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Birth Stories

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Category: Have A Baby?
Forum Name: First baby? Second or more?
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Topic: Birth Stories
Posted By: AngieBaby
Subject: Birth Stories
Date Posted: 20 October 2003 at 9:53am
There are many pregnant women out there anxious about giving birth....We want to hear your birth story so that we have some kind of expectation about labour and birth. Please tell us your story.

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 20 October 2003 at 1:08pm
Hi all oh well here goes. Alyssa was finally born 9 days overdue. I went to see the midwife on the monday at 9am(8 days overdue) so she could give me a sweep (its where they run a finger around the lip of you cervix to get your show to start). As i really didnt want to be induced and this was going to be the next step on the friday. Anyway she went to do the sweep and then had this kind of puzzled sound in her voice "have you been having any niggles?" I said no and she told me i was already 3 cm dilated and to go home and wait that labour wouldnt be too far away.

Well i got home and the show started, it wasnt that bad but i did have to wear a pad. The niggles started at about 2pm and I called my husband and one of my best friends who was going to be a support person as well. I think at this stage they were about 20 mins apart.

My midwife rang later that night and asked how things were going and we told her they were going good contractions about 15 mins apart but sometimes going down to five.

I was awake most of monday night with the contractions but also excitement. The contractions were now 5 mins to 2 mins apart. So at 7am i called the midwife thinking surely i must be nearly ready to go into hospital. The midwife came out and checked me i was still only 3 cm aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how frustrating.

So my husband worked outside for a while and My friend and i went for 2 very long walks. Then i decided to have a hot bath, My back was killing me by this stage with all the contractions (using all the things id been told could help speed things up)

At 1pm on Tuesday i couldn't stand being at home any longer and the pain in my back was pretty intense (i am told this is because Alyssa was laying a bit posterior). So i phoned my midwife and told her i was going into hospital.

When i was admitted she checked me and woo hoo i was 5cm so it was good to know things were progressing. I jumped into the spa bath when it was available and stayed in there consuming heaps of cold water as well. By now i was also starting to vomit (with the back pain, Id just like to say that the contractions wern't that bad but those of you who have had the massive back pain with a posterior baby will know what im talking about).

I eventually got out of the bath and went back to my room so the midwife could check me (she had been monitoring the baby and my BP while i was in the bath.) And i was ready to push.

I was offered gas but took one puff and couldnt stand it. Once Alyssa's head had come down far enough and she had obviously turned into the right position the back pain stopped. So i started pusing at 4-30pm and Alyssa was born at 6pm weighing 8lb 6oz and 52cm. So all in all it was a fantastic labour. They took me as being in labour for 7 hours so thats not too bad for the first go.

I feel really positive about my labour and birth and what was great for me was having my friends and family there to support me, my husband, sister, and two of my closest friends. Also i totally trusted my midwife and anything she suggested i try i did.

I hope this hasnt put anyone off having a baby because it was truely the best day of my life, Sure it was hard at the time but i cant even really remember how sore it was now and it was only 6 months ago. I just had to go over the midwifes notes to write everthing down.

Goodluck with your births, Maria


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: melz
Date Posted: 20 October 2003 at 3:05pm
Must say that I had it pretty easy. Noticed a few little niggles bout 2am on Monday morning and so didn't get alot of sleep that day. Spent most of the day not doing alot, my back started to get a bit sore but nothing major. My waters broke at 6pm and about 6:30 we headed off to hospital. Contractions started really really heavy after that. Had gas and the only time I thought "Oh my God I can't do this" was when her head was through so it was all pretty easy after that. I was happy as I only needed 2 stiches and as I am only 5"2 and 50kgs and Angie was 8lbs 8 I thought that was pretty good. She was born at 8pm on Monday night.

Posted By: Mumtaz
Date Posted: 20 October 2003 at 3:22pm
Hi there,

I had a good pregnancy except for alot of pelvis pain, especially towards the end as baby was getting heavy. I was 10 days overdue and had to be induced as baby's head would not engage. I got induced at 8 am Tuesday 11 June and then my waters broke about 3pm that afternoon. The problem still was that baby wouldn't fully engage so about 8.30pm that evening my obstetrician decided to do a c-section. I had an epidural so I would be concious for the birth and my husband was there in theater for support. There were no complications afterwards. A reason for baby not engaging was that his head was a bit big for my pelvis.

