constipated.
Is the Heinz Nuture Gold better? I thought about buying it, but wasnt sure if your ment to change their formula more than a few times.
Caden was constipated yesterday the poor wee thing, he was doing "sheep poo's" so I gave him boiled water with brown sugar and he loved it lol, and he did a nice big normal poo this morning, was so funny, he was doing his poo face and then once he had been he did this big sigh, like he was thinking "ahh thats better" lol


Posted By: james
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 6:48pm
hi there james is my bottle feed buba he had ebm in a bottle up till 6 weeks old and ff from six weeks till i got him of them at 1 year then bottle with coews milk up to 2 and a half i relly wish i had know about this site when james was a newbron i went thur shuch guilt with bottle feeding james and it wasnt anyone else upsetting me it was my own gulit now james has asmath and exerma and i do wonder if that is my fault as i put him on ff but then on the outher had i could keep expressing as i was so tried any who

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0" /></a>

Posted By: WRXnKids
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 6:49pm
Josh is now almost 7 months 11kg was and at 6 months was 70cm.

He been fully formula feed since about 2 weeks after almost ripping off my nipple because he is a very strong sucker (i actually needed something to bite down on while BFing i was in so much pain) poor midwife almost had me locked up after i decided to give it another go after a course of antibiotics and a couple of days to heal but despite a perfect latch the pain was just to much i thought i would pass out. I have no issues with my decision and as i was a breastfeed baby i had more health problems than my formula fed sister so i in no way feel like im not giving josh the best start (as some book i read implied). Ok end of my path to formula story.

We now on SMA as josh also a hungry baby and wanted feed every 2 hours no matter what up until we started solids properly. We advent users here. Oh and josh has had all the jabs


Posted By: catgirl
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 7:24pm
Cuppatea - thanks for the reassurance. I was the same as you and wanting things to go better this time around, so I saw the hospital lactation consultant before the birth & that was really helpful. Maybe that's something you could consider? Unfortunately she was away when my baby was born though, otherwise things might have gone better.    It's my OB, midwife and paediatrician that want me to make a complaint because not once did any of the midwives at the birthing unit contact a paed for advice or have her blood tested to see how bad she was. I just kept getting breastfeeding 'pep talks' & told she didn't need treatment. It wasn't till my midwife visited me at home that blood tests were arranged as my midwife was very concerned. My daughter was only just under the phototherapy treatment level. We managed to get her bilirubin levels down by formula feeding (as I had supply issues again) otherwise we would have had to be re-admitted to use the billibed. It's ironic that the only guilt I feel this time around is not starting formula feeding sooner.

Jezsika - i'm wondering about whether to get the new vaccination done too. I need to read up more about it, but may get it done at a separate time to the usual 6 week ones as my son's reflux really flared up after all of his, and my daughters reflux isn't well controlled yet, so maybe having them done separately might make it easier on her (according to my GP anyway).


Posted By: happymumma
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 7:45pm
Ollie is fully formula fed - I've just posted my breastfeeding experience in the other thread so I won't rant emotionally here again!!

I struggle to not feel guilt, or sadness at our failed attempts at breastfeeding even though my head knows we tried our hardest and that Ollie is much better for us giving up. I feel like I want to make some sort of stand for bottle fed babies (and mums) simply because I think we should have choice (and the health professionals code for breastmilk supplementation says we should have informed choice). I don't feel our current choices are allowed to be informed.

On a positive, Ollie is a little guzzler and loves his food. We use Avent so I have no idea how good the other bottles are but I do know people who swear by Tommy Tippee. We also use the Nestle NAN Gold formula which seems to be fine for us. Actually I've heard that paediatricians feel that there is no real difference between formulas so it's really just what suits your baby best.

Hmmm, as usual I think I've typed too much!

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 8:12pm
Let me think about it, I've been asked to sticky the breastfeeding one too and I think it's a good idea but with all the Born in... stickies it might get a bit cluttered. I'll see what the rest of the team think.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: kakapo
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 8:13pm

Jimmy has been bottle fed since he was 5 days old. He had both EMB and formula between birth and 12 weeks, then weaned onto formula only.

The day we first gave him the bottle DH and I felt hugely relieved. We'd honestly thought Jimmy was going to choke to death when we tried to feed him via a cup, and were at the end of our wits after the unsuccessful battle to BF. This really lovely nurse came in to our room at midnight, took one look at us and said "You're not going to try and feed him all that via cup are you? I'll get you a bottle if you want". We haven't looked back since.

We were given a pamphlet on formula feeding by another nurse in hospital (when we asked for info) but no verbal instructions on how to bottle feed. The whole attitude towards bottle feeding is quite scary really - its really important to know how to sterilise correctly, not to reuse leftover formula, that you should throw out freshly made up formula if you can't remember how many scoops you've put in (which happens often with nappy brain  ) etc etc.

Here is my tip for preparing fresh formula as quickly and safely as possible (v important in those early weeks when bubs has no patience and wants the bottle NOW!):

** Sterilise all your bottles and teats etc at once (I found it helpful to have at least 4 bottles - we use the Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature ones)

** Pour a set amount of boiled water from the jug into each sterilised bottle and leave to cool. You will top this up with freshly boiled water just before feeding bubs. The ratio that works for us at the moment is 130 mls cooled boiled water, topped up with 70 mls boiling water for a 200 ml feed. Experiment until you find out what mixture works for you.  

** Store the bottles in a cupboard or somewhere out of direct sunlight and use within 24 hours, otherwise tip out the cooled boiled water and start again.

** When bubs wants a feed, fetch a bottle containing cooled water, top up with boiling water, add req amount of formula, shake and you're good to go. 

** You can also speed up the process if you leave just enough water in the jug to make up the next feed (so it doesn't take too long to boil).

I wish I'd worked this out when we first came home from hospital, not weeks later.

Posted By: WRXnKids
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 8:41pm
we put the set amount of water into bottles and keep them in the fridge then microwave them to heat them before adding the formula as shaking disperses the hot spots that may occur. My midwife told me the cooled water should be refrigerated tho if not being used straight away so the water remains sterile/clean as bacterias grow at room temp.


Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 9:50pm
Catgirl, that isn't too good that they didn't test him, Spencer was having blood taken from his foot sometimes up to 3 times a day and I had to syringe expressed milk into him after each breastfeed to make sure he was getting enough, and he absolutely was not allowed to go more than three hours between feeds, as you know they tend to be more sleepy when jaundiced. The billibed was awesome though, he was in it for 24 hours and his levels came right down. I was stuck in hospital for 6 days which was a bum though, especially as I had already been stuck there for 3 weeks before he was born. I so wanted to go home.

Yeah I was also told the gold formulas can block them up.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 10:02pm
Maya should have gone under the lights but didn't, her jaundice took a long time to clear so when Chiara started looking yellow on day 2 I made them do her levels and the results were borderline so I insisted they put her under the lights. Just as well I did coz after 24 hours under lights her levels hadn't come down but they stayed static so if she hadn't gone under them the levels would certainly have gone up.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 01 August 2008 at 11:50pm
Originally posted by lucky3rdtime lucky3rdtime wrote:

I have nothing against bfing, but it was never going to be for me. I have never wanted to bf and never did, my wee girl has been formula fed since she was born and she is a healthy happy little bubba, who has not been sick for one single day of her life.   

I get so sick of people judging me for it though, why should i feel guilty because I choose not to bf, she's my child and there is nothing wrong with formula feeding. I personally think there is too much emphasis on bfing, if its not for you why should you feel forced to do it.

We use nuk bottles and teats, but I also have some phil and teds latte bottles, which are great for travelling, and Gabs doesn't seem to care either way.

You have no idea how glad I was to read this. I don't want to bf. I know all the facts, how it's better for baby, free etc but I DO NOT want to do it.
People keep telling me 'you'll probably change your mind but I'm pretty sure I won't.
I have been worried about saying anything on here or starting a thread on it for fear of being judged. It seems to be 'the done thing' and every pregnancy book/leaflet/website I look at just assumes that every new mum will breastfeed.
I am worried about saying anything to my LMC/midwife/hospital because I get the impression my choice will not be respected and they will just try to talk me out of it.
I feel like I will need to make plans to leave hospital as soon as possible after the birth just so I can feed my baby the way I choose to and not face disdain from the medical staff.

Edited to say: I have got nothing against breastfeeding - and would never judge anybody for their choices, after all we're all different, and we should all have the right to make whatever choice is best for us and our families.

Posted By: Candkids
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 12:02am
sarah was a feww weeks old when i put her onto formula, she was loosing heaps of weight and just wasnt getting anything at all pretty much! my nipples were red raw and soooo painfull, i was so relieved when i put her on formula but man did i get a huge slap on the hand from my mw she wasnt happy at all!! and made me feel like such a failure.

jett was heaps different tho, i decided id give it another go but despite doing everything right i ended up with bruised nipples, thrush and kept getting mastitis and infections so decided to put him onto formula at about 3mths.

-------------" rel="nofollow">
DD 10.5yrs
DS 6yrs
DS 11mths
5 little angles watching from above

Posted By: NovemberMum
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 12:22am
Originally posted by neeandsam neeandsam wrote:

On a side note, I was watching TV this morning and there was something on the news about breastfeeding, and when asked what are the options for women who can't or won't breastfeed, the only option given was GET HELP to breastfeed.   Which isn't fair IMO, because for some of us, help to breastfeed isn't an option. It would be nice for women to be able to access resources about formula, bottles and even expressing.

Anyway! Rant over.

a mum in my antenatal group fully expressed for 5 months(her baby couldnt latch on) now that to be is legendary honestly I think I would have just switched to formula.

Posted By: MissAngel
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 8:09am
Spirals - Good on your for having the balls to do what YOU want to do. I tell you what - dont let the hospital people make you feel stink for not wanting to BF, hell, i'd be telling them to kiss my arse tbh. I'm pretty much over all the hype around 'you have to breastfeed', i'm sorry, but if i'd continued to BF my son, he'd be dead. Cant feed a baby with milk that looks like that ultra super trim cows milk rubbish!

The best thing for me about bottle feeding is that Matt (my other half) gets to feed Thomas as well. I think it's a really important bonding time for them. That and I get to go to bed at a decent hour and he does the 2am feed for me :D Its really great - example - i went out on the turps last night and didnt have to worry about alcohol levels in my BM! hehe

Alex, Thomas and Lily" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 8:16am
Thanks MissAngel

My husband is happy with my choice, and he's looking forward to doing some of the feeding too.

My siblings and I were all bottle-fed and it doesn't seem to have done us any harm - we were never sick as children.

I do aim to try and be strong with the hospital but I know it will be an emotional time and I'll probably be tired, so hubby knows he''ll have to fight my corner with me on this one.

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 9:22am
I'm not trying to upset you as I respect your decision. My sister after her first b/f experience decided not to try with her second and I respected that. But I just wanted to suggest that you give baby the colostrum even if you don't feed, you don't have to latch them on you can just give it via a syringe, or if you have enough via a bottle. It lines their gut and helps prepare for the real milk (which in your case will be the formula) and gives them most of the great immunity boosting elements.

Feel free to completely ignore me though.

At CWH I was casually asked by the midwife if I intended to breastfeed and that was it. My lmc wasn't coming to the c/s so the hospital midwife did (a hospital one has to regardless of whether your own is going in or not) and needed to know what was happening afterwards. I honestly don't think she would have judged, but I suppose other midwifes might. It is your decision though and you have the right to be respected and supported with it.


Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 10:59am
Yeah I shake them swirl the formula, might start shaking it less hard though. Caden hasnr had bad winf for a while now, so thats good, I make sure I burp him really well.
He does huge burps lol

My nipples are all healed up now, so Im going to try and relactate, I want to breastfeed him 3 times a day if I can, so Im going to see if I can get my milk coming back in, I still get the let down feeling so I hope I can do it. Cadne latched on really well this morning when I tried, he sucked for a few seconds then realised he wasnt getting anything and stopped, but I will keep trying.

He will still be mostly formula fed though as I dont think my milksupply will be any better if it comes back in.