I had a healthy son, Yaqub, and he weighed 9.5 pounds


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 20 October 2003 at 3:51pm
Hi all,

It was a bit of a mission getting Maya into the world, she was posterior too. I felt the first contractions around 4pm on Wed 26 Feb but they just felt like bad gas (I was due 6 March). Had a bit of a show in thebath around 11pm, so I rang my midwife. She said to stay at home until they were 5 mins apart. I tried to sleep but was too excited and nervous, so I sat up and watched reruns on TV and ate toast all night. the midwife rang at 7am surprised that I hadn't called, but the contractions were still irregular.

By 4pm the contractions were getting serious, but still irregular, so I went to New World in my pyjamas to buy HOt X Buns. I ate the whole packet!! By 11pm the contractions were 5 mins apart, and I couldn't stand them, so I rang the midwife, and then my support person (my best friend Karen) picked me up and took me to the hospital.

I was 5cm dilated when I arrived at the hospital, and then at 1am I had an epidural, because I'm allergic to pethadene and the gas made me vomit. The doctor let the epidural wear off when I was 9 cm and at 7am I was ready to push.

Maya Grace Te Irirangi Marama was born on Friday 28 February, 6 days early at 8.11am, weighed 9lbs and was 54cm long. Her APGAR at birth was 10.

I had a really long labour (41 hrs from the first contraction, but 17 hours of clinical labour), because Maya was posterior, but she did turn while I was in labor. Looking back, it wasn't anywhere near as bad as friends had made it out to be (maybe because I had an epidural).. Would I do it all again? Hell yeah - my perfect baby girl is worth every minute of it!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: jfw0
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 10:01am
ok - well i have two to tell.....   so first....
When i was 8 1/2 months my husband and i moved from Tga to Auckland.... not good leaving a midwife that you had got to trust and love to nothing.. and trying to find someone who would take you soo far along... but with my sis in auckland looking for me it was not so bad.. i found one - which was a group of three.... i met them all the first day i was in auckland.. i immediately got on with 2 out of three.. on my next visit i requested that i not see or have the third (she was too old school for me - to pushing and we did not get on...) My mum was in napier at the time so she came up a week before i was due... to help things along.. she took me for VERY long walks through the botanical gardens everyday and to every shoppign mall and walked.. i was exashted after each day.. and one of those days i was walkign down the road and turned into our driveway and my Knee dislocated.. and i fell flat (well almost) on my tummy.. i was not too concerned but mum was - and that was on a sunday (by this time i was about 8 days overdue)so mum drove me to hospital and caled the midwife to say meet us there.. i was checked out and both me and bubs were ok... (it was the grandma that was in a mess... ) they keep me in overnight just to see if everythign was still ok.. and it was so they sent me home and said if i had not had it natually by the next sunday to go in to be induced... so next sunday came and i went in after lunch and the checked everythig out.. still ok but not even started.. so they started by putting some (excuse me for not knowing the correct terms) little bullet shaped things inside to help start "soften me up" i was not to move for about 1 hour while they "disolved" (fun) then mum took me on more long walks - this time around the hospital - around and around....   after tea that night and after i had a really nice long Deep bath the nurses put some more of those things in there and said this time don't get up (unless i had to go to the bathroom... ) My husband and mum both said they would see me in the morning.. and left...   all around me were ladies screaming because they were in laubour but not far enough along that they went into delivery suites... so it was not a good sleep... next mornign the dr and nurses checked me out again.. and still nothing.. (i think my baby wanted to stay there) so they said after lunch they would take me down to the delivery suite and break my waters... (yay) my mum and hubby came up after i had breaky and i was hooked up to the monitor to keep an eye on thigns.. after lunch as promised i was taken down to the suites... i was first layed on the bed and they broke my waters with a large crochet hook( i know that is not correct terms ) then the hooked me up to an epidurail so i could not move anywhere.. i also had a drip with some drug in it to get me "going" and i really need to go number ones.. and i said that i was busting... so the nurse put a catherder in - but it was so painful i really wanted to go and after about 5 mins of me complaining the nurse came back and said she would check it.. and she had not done it corectly and that was way it was more painful than just me 'busting'.. she fixed it and wow - she needed to change the bag... i was soo then they called my midwife..and who should turn up - but the one i hated.. the one that did not get along with me.... yay she was told that waters had been broken at 12 noon.. and that drugs had started.... around 5 pm i was really starting to feel it... my sis was called and she said that she would be there about 7.30pm.... i am glad we took a radio cause it was soo boring otherwise..   i remember that from 12noon to 8pm htey played "kung foo fighting" 7 times and i was beginning to hate the song... the midwife and the specialist were having a discussion as to weather i would have this baby natually or ceaser (because i am little 5'2 and my baby was big) well - after my sis got there things started heating up .. i tried the gas but that was gross so i just went for the eating ice - crunching down on something hard while getting some fluid into me.. and at 8.10pm my little girl came into this world... with my mum at the foot of the bed talking pics every couple of seconds.. to get the full effect(lol) and mym sis saying that she was glad that she did not have her children that way (nataral) and my husband just looking at my face and nothing else - otherwise he would have passed out        Well in all i hated my first birth - it was horrible... very "boring" with a person who was barking orders at me (the midwife) and i thought if they were all like this i would not do it again.....     at least not with that midwife in that hospital.


Tori, Dyon's and Orlando-Rene's Mum

Posted By: jfw0
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 10:27am
now second -
we had moved to a new part of auckland.. and my doc (new doc aswell) suggested i try the midwife who is at the same practice... - yep i will give it a go.. well this midwife was amazing.. she was funny the whole way through pregnacy.. callign my baby george..and if it is a girl - it had to have the same name as

On a sunny Saturday morning - early....
My waters broke while my husband and i were being intimate... mmmm not the nicest of things to happen during .. but anyway.. i was 3 weeks off due date... i phoned the midwife and she said thats good.. and that labour usually starts about 6 hours from water breaking - so to let her know... so we took my daughter to her dancing lession, told a firend of ours.. she was excited and wanted to kep informed.. yeah yeah we will blah balh - like you say to everyone....    and then we went shopping (lots of walkign again)   called our support person and she stayed the night in case things started then... i phoned my boss to let her know what was happening as i still had a week of work to go. i had little niggles before goign to bed..   but nothing major.. so went to sllep... midwife phoned to see what was happenign.. when i said nothing so far .. she said that was fine - meet her in the hospital @ 8am the next morning if nothing happed during the night.   8am came and we were at the hospital.. i was hooked up to a drip to pump antibitotics into me cause the water had been broken they did not want infection starting... after lunch the midwife came back and made a few jokes and said that if i was not to start soon she was going home... about 6pm the pain was getting too much for me so i asked for an epidural contractions were happenign but i cant recall how far apart.... after the epidural was in the midwife did a check and i was about 5cm... and she also noticed that the baby had moved the membraine around so the hole had been plugged so i still had half the water still inside.. (we think she broke it - then after a while thought - nup - and put her finger in it to stop anymore water from escaping ) so the midwife finished it off... with that crocet hook and then my epidural for some reason had stopped workign - she got in the anethistist.. and she checked it out and there was no reason why it was not working.. so she took that one out and did a new one.. normally they don't do it so far along but i could not do anything i was in so much pain... so they gave me an immediate pain killer so i could get into position fo rthe epidural... that made me nausus so they gave me something else for that so i would keep still and then they put the epidiral in - agian.   so when she was finished i was as high as a kite... - so much in la la land it was not funny....   when she was about to leave and jsut checking everything was in place.. i said to the midwife "i need to poo" - which really meant that the baby was pushign its way out.... the midwife said to wait until the anathestist had gone cause she hates that side of it... and once she was out of the room - midwife checked and said - yep push anytime now... and wow this one was easy.. she was born at 11.10pm 6 pound 8. unlike the first at 8 pound 10.   Dyon just "slipped out"   And i got to hold dyon as soon as she was born - tori i didn't until she was about 30 mins old.   So this birth was 500 times better than the first.. and this time - with my third i have that same midwife so things should go well...