Posted By: WRXnKids
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 12:04pm
Oh thats something i have decided next baby im going to feed them colostrum only via nipple shields if i can as i am traumatized by my experience if that goes well i might consider breastfeeding with the shields but the first feed that i start to feel like i did last time im going straight to formula because i cant get those first weeks back with my son and i dont want to dread him waking or feel like i hated him for being so hungry like i did first time around it was the worst feeling and i think my attempt at BF affected our bonding.


Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 5:24pm

we gave ryan 100mls of formular last night at 5.30 then went out for dinner, he slept till 10.30 when i woke him to bf him cause i wanted to go to bed myself. he then woke every 2.5 hours after that. BF him each time. My milk is just not enough for him. I've just bort a couple of sachets for us to try but it looks as though it's heaps better  so maybe that's it for us.  Will save all the fuss with nipple shields too.

So how many bottles will we need. And what do you do when you go out shopping etc do you prepare the bottle before hand?? i don't want to ask my MW as she'll flip.

i think i still might like to BF during the day, as long as milk doesn't dry up. Though it's already looking and feeling funny. are your boobs meant to go squishy again instead of hardish?? and milk as someone said up there like trim cows milk.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 6:27pm
Hi Sarah,

Bottles - depends on how often you want to wash. I recommend a day's worth (about 8ish bottles, maybed 10?)

When you go out - just put the water in the bottle and microwave when out, or take boiling hot so it will cool to the right temp by the time the feed is due. Buy a formula dispenser (tommee tippee or the like for $10) which holds 3 feeds.

It's also easier to get a FF baby into a routine which is good.

If fully FF, baby will need about 50ml of water a day. Just give this after the first bottle before the 2nd. If baby won't take water you *can* water bottles down but its not recommended (although I did that for the first few weeks).

I used to just take the made up formula bottles, but it's not that hygenice (supposed to be refrigerated). I know better now though.

Posted By: WRXnKids
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 6:37pm
When i go out i take bottles with the set amount of cooled boiled water in them and a thermas of boiled water that way ill either ask where i am if they have a microwave to heat it or tip out some of the water and add the boiling water so its the right temp.

Make sure you make up the formula with the correct amount of formula to water or if you start having constipation problems add a little more water than its says but never unless directed by a professional put more powder than it says. Thats the only thing my midwife kept telling me.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 6:52pm
At one stage the gremlins were having 18 bottles a day between them

I used to take water in bottles and use a Tommee Tippee formula dispenser like someone else suggested and either heat it up in a parents room or use a Heat Me pack.

I didn't know the water thing Emz said, I only gave them water when we were in Sydney for the summer and it was like 40 degrees.

Definitely don't agree that it's easier to get a formula fed baby into a routine, my two breastfed babies have settled into routine far more easily than my two bottle babies but the advantage with bottle feeding is that you know they've had enough so if they won't settle you can look at other reasons for it like a windy tummy etc. It's harder to tell with breastfeeding.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 6:54pm
Oh and squishy boobs are fine, I have gallons of milk but by evening they feel squishy, they're only really hard in the morning when she hasn't fed for ages, so if you want to keep up day feeding you should be able to. Also, breastmilk always looks like trim cows milk, esp the foremilk which is really thin and watery, the hind milk is thicker and creamier. (I became an expert of the consistency of breastmilk after weeks of expressing for the gremlins 24 hours a day lol!)

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 6:55pm
Me again - the microwave steriliser was the best thing I ever bought when I was bottle feeding, when we were away at my aunty's bach with no microwave it was a giant PITA having to use Miltons.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 8:24pm
Maya - weren't your bottle babies twins though?

Posted By: AuntieSarah
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 8:26pm
Good tips for making formula - thanks guys!

I have a question. My sister's boy will only drink from one type of bottle and refuses any other kind. Is this common or is he just a fussypants? If it's common then is it best to try them on a type of bottle to make sure they like it before buying a whole lot of them? Thanks :)


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 8:34pm
LOL yup Emz, I once posted a photo of all the bottles lined up in my fridge one night after I'd done the nightly wash, sterilise and make up formula session.

And yep Auntie Sarah, common as. Maya would only ever take Avent.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Brenna
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 9:51pm
I remember that photo Emma! All I could think was poor you having to wash them all!

My beautiful 2 girls...nearly 4 and 13 months

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 August 2008 at 10:06pm
Ah yes, but imagine the effort that went into filling them all with EBM! Formula was such a relief!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: caitlynsmygirl
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 12:39am
I dont have a baby (yet!) BUT , i just wanted to say good on you jes for creating this thread, sadly ,your right , there doesnt seem to be as much support for ladies that chose to bottle feed , and why ? yes we all know that ideally breast is best, but we dont live in an ideal world, and sometimes it just doesnt work out that way , at the end of the day , your doing what you need to do, providing food for your baby , and isnt that the important thing ?
When you have your baby , you promise them that you will protect them and feed them , and you are doing exactly what you promised, thats all that should matter .

Okay , lurker will stop rambling now

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 3:10pm
I've never noticed, mind you I've hardly used the TT ones yet.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Neeks
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 3:43pm
The TT bottles have those valves on the teats Jess so maybe that has something to do with it??

I my TT Closer to Nature bottles... they saved mine and Keziah's life as before them I had tried several different brands from Avent to Generic and she wouldn't take any of them and wasn't getting enough on the boobie... so when I got my TT and she took it first time with no stress I was relieved


Posted By: tropics
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 6:18pm
hi ladies as ive said before I express bm and today I had to give my bubs his first formula top up as I didnt produce enough milk this morning, it sucks the hole breast is best thing, I already felt bad for expressing exclusively but its best for bubs as he was feeding for 2-3 hours and then the guilt of giving him formula!

Does anyone give top up forumla at night to help them sleep better / longer? does it work? im thinking of doing this once a day which should help with my milk supply suplementing a feed - DH has been giving me grief about this idea saying its a cop out etc so frustrating!!!!

This thread is great to know your not the only one out there and there is lots of support

-------------"> [/url]

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 7:02pm
Thank you cuppatea - that's an interesting point, definately something to think about.

Posted By: ellen
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 7:06pm
*lurker in*

Just wanting to offer my support to all mums who have chosen to bottle feed their bubs for whatever reason. My three were all ff, albeit years ago, and even though they're now teenagers I can still remember the feeling of isolation and failure that came with that. For me alot of those feelings were created by myself and not what anyone else said to me.