It all depends on the midwife and your support team in the deliverly room...   if you trust and like them.. you won't notice the pain as much.. all i remmeber from this last one is the fun we had telling jokes and singing songs...


Tori, Dyon's and Orlando-Rene's Mum

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 2:32pm

heres my story:marsh was due 19th april nothing happened i got booked in to be induced 2weeks after that 3days before i was meant to be induced i started feeling contractions about 3pm happened every 15mins then got down to 10mins apart to 15mins so nothing major happening yet!!Around 8pm i started getting quite sore and the pains were every 10mins sometimes 5mins mainly 10mins so i called midwife she asked me if i would like to come in cause i lived in massey and i had to go to northshore hospital which is a far distance,so i called my nan she got ready and came from manukau to pick me up and take me to hospital.

Got to the hospital at about 9pm at 9.30pm midwife checked me not dilated yet!So she broke my waters and then everything from ther happened.I got up and walker around but i couldnt handle that i prefered laying down or sitting down.Mainly all my labour i was sitting in a rocking chair that was brilliant.started getting contractions every 10-5mins then midwife examined me again and ill admit it was uncomfortable,she said i was 3cm dilated so things were starting that was about 11/12 by then shanes mum and lil sister had arrived to be there and my sis and my mum was also there too.Time went by started getting abit sore so midwife done another check she said was fully dilated things were starting only my nan was in the room too everyone got back in my room and then at 0.450am marshall murdo mckenzie was born 7lbs 13oz through out my labour too i had pethidine first then epidural and the gas i didnt like the gas cause it made me think differrently and my labour was only 7hours.In the end i had about 4stitches didnt have much probs i just bleed abit for the day then i was fine i stayed in hospital for 3 days


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 3:17pm
I forgot to say that I wentto Birthcare after Maya was born,a nd it was awesome - highly recommended. they have these spa baths there that are excellent after you've just had a baby. i stayed 3 days, and it was free - the government pays for it. When Maya was 2 weeks, I went to National Womens for 9 days with mastitis (breast abscess), and it just doesn't compare, so anyone having a baby in Auckland soon, check it out!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Rachy
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 3:19pm
Warning a good birth story and a not so good story!!

Well I thought I would add my birth story too!! Griffin was born 4 Jan 02

I was induced at 37 weeks due to toxemia. My original wife got sick and I had to have one that I had never met before so I was a bit nervous. I went in at 7am and had the gel applied, nothing happened so I stayed over night, didnt sleep at all, all worried and stressing.
7am I got a niggle and then 7.30 on they came at 5 min apart and they were bad!!
Went down to the delivery room and 12hrs later they broke my waters, that was very painful I must say. My midwife was very distant and not very supportive, quite cold infact, my partner felt he was the one incharge and was really scared, this was our first baby and would have liked some kind of support.
So then I started vomiting, went into shock, shaking and my temp and blood pressure sky rocketed and I kept losing conciousness (sp lol)
then at about midnight Griffins heart kept dropping very low during each contration so they got me to push, my silly midwife didnt check how dialated I was and I was only 6cm, so after 1 hr and no success Geoff my partner had enough and went and talked to the specialist. She came in, put a fetal clip on Griffin, checked me out, put me on a drip and did a blood test on Griffins head, Griffin was in fetal distress and had to come out NOW, so they gave me an epidural and rushed me into theatre, at 3.15 am Griffin was born at 6lb 7oz, he had cord wrapped around his leg, was posterior and wouldnt have fitted through my pelvis anyway. So I wasnt to impressed with my midwife who seemed to cause alot of stress and I feel put Griffin and my life at risk, we have written a letter to the hospital voicing our concerns so hopefully the next person wont go through that, she left about half way through the c/section and Ive never seen her again. But at the end I have my beautiful little boy.