I think it's great that there is a thread for mums to talk about all the practical things that go along with ff as well as some understanding of the associated feelings.

Remember parenthood isn't a competition, sometimes you'll be ahead of the ball, sometimes behind. The final goal is the same for everyone - happy, healthy babies that grow into confident, secure adults. And we all have a different game plan to get there.

*lurker out*

Posted By: Kels
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 7:39pm

Originally posted by Jezsika Jezsika wrote:

Ok this is a maybe wierd observation but has anyone who has gone from Avent to Tommee Tippee noticed this?

Shake the formula in the Avent and you get HEAPS of air in it and the bubbles stay there for ages.

Shake the formula in the Tommee Tippee and there are NO bubbles what so ever?


I found the same when Alize was having a bottle, I ended up ditching all the advent bottles and giving them to the DC to have as back up and got all TT. They are great and very cute colours too lol

Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs

Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 7:52pm
FINALLY a pro-bottle feeding thread!

Maybe now we will get the information and support we deserve!

Thanks Jess

You all know my story (see issue #2 of Oh baby [:0]

Caitlin is now 2 and still has 2 bottles of soy milk


Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 8:03pm
We did formula top ups at night for a while (from about 2 months), I'm not sure if it helped him sleep longer as we introduced a routine at that time as well, but I found when expressing full time sometimes by evening I would be low on milk and not be able to pump enough so instead would give formula at 10pm and then ebm again when he woke in the night. I think quite often women struggling to keep up with when pumping full time as its not the same stimulation as baby suckling. Although I think there is one lady on here how did it till 6 months (I can't remember who though).

We have used avent bottles and microwave steriliser which I wouldn't be without. We have 4 bottles, it meant more washing when he was little but that's ok you get into a routine with it. Spencers formula can only be made up for an hour before being binned so we have one of those little formula pots and take the bottles out with just water in them. He has finally started drinking his milk at room temp which is a relief and mean I don't have to carry a thermos anymore.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 8:11pm
Yummymummy EBM-fed Gina till 6 months and is still EBM-feeding Emma.

As I said in the July thread Kye I gave the gremlins formula at night for their 10.30pm dream feed but it didn't help them to sleep longer. It did make my life easier tho coz it was one less feed I had to express, plus it got them used to the taste of the formula so that when I weaned fully at 10 weeks I didn't have any problems getting them to take the formula.

If you are keen to keep expressing (and believe me, I don't blame you if you're not coz I know how hard it is!) I found Naturo Pharm Milk Flow spray was great for boosting my supply so I could keep up with the gremlins.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: CaseysMum
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 8:18pm
Another bottle fed baby here :) She was breast fed (though don't think she got much) and supplemented up to about a week ago and now is fully on the bottle. Good to see this thread I think it could be good for those First timers to get some support - I remember back with my first how horrible it was and how little info you had to go on - at least this is my second time around so i have a lot more knowledge - and also found I ended up with a better hospital experience as the midwives weren't so judgemental at the hospital this time

We use standard bottles (ie not the wide ones) with the standard NUK nipples in them - these are the same I used with my other daughter and they work with her too. I do have one tommee tippee wide neck bottle which she use to drink from ok but now she refuses it.

I've just ordered some Dr Browns natural flow botles as i need a few more so I'm interested to see how those work out too. Anyone tried these??

Posted By: catgirl
Date Posted: 03 August 2008 at 11:07pm
I've used Dr Browns bottles with both of my babies.

When I had my son, you could only get the wide-neck ones here so we got them for him.   He took to these better than any of the other bottles I tried him on & he had less wind too.

I recently bought the standard/narrow-neck ones for my 8 week old as she seemed to have trouble getting a good seal around the wide-neck teats. The standard bottles have made a huge difference to how much she takes.   She immediately took 120mls in about 1/2 hour (struggled to get 90mls into her in an hour with the wide-neck version) and has been increasing her volumes since then.   

So it definitely can pay to try out different bottles/teats.


Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 9:50am
This is my first EVERY post and it is to say how happy I am to see something pro-FF or at least not bashing those of us who use bottles for what ever reason.

My two DD are both bottle babies (DD1 from 4 weeks and DD2 from 6 weeks). They are both beautiful girls who are very healthy and happy. As someone said earlier - breastfeeding does not make you a better or more loving mother.

I had never considered FF - just assumed that I would BF but about 20 mins after DD1 was born my midwife commented that I had rather flat nipples (who knew!) and it was down hill from there - don't need to share the details!

Thank you for starting the thread - I am happy with my decision now and know what I am doing (well as much as you can when you are a mum!) but there are a lot of mums out there who have no support or info in this area and the decision is nearly always one that is coming at a very stressful time.


Posted By: Rowena
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 11:56am
Just found this thread great idea Jesika I think bottlefeeding mums need as much support as breastfeeding mums.

I have to say that I actually feel closer to Jamie now I'm bottlefeeding cause I'm not so stressed.

We use avent bottles and S26 formula - mo problems so far. I can't believe how chubby my wee man is now looking before we put him on formula he was looking like a skeleton you could see all his ribs

Posted By: CaseysMum
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 12:02pm
jaycee - you sound similar to my situation - glad i'm not the only one that didn't realise their nipples weren't "normal" - DD1 never latched so was express fed to 6 weeks, DD2 was fed till 5 weeks but both were supplemented pretty much since birth

catgirl - thanks for the feed back on the Dr Brown bottles - I'm really looking forward to giving them a go - hopefully they'll be here tomorrow :)

Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 2:12pm
yeah - who knew that they weren't *normal*!!

I agree that I felt closer to both Amy and Sophie when we switched to the bottle. They were happier, I was happier, DH was happier (because me and the baby were no longer crying all the time!!!). Even the dog was happier as he got some attention too.

In the long run I think that happy mums and babies is the MOST important thing. If you looked around a playground you would not be able to tell which child had been BF or FF.


Posted By: lucky3rdtime
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 4:06pm
Sprials, if that is the way you feel, just stick to your guns. People also kept telling me I would change my mind when I had my baby, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. DH actually got to give Gabs her very first feed and as cuppatea said you can give colostrum, BUT you don't have to. I never did and my baby is fine. I told my midwife the first time I met her that I wasn't going to breastfeed, I was worried she would try to talk me into it, but she was very supportive and realised that if I was happier formula feeding then it would make bonding with my baby easier and I could enjoy her instead of dreading feeding her.

I also found the midwives at the hospitals very supportive, we went to St Georges in Chch and we had already done a tour there and I discussed ffing with a midwife there at the time of the tour. They supplied bottles, but I could have brought my own and I brought formula as we are using karicare hypoallergenic formula because I get dermatitis, but they can supply formula as well. My midwife also told the people at St Georges not to bother me with bfing info as I wasn't going to, she was really great about it actually.

I am annoyed at the little info there is out there about ffing but if you look for it you can find it. My midwife gave me lots of info. I also got a lot of info from the nutricia website (who make karicare).   If you go to the nutricia website you can get a free sample which is a whole tin.

The way we feed is we make up a jug of formula that will only be enough for 24 hours maximum and keep it in the fridge and just put as much as we need to in a bottle when she is due for a feed, I heat it by putting it in a jug of boiling water.

The Phil and Teds Latte bottles are a good invention for travelling as you can put the water in the bottom and the formula in the top and then straighten the bottle and shake when you need to feed bubs. I found these at baby city.

A couple of other things too after 3 months you don't have to steralise the bottles anymore and you don't need to use cooled boiled water anymore ( if you are on town supply). My plunket nurse advised me this.

And yes the microwave steryliser was a godsend prior to her being 3 months old.

God its so nice to be able to tell my experience without people beratting me, thanks for starting this thread.

Sorry about the novel


Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 6:49pm
There is a thing about chemical free baby bottles tomorrow on that what's in our food programme. It is on 3 same time as hells kitchen is on.


Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 8:21pm
I've never heard of Dr Brown bottles - what's the difference between them and Avent for example? I know there was talk about glass being the only "safe" option but I've never seen glass baby bottles anywhere.

Maybe we should start a "things you should have been told about FFing" thread?
There is so much that you can get wrong that can do your baby harm and no one is willing to tell you! I get really het up about this kind of thing. As you know I wanted to BF but it really took the stuffing out of me and my quality of care for my daughter was at risk so I put her first (as well as my sanity) but when you still want to do the right thing by your child you're not offered any help of support because of the blardy WHO guidelines!


Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 9:12pm
I have some glass bottles, evenflo ones. I got them from Although you can't get a glass sippy cup etc so it doesn't really help that much.


Posted By: kakapo
Date Posted: 04 August 2008 at 9:57pm

You can also get glass bottles from - We heard about the "why plastic feeding bottles may be dangerous" debate when DS was about 5 months old and wished we'd known about it before he was born, so we could have avoided plastic bottles. [From website above "Recent studies show that Bisphenol A (chemical used in the production of polycarbonate plastics) can leach out and potentially have development effects on infants and newborns."]  

Posted By: lucky3rdtime
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 11:07am
I have seen glass nuk bottles at baby city. I chose plastic as I thought they would be easier to clean and less likely to break and I"ve heard you can't microwave steralise glass bottles, but I don't know if that is true. Wish I had known about the risk of plastic leaching chemicals before I had Gabs.

I heard on good morning before they were talking about bfing and the woman actually said that however you feed you should be able to get all the information you need and I thought yeah right, try telling that to any ffing mum. You can't even get the info from antenatal classes in front of the whole class, like its a shameful thing to do.


Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 1:45pm

golly there's so much you need to know about FF.

Told my MW we were starting FF she seemed fine about it. now to tell my mum. she is pro BF right up there with blimmen la leche. she BF 5 kids each one till they were 18 mnths or so never even used bottles for water just TT sippa cups. I feel like i'm letting her down somehow as ryan is her first grandchild so i should set the standard or something. It's just easier for us.

Wow what a vent.

oh someone said something about making this thread and a BF thread sticky aye. How about having it on the first forum topics page like the 'cloth nappy' thread. emma??

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 2:17pm
Yeah maybe a whole new feeding section to the forum so that we don't end up over running the first baby area. Could be for breastfeeding, bottle feeding, solids, fussy toddlers etc.


Posted By: catgirl
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 2:46pm
Originally posted by Two Blondinis Two Blondinis wrote:

I've never heard of Dr Brown bottles - what's the difference between them and Avent for example? I know there was talk about glass being the only "safe" option but I've never seen glass baby bottles anywhere.

The main difference is that there are extra parts ie a long funnel thing that goes into the bottle. It's meant to cut down on the amount of air thats swallowed. I tried every bottle out there before coming across these ones as my babies have major wind problems, and I feel these bottles have made a difference. They also don't leak - our Avent ones always seemed to leak and it drove me crazy! I think NatureBaby sells the glass bottles (i've got a bunch in my cupboard I got from Baby Factory a couple of years ago but i think they were getting rid of them).

We didn't get told anything about bottlefeeding at my antenatal class either because of the WHO guidelines. We live in a country where formula is available, so we should have also be given information about how best to use it IMO.   Bottlefeeding is not as easy as some people make out as there are so many choices about bottles, teats, formula and sterilising just for a start. I'm just thankful that I live in a country where formula is available or my babies would have starved. I sometimes feel like wearing a badge that says "formula-feeding & proud of it!"


Posted By: lucky3rdtime
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 2:59pm
catgirl says:
I sometimes feel like wearing a badge that says "formula-feeding & proud of it!"

I'll buy one off you


Posted By: CaseysMum
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 6:06pm
lucky3rdtime - yeah i found st georges great this time around. I start with breastfeeding but have always started supplementing from when I'm in hospital and I had a really bad time the first time around at chch womans as some of the midwives would "tell me off" for letting her get given a bottle instead of using a syringe or spoon. At st georges the midwife simply asked whether what i would do at home and i said bottle so they were like fine, we might as well just use a bottle from the start then

Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 7:09pm
I love the idea of having a feeding area - whether it is BF, FF or solids.

It is such a big area and all three are such huge stressful areas for many (all?) mums.