Ok Lilly born on 9 Feb 03

Ok well I was booked in to have a repeat C/section on 11 March, well I guess it aint gonna happen lol!!!
Sat night went to a girly movie and sleep over at a friends, watched scarey movies all night and found I was kinda uncomfortable, I though baby must have shifted and was pressing on something funny. We all laughed and said how funny it would have been if I went into labour, well we werent far off!!!! Slept funny all night went home on Sunday and all was well, sat down at about 7pm to watch Michael Jackson special and got some niggles, well 30 min later they were coming every min and quite strong so rang my midwife, got her partner as Debbie was in delivery all night and sleeping, she told me it would be babies head engaging so not to worry, 15 min later Geoff rang her back as I was IN alot of pain and having contraction on top of contraction. So she said Debbie would meet me at the hosp, Geoffs step father came got us and took us to the hospital, and boy is it hard having contractions in a car, so just b4 9 we arrive and Debbie checks me and Im 5cm, said do u feel any pressue, nope I say, 2 seconds later Im pushing my little heart out! Bamm go the waters and 9.58pm out she came very quickly, I was TOTALLY amazed when Geoff says "hey its a boy without a winkle" lol, I had a baby GIRL, couldnt belive it, all prepared for a boy lol. Was the best suprise. No drugs, well a bit of gas, no rips or tears and was up having a shower and on the phone 20 min later!! It was the most amazing experience in my life and Im am so glad I have the best midwife and supportive partner (and friends of course). I cant belive it went so well and so quick and wasnt anywhere close to what I went thru with Griffin. So no c/section for me, and cant wait to get my little girl home, she wasnt breathing to well when she was born so was on oxygen for a while but is doing it all on her own now, shes 5lb 8oz and is a hairy little thing, she spent 2 weeks in hospital and is now a big 8kg 9mth old lol
Love reading everyones experiences :)

Posted By: lou
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 3:50pm
Knowing that on average a first baby is a week late I planned in my head that I was going to be a week late. I did not want to be sitting around for weeks wondering when I was going to pop. Having heard other people talking about being really uncomfortable and just wanting it over I expected to reach that stage as well. My mother kept asking if it felt like baby was sitting down before me, and my reply was always not yet.
The day before my due date arrived and I was feeling great. As I had finished all the projects I had been working on I decided to buy some wool and knit some booties and a hat. After all I probably had a weeks worth of time to use up. By the time I had walked to spotlight to get some wool and to the supermarket I had walked for a good two hours. A visit to my midwife that afternoon showed things to be progressing well. The head was now 3/5ths of the way down. I thought I would easily make it though the next 4 days till my midwife came back on duty. I was so wrong! At about midnight I started to have contractions. Just as well I had come to the conclusion earlier that week that it would be ok if I had her partner and not my main midwife. At first I just thought they were pratice contractions, as I had had a simular episode the previous day that lasted for about 30 minutes. I was sure the contractions were going to stop in a few minutes and I would be able to go to sleep. It wasn't till I had a show that I had to believe that I was in labor and that it wasn't a false start. Even once we had arrived at the hospital I continued to joke about the contractions stopping soon and been able to go to sleep.
After a check of baby's heartbeat the Midwife was ready to send me back home. From the way I was acting she thought at most that I would be 1-2 cm dialated. My midwife offered to check how dialated I was to give me an idea of how long I had to go. She couldn't believe when she checked that I was 6 – 7 cms dialated. I was really surprised too. I wasn't going back home after all.
As the contractions were starting to get a bit stronger I decided to try soaking in a bath. The midwife seemed to get enjoyment out of me now having to work a little harder during the contractions. I never made it into the bath as reached the pushing stage. It came as a real shock to me as I wasn't expecting to be ready to push for another hour or two (I dialated the last 3cm in an hour). An hour later my beautiful daughter was born .
Summary: 7 1/2 hours from first sign of labor starting till birth, born at 7:42am at Waitakere hospital, weight 4.225kg(over 9lbs) and 50cm long - a wee chubby.
I didn't use any pain medication except for the tens machine, which I kept forgetting to turn on and off. And I was lucky to not tear and so didn't need any stitches.
I think next time I'm going to have a home birth. I think it will be much nicer than a hospital birth.
Just to add my midwife/s are part of Maternity Matters and they were fantastic. I met 5 of the midwifes that work there and they were all really nice and very supportive. I would used the same midwife next time if I was still going to be in Auckland.