I think that having more info available for Mums who choose to or have to FF is very important. Supporting BF is great but not everyone can do it. I personally feel that the support BF has gone too far and demonizes FF mums. Most are beating themselves up enough, without other people adding their disaproving looks and even worse, comments.

Sorry, rant over.


Posted By: Two Blondinis
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 8:05pm
Originally posted by lucky3rdtime lucky3rdtime wrote:

catgirl says:
I sometimes feel like wearing a badge that says "formula-feeding & proud of it!"

I'll buy one off you

That was exactly my intention when I did the article in Oh Baby hence my rant at the end about us not getting enough info.

Great idea about the Feeding section


Posted By: babyg
Date Posted: 05 August 2008 at 9:17pm
Due to over-expressing in NNU for the first 3wks of Carys' life, I ended up with massive oversupply. My daughter was an amazing BFer from the time she was first allowed to, latched perfectly, drank like a trooper and thanks to all my milk, gained more weight than she needed

Unfortunately for me, the oversupply resulted in blocked ducts that I couldn't shift and severe pains that made labour seem insignificant. I still have tenderness in my left breast and I haven't been producing milk for over 5mths. I held out far too long, eventually giving up and bottle feeding from 3mths onwards. I mostly held out because I am a stubborn mule but the social stigma surrounding bottle feeding babies didn't help.

As soon as I get the first sign of pain or difficulty next time around, I'm bringing out the bottle - there is no need for anyone to go through that amount of pain and anguish when other, completely suitable options are available.

My girl has loved her bot-bot from day1 of bottle feeding and she hasn't been any the worse off for giving up BFing. My only regret is that I let it go as far as I did before switching, I lost a lot of myself in the process and many happy hours with my daughter than 'could have been'.

Thank you for this thread, I hope many mothers receive the support and confidence they need from it.

Ev, Mum to:
Carys Ruby - 4 October 2007
Spencer James - 2 July 2010

Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 5:14pm

have you all seen the Breast feeding ads on TV. They always seem to come on when i'm about to stick a bottle in Ryan's mouth.



Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: LittleBug
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 5:32pm
I only just noticed this thread!

Chloe was fed EBM in avent bottles for the first 3 and a half months (I had an oversupply like Kye and she took hours to feed, latching on and off, screaming etc. but was fine on the bottle). By then my supply dwindled a little and when Chloe got tonsilitis at 3 and a half months I just couldn't handle expressing anymore so we moved onto formula.

We started out on Nestle Nan Gold, because someone had given us a tin of that which they didn't use, then we moved onto Karicare as the other one seemed to make her get an upset tum. But that made her constipated, so we moved onto Heinz Nuture (regular blue tin). And she's been on that ever since. We have just moved onto the Heinz red tin one, as Chloe is 6 months old now!!

We were using gaviscon and infacol and rhugar and alsorts into her bottles but since she reached 5 months her reflux seems to have almost disappeared like magic! Still a little chucky but nothing like she was. So now she just has formula and it's SO EASY now that we don't have to add loads of things, and sterilise and boil water etc.

Although I found those things a lot less tedious than doing all the same as well as expressing... that was exhausting.

Anyways... nice to join the thread

Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).

Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 06 August 2008 at 6:04pm

oh by the way who watched that thing on TV3 last night about not microwaving plastic. So does that mean not microwave streilising bottles.

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 10:42am
If you are really concerned you can either switch to glass bottles or to plastic no 5, its the no 7 bottles (which avent etc are) that they are concerned about. Not just bottles anything with a 7 when heated can leach the chemical out. Spencer had been on the bottle for ages when it all came out so we haven't worried too much about it as it seemed a bit late to start. When I was expressing he was having 11 bottles a day and now he only has two so the worst of his exposure had already happened.
There are a few "safe" no 5 bottles on the market, medela are one, not sure what the others are. Glass is ok but not really practical for taking out, well not if you are like me and chuck your nappy bag around everywhere.


Posted By: MummyFreckle
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 10:50am

Thanks for starting this thread Jess - I think most of you know (i have posted in other areas) that I had a really hard time with our decision to f/f. In fact I now understand that it was the main thing that caused my PND.

I had a very long labour, and when he finally arrived was a lazy pants and wouldnt suck well, combined with the fact that my milk didnt come in for 4 days and that I couldnt get colostrum out was all a bit of a disaster. The paediatrician said we needed to give him formula as he was dehydrated, but we were still made to feel like "criminals" by the m/w's and had to sign a form etc...which is so incredibly stressful when you are sleep deprived, worried about your baby and on the biggest emotional rollercoaster ever. When we got home, my m/w was a bit blaze about the whole thing, and suggested "persevering" the first weeks at home I was spending 45mins trying to b/f him, then topping him up with formula or EBM,  then expressing...then starting all over again....I was exhausted. When we were referred to the lactation consultant she made some statements that were insensitive, hurtful and didnt help 2 new struggling parents at all. We struggled with both b/f and f/f for about 10weeks before we decided that for everyones well being it would be better to go onto the bottle fulltime. When we did he was like a new baby - calm, content, slept well....fantastic!

I still struggle with the guilt....which was made worse early on by some comments made by complete strangers in parents rooms....(which basically caused me to be too scared to leave the house in case I had to feed him in public!!)...but I now know that my little boy is thriving and is so happy. My DH also loves the fact that he has been so actively involved in the feeding process, and feels like it has really helped him bond with Oli.



Posted By: Glow
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 11:59am
Hi everyone, thought id better join in here as both my boys are bottle babes. Brae was BF'ed for 4 days till i gave up & Kal was 8days old. Dont have any regrets about it, as FF was the best thing for us

Mummy of Two Boys
B: 2004
K: 2007

Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 2:18pm
Originally posted by SimSam SimSam wrote:

I still struggle with the guilt....which was made worse early on by some comments made by complete strangers in parents rooms....(which basically caused me to be too scared to leave the house in case I had to feed him in public!!)...but I now know that my little boy is thriving and is so happy. My DH also loves the fact that he has been so actively involved in the feeding process, and feels like it has really helped him bond with Oli.


That just makes my blood boil that you were made to feel that way How dare stangers make an assumption about your life and your choices. i wish people would take a moment to think before condemning someone whose situation they know nothing about


Posted By: catgirl
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 3:24pm
Bfree bottles don't contain bisphenol A (sp?) - they look & perform just like the Dr Brown ones.

SimSam - I had a similar experience to you when I had my son. Supply issues, private lactation consultant, expressing, bf & formula feeding. I gave up after a couple of weeks as I could feel myself sliding into depression as I was also still trying to cope with having a traumatic birth. My midwife & lactation consultant actually encouraged me just to bottlefeed, so I was lucky in that respect. Not that it stopped me from feeling guilty about giving up initially as there is just so much pressure out there (media & often other mothers).

It makes me mad too when I hear stories of strangers making comments to ff mothers. What exactly do they think they will achieve.   It never happened to me with my son because I didn't feed him in public as a little baby as he would scream everytime the bottle came near him (he had bottle aversion due to severe reflux). I can only imagine the comments I would have got!!


Posted By: lucky3rdtime
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 4:21pm
Just wondering what you guys did in regards to stoppping your milk once you were ffing?

As I ff Gabs from birth, I took milk stop tablets and my mw advised me to bandage my boobs overtop of my bra until they settled down. She said not to stimulate them in any way, which was a nuisance for showering etc, but after two weeks they calmed down.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 4:26pm
My milk was fully in as I'd been expressing for 10 weeks, I was expressing up to 2l a day so I had heaps of it! When I weaned them I just cut down the expressing so I only expressed enough to make me comfortable and I stuck cabbage leaves down my bra and stopped taking the milk flow spray I had been using to boost my supply. It took about 10 days of expressing less and less each day before I could stop expressing, and I had to wear breastpads for another 1-2 weeks after that.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 7:07pm
I was advised to cut back on my fluid intake - you know how when you are BF you get really thirsty? That seemed to help, as did wearing a firm bra & changing the breast pads often. Took a while to fully go, even though my supply had gotten fairly low.
Also avoiding hot showers.


Posted By: emz
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 8:52pm
I expressed when I was full and just massaged lumps. If I'd known about milk stop stuff you can get I would have taken that.

OK this is weird, I'm really jealous of my cousin whose just had a baby, she's all into b/fing which I can remember I was too, and it got me thinking about how much I'd love to b/f next time but I just can't risk it (can't afford another op to fix up my boobies, don't want the pain and don't wanna risk it with depression). It just really annoys me that my body failed me (I don't take failure easily ) but I guess I'll get over that in time? I'm also so worried about what will happen the next pregnancy and we're not even TTC till next month! But geez, now that I've had my op I really want to take care of my puppies and not go back to the constant agony I had for years. I know I've answered my own questions and dilemmas but it doesn't make it any easier does it?

It also frustrates me cos I'm so jealous. My cousin had an easy pregnancy, uncomplicated labour, baby's apparently b/f like a pro and I'm just like 'ok why me?' I had a hellish pregnancy with so many complications with Jack's health, traumatic labour (which I don't think I'll get over till I have a good, in control birth) and b/f was a joke.

Sorry ladies, rant over, just feeling a bit down at my inadequacies as a mum!

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 9:00pm
We all have our struggles, I think us mums are far too hard on ourselves. I get really jealous of the mums at Multiple Birth club with their breastfed twins and their family support and their great twin experiences coz I've been to hell and back with mine and I am so bitter and resentful about it that it eats me up.
Don't think of those things as your inadequacies as a mum, think of them as pieces of the puzzle that fit together to make you the person you are, and the mum that you are. You made the best choices you knew how to make for your son and that makes you the best mum he'll ever have.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: kakapo
Date Posted: 07 August 2008 at 9:49pm

Emz, I couldn't BF either and went through the whole emotional rollercoaster thing for a few months after the birth. I don't like *failing* either and often wondered if the outcome could have been different if I'd done something differently. Easy to believe after the fact, when you're no longer sleep deprived and depressed .

I thought I'd got over it, then read those BF ad threads and got really emotional again (why didn't I just stop reading them, duh!!). The same day friends came to visit with their 5 week old daughter, and I got jealous seeing how easily she latched on, which was crazy as I haven't felt that way about anyone else, including the BF mothers at coffee group who have babies of simliar age to DS. So perhaps I haven't totally dealt with it and was kidding myself that I had. Although I'd like to try BF again in theory there is so much negativity attached to my last experience I don't know whether I'll have the courage in reality. 

I think what I've learnt is how important it will be for DH and I to have a post-natal plan in place before the birth next time. Perhaps even a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C etc! It's a relief we know all about bottle feeding now, so can incorporate it into our plan.  Last time the only thing we really focused on was the birth, which of course is a big deal but in the scheme of things over with in such a short time. We had no idea how difficult the whole newborn period could be.

You're definitely not a failure Emz  - the gorgeous wee man grinning at me from your ticker photo is proof of that .   

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 8:29am
I was like Emma and it took me weeks of expressing less to get rid of my milk and then it still stuck around for months even when I wasn't needing to express anymore. I think if you don't feed in the first few days then you have less milk come in in the first place as your body only produces what is demanded. I tried the cabbage leaves but they didn't seem to work for me. I found out about milk stop too late but that could be another thing to try.

Emz, I am the same as you, I hate to fail things, if I set my mind to do something then I do it. I percieved breastfeeding as a choice, I had chosen to do it so I was going to. I had no idea that things could go so wrong or that so many problems could happen. I had obviously read about blocked ducts, mastitis, latching problems etc but I dunno, you just don't think they think they will happen or you think that they will happen once not over and over and over again. Every article I have ever read about mastitis, is some woman who had one infection and was gonna stop breastfeeding but then overcame it and carried on. Not once I have I read about a women having 5 infections in 3 months and being told by the doctor to stop for her own health which is what happened to me, I thought I was a weirdo and I hated my body for having stupid boobs that couldn't do their job right. But now I just count my blessings that we live in an age of antibiotics and formula otherwise perhaps neither me nor Spencer would be here.

Kakapo, I am gonna try again this time around, I have a different and much better midwife, we have talked over the problems from last time and are formulating a plan. I am gonna see an LC before the birth so that I know what to do in advance, and I plan to see her again when my milk comes in cos that's when I got the first infection with Spencer. My midwife also wants me to go to a breastfeeding seminar that she sends all her mums who want to breastfeed to (i'm not the only second timer going she has had a few that had trouble first time around). We have spent far more time talking about breastfeeding than the birth this time and I am in a much better mindset about it now as I feel like we have a plan and we are just muddling around in the dark. I think if you are able to do the same next time you will feel much better.