Posted By: emjt
Date Posted: 21 October 2003 at 4:56pm
I love reading all these stories.Everyone has such different experiances. When I had Evie at the end of June I had a really easy time until the pushing stage.
My waters broke early Friday morning and my contractions increased throughout the day.I carried on my day as normal and went shopping. By 5pm I was 5cm dilated. My mum and aunt arrived from the UK at 7pm, we had dinner and they went to bed with jet lagg. Hubbie and I went to the birthing centre at 11pm and I sailed through my labour. I went down in history as the first woman to read a book whilst in labour at the centre. At 3am I started pushing and found that bit the strangest and tiring as I had to concentrate. At 6.15 am I had an episiotomy and Evie shot out. A muscle in my cervix just wouldn't give so it had to be done. After a few stitches and a clean up my mum and aunt turned up and saw Evie just 15 mins after she was born. So it was really good timing and a really good drug free experiance. I am still shocked that I managed it.
Good luck everyone and I wish we could describe what it is like but there is just nothing to compare it to in the world with such a wonderful reward.

Posted By: jfw0
Date Posted: 22 October 2003 at 11:17am
I love reading these stories...   Great to hear most people "sail" through.


Tori, Dyon's and Orlando-Rene's Mum

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 22 October 2003 at 12:35pm

Rachy wat a lovely birth story that was great sorry to hear about the first birth u had and very happy bout the 2nd lil girl.

Good luck for the future


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 22 October 2003 at 3:14pm
I was on the phone a few minutes after Maya was born too. The midwife asked if I wanted to ring Mayas slack daddy who wasn't at the birth but I said "I want to ring my mum!" Mum and dad were panicking coz they were both in Aussie and they knew how long I had been in labor for!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: jfw0
Date Posted: 22 October 2003 at 6:11pm
Maya - so was i... to my mum.. and then my sis - and then i rang my work.. and left a message, i still had a week to go.. so i could not
They all said that was the best excuse for not coming to work on a monday morning.....


Tori, Dyon's and Orlando-Rene's Mum

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 23 October 2003 at 9:45am

Well i only made one phone call that was 2hours after birth i phone my use to be bestfriend that lives in napier to tell her i just given birth we no longer friends now though cause basically she said choose her or my bf and i choose my bf and she wouldnt have known i had a baby if i didnt call her so she wasnt a great friend anyway.

My nan went to work about 4 hours later and called up everyone that day,shanes mum called everyone she knew when marsh was born so i didnt have to call anyone my nan and mother in law done that all