Posted By: lucky3rdtime
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 8:57am
Emz the positive from your struggles is that it would have made you a stronger person and I am a believer that we only get challenges in life that we can deal with, no matter how hard, which means you must've been one hell of a strong woman in the first place . Cos your cousin has had it realitively easy she may find if the baby goes through a bad patch that she can't cope as well as you could cos she has had it pretty good up until now.

I do feel for all you mums who really had your heart set on bfing and can't. It's not something I can completely understand but I know what its like if I feel like I've let Gabs down in some other way, so big hugs to you all and congrats on getting through it and having a happy healthy bub.

I forgot to add earlier that even though I never bf and bandaged myself up and took milk stop, my milk still came in and I had to wear breastpads for a few days cos everytime I would feed Gabs I would leak. But yeah it definitelywouldn't have taken as long for my milk to go away since I never bf.


Posted By: adele21
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 1:14pm
Wow! This is a great thread. My little sam was born on June 23 3 weeks early and has been ff pretty much ever since. My problem is flat nipples, my poor boy had nothing to latch onto and I don't think I ever had a let down... He was fed colostrum via a syringe after a midwife expressed it for me and I expressed Breastmilk until he was six weeks old. My other problem was that I would sit at the pump for about 30 mins and only get about 50mls from both boobs combined if I was lucky... Sam would have been lucky to get about 80mls of EBM once every two days. He was always topped up with formula. He was quite jaundiced in the first week but not enough to need photo therapy and he lost the maximium he was "allowed" to. Since then he has thrived, putting on agood amount of weight. he last weighed about 4.5kg at 6 weeks and seems quite happy. I use PUR bottles which are designed to be sterklised in the microwave- you can get them from New World. I still feel sad that I can't BF but I have a healthy and happy baby. Sometimes breast isn't always best. I was formula fed because I was adopted, I'll bet nobody would care if I told people sam was adopted... it actually tends to shut people up VERY quickly... some people get quiite embarrassed about it.

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 1:17pm
I told a rude lady in the supermarket that I had no nipples, the look on her face was priceless.


Posted By: jaycee
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 2:14pm
Great response Cuppatea!! Love it!


Posted By: tropics
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 3:23pm
lol thats great cupatea!

-------------"> [/url]

Posted By: BessieBear
Date Posted: 08 August 2008 at 5:32pm

Originally posted by adele21 adele21 wrote:

Wow! This is a great thread. My little sam was born on June 23 3 weeks early and has been ff pretty much ever since. My problem is flat nipples, my poor boy had nothing to latch onto and I don't think I ever had a let down... He was fed colostrum via a syringe after a midwife expressed it for me and I expressed Breastmilk until he was six weeks old. My other problem was that I would sit at the pump for about 30 mins and only get about 50mls from both boobs combined if I was lucky... Sam would have been lucky to get about 80mls of EBM once every two days. He was always topped up with formula. He was quite jaundiced in the first week but not enough to need photo therapy and he lost the maximium he was "allowed" to. Since then he has thrived, putting on agood amount of weight. he last weighed about 4.5kg at 6 weeks and seems quite happy. I use PUR bottles which are designed to be sterklised in the microwave- you can get them from New World. I still feel sad that I can't BF but I have a healthy and happy baby. Sometimes breast isn't always best. I was formula fed because I was adopted, I'll bet nobody would care if I told people sam was adopted... it actually tends to shut people up VERY quickly... some people get quiite embarrassed about it.

this was my problem, my Dh's brother and sister were adpoted so they were both FF

Sarah Mum to,
Boy 07/2008, Girl 03/2010, Boy 05/2012, Angel 07/08/2014

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 11:59am
Originally posted by cuppatea cuppatea wrote:

I told a rude lady in the supermarket that I had no nipples, the look on her face was priceless.


But I'm stunned that some random-stranger-cow would be rude to you in the supermarket like that!! How the hell is it any of her business anyway?

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 12:46pm
Yeah apparently if you are looking at formula everyone has the right to comment I had a check out lady ask me if I was breastfeeding as well, although I think she was just making conversation as it didn't sound like a judgemental question.


Posted By: LittleBug
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 5:14pm
Lol cuppatea... that's a pretty good comeback. It's surprising how many people think that your boobs and baby are their business.

Okay I have a question for experienced FF mummies!! Chloe recently turned 6 months old so we switched onto the Nuture Heinz 6 months + tin (red tin) from the birth onwards (blue tin) formula... and Chloe is having huge constipation issues.

I'm not sure if it's because it's a different composition of formula, or whether it's because they only get 4 bottles instead of 5 bottles on that "fuller" formula, and she won't drink any water even mixed with apple juice or anything.

What can I do about her constipation? My poor baby struggles and cries so much and only does really small, hard poos. I hate watching her like that.

Should I go back onto the old formula, which we had no problems with, even though it seems like a step backwards? She was so happy on the birth-6 months one, the next one up just doesn't seem to be working for us at all.

Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).

Posted By: cuppatea
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 6:22pm
The 6+ month one has less calories to encourage them to eat more solids, if she eats solids fine on the old formula I would stick with that. Most Birth + ones say they are ok up to 12 months or more anyway.


Posted By: mummy_becks
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 6:39pm

I have told my sister that when she does finally have a baby to come on here as she will get a heap of support as she will not be able to BF as all and baby will be on formula from birth. She had a double breast reconstruction at 18 years old as she was an A on one side and a DD on the other (very lopsided), so both breast have been reconstructed and the dr that did it said that he tried to do it so she could still BF but it was just too messy and as she ended up with an major infection in one breast resulting in more surgery.

Charly maybe if she isn't eating all that much go back to the birth - 6 months and then change once she is eating more food.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 10 August 2008 at 9:17pm
When we weaned the gremlins off Neocate onto cows milk formula at 10 mths we started them on the From Birth formula instead of Follow On as the dietician said it's easier on their tummies.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

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