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 23 October 2003 at 12:48pm
I rang Mum and Dad in Sydney, and Mum was going to come over on Monday when I got out of hospital, but in the end she couldn't wait and came on Friday night instead. Then I rang her dad who was at work, and said we have a baby girl and she's 9lbs and he said, I have to go, I'm working, see you after work. What a dad - 41 hours of labour having his baby and he can't even leave work! then I rang my grandparents - Maya is their first great-grandchild so they were stoked. It was just me and my best friend Karen and the midwife there when I gave birth which was nice and quiet and not really like a hospital at all.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Alyoop2
Date Posted: 24 October 2003 at 12:29pm
When I was about 3 months pregnant, my mother had a dream.  She came to me and said that I would have a little boy and that he would be born on August 17.  She described exactly how he would look to me.
My due date was August 20, 2001.  I had an ante natal check up on August 16th at 8pm.  The midwife told me that he was definately nowhere near being engaged, and proceeded to book ante natal appts for the next 2 weeks.  I had been feeling strange within myself all afternoon, but she said it wasn't anything to worry about, and told me she expected my baby to go around 10 days overdue.
That night I started having period pain like twinges around 9.30pm.  Around 11pm they started getting stonger and more regular.  I went to the toilet and discovered a small show, then went back to bed to try to get some sleep.  By midnight, the contractions were coming every 5 minutes and were very strong so we phoned the hospital.  They said to come in if we wanted to, and being our first child, we shot right in.  As I walked down the stairs, I remember thinking - it's August 17 - My bloody F****** mother!!!
I was 2 cm when the midwife checked, even though my contractions were every 2 mins or so and very strong.  They decided to put me on a monitor to check out how Sean was going, but the dear wee child kept going to sleep, so they decided to keep the belt on all night to monitor him.
I asked for a bath, but wasn't allowed one, as they thought Sean was too sleepy, but said I could have a shower.  So I went to use the shower, but guess what?  It was broken.  So I was moved to another delivery room at 4am, which had a working shower.  At 6 am the midwife I had seen for my checkup came back on duty, and made the necessary checks.  I was still only 4cm dilated.  She decided to let me have a bath, as she thought it would help me dilate quicker.  I got into the bath at 9am, 4 1/2 cm dilated, and 45 minutes later I was 10cm.  I was surviving the pain with the hot water, and copious amounts of gas.  I went through 1 1/2 bottles!
Out of the bath then, and my water s broke just as I got back onto the bed.  It was such a relief to start pushing!  After 2 hours pushing though - still no baby!  The ob came in and I was given an episiotomy.  With one huge push, Sean was born at 12.17pm on August 17.  He had had his hand on the side of his face, which was why he couldn't fit out.
Mum was at the birth, and said that he looked exactly as she had dreamed.

Sean (17-08-2001) Coeliac - Gluten and Dairy sensitive

James (29-12-2003) Gluten and Dairy sensitive

Posted By: foxgrrl
Date Posted: 25 October 2003 at 11:22pm
i had an awesome enjoyable pregnancy. my edd was 17/03 (st pats day!)
contractions for me started the moring of 15/03, coming every 8 - 11 mins. rang my mid wife who told me to call her when they were 3 - 5 mins apart. i spent most of that day in the bath. i got no sleep that night as my back was SO SORE (coby was posterior)
to cut a long story short, i had irregular contrations for 2 days with no sleep. i was exhausted, i was scared, i wanted this kid out!
early monday morning (17/03) my contractions starting coming every 5 or so minutes and I was in pure agony, my back felt like it was going to split in two. my partner woke up to find me moaning/crying at the end of the bed, asked me how far apart the contractions were, then decided to ring my midwife. we were to meet her at the hospital in half an hour, i took a hot shower before we left which helped a lot.
we got to the hospital, i was put on the fetal heart monitor, and we were disappointed to find that my contractions were back to being inconsistant - ranging from 4-9 mins. i jumped back into the shower, i remember thinking the contractions didnt hurt as bad under the hot stream of water.
my mid wife called my doctor who examined me and i was only 1cm dilated. i could have cried, all those contractions for nothing. to speed things along he broke my water. i spent the next hour watering the floor, i also lost what was left of my mucous plug.
fast forward a few hours, the pain is unbearable and my contractions are coming closer together. after 2 days of intense back labour and no sleep i break down and ask for pain relief, so i got an epidural. i started crying because i really wanted to have a drugfree birth, but once the epidural was in all my back pain disappeared and i was a lot happier.
my doc came back to check my progress a few hours later and announced i was 9 cms - i had gone from 1 cm to 9 cms in 4 hours. yay, i was going to have a baby soon!
once i hit 10 cms, my mid wife had me push. i mustered all the energy I could find and pushed...and pushed...and pushed. it seemed coby didnt want to budge, and his heart rate was dropping rapidly. my mid wife starts to worry and discusses things with my doc over the phone (he works at a medical center so he was in and out all day) she thinks I may have to have a c section so I get prepped for one just in case while we wait for my doc to come back and assess the situation.
my doc checks me and then gives me two optios:
1. i keep pushing but risk having a c section if hes not out soon
2. he uses forceps to get him out
i chose option 2. i was given more drugs which made my legs feel like concrete but i still could locate the right muscles to push. i was shaking like mad, i had never been so scared in my life.
pushing felt strange, i could feel coby being pulled out but there was no pain whatsoever. because forceps were used i was given an episiotomy - another thing I wanted to avoid.
at 6:22pm my boy was pulled out into the world and placed on my tummy where he opened his eyes and looked right at me, I will never forget that moment, he was beautiful. it turned out the cord was wrapped pretty tightly around his neck, the reason for the drop in his heart rate. my partner cut the cord and he was taken away to be suctioned, his APGAR was 9.
we spent 3 days in hospital mainly because we have been having b'feeding problems. after i had cobe i vowed to never have any more children, but i'd do it again in a heart beat :)

his stats:
coby jacob
born 6:22pm on st pats day
51cms long, head 36cms

Posted By: angel
Date Posted: 26 October 2003 at 10:13am
Its great being able to read all these different experiences - Im just wondering what will happen when my turn comes!! Still, another 22 1/2 weeks to go, plenty of time to plan

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 29 October 2003 at 10:13am
angel does it feel like its taking forever?it did 4 me


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 29 October 2003 at 9:09pm
Me too, funny thing is since Maya was born time has disappeared, I can't believe she's 8 months already.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Astrid
Date Posted: 29 October 2003 at 11:10pm

Mum to 12
Rhys (17) Jayden (16) Tessa (14) Tyler (12)
Paige (11) Grace (9) Zachary (8) Rose (6)
Amelia (6) Seth (4) Lydia (2)
and Oscar Henry 8mths

Posted By: Astrid
Date Posted: 29 October 2003 at 11:20pm

Mum to 12
Rhys (17) Jayden (16) Tessa (14) Tyler (12)
Paige (11) Grace (9) Zachary (8) Rose (6)
Amelia (6) Seth (4) Lydia (2)
and Oscar Henry 8mths

Posted By: Astrid
Date Posted: 29 October 2003 at 11:32pm

Mum to 12
Rhys (17) Jayden (16) Tessa (14) Tyler (12)
Paige (11) Grace (9) Zachary (8) Rose (6)
Amelia (6) Seth (4) Lydia (2)
and Oscar Henry 8mths

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 30 October 2003 at 7:54am

wow wat a wicked birth story.

U have 11 kids?how do u do it?wow thats amazing ive been saying i couldnt handle twins let alone 11 kids? how old r they all?


Posted By: Astrid
Date Posted: 30 October 2003 at 8:53am
15,13,12,10,9,7,6,4,4,23mths and 14 weeks.
And I do 'it' pretty well I think

Mum to 12
Rhys (17) Jayden (16) Tessa (14) Tyler (12)
Paige (11) Grace (9) Zachary (8) Rose (6)
Amelia (6) Seth (4) Lydia (2)
and Oscar Henry 8mths

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 30 October 2003 at 9:48am
Love the avatar, Andrea. Is this one of your kids?

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Astrid
Date Posted: 30 October 2003 at 9:59pm
Yes this is my baby Lydia, she was 1 week old there, she's 14 weeks now. I need to get some more pictures developed, they grow so quickly when they are little.

Mum to 12
Rhys (17) Jayden (16) Tessa (14) Tyler (12)
Paige (11) Grace (9) Zachary (8) Rose (6)
Amelia (6) Seth (4) Lydia (2)
and Oscar Henry 8mths

Posted By: oh_baybee
Date Posted: 31 October 2003 at 11:59am
Wow! What an amazing birth story! That is definitely a story to tell Lydia when she's a little older! Are you planning n having any more babies?? You have chosen beautiful names for your children, 5 of those names belong to 5 special people in my life also. Well done Andrea, you're a legend!

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 31 October 2003 at 12:45pm
I'm a bit obsessed with photos - Maya is 8 mths and I already have over 200 photos, she's onto her second album already . I guess I'm trying to make up for the fact that there are no baby photos at all of my 10 year old.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 02 November 2003 at 2:19pm

dnt worry your not alone with maya im obsessed too marsh is 6mnths and ive taken thousands of pics cause hes so goregous and cute.

andrea thats great with your family u must be one hard working mumma and good luck for the future thats a great pic too


Posted By: jfw0
Date Posted: 04 November 2003 at 3:03pm
thats a great story andrea....
do you homeschool your children???


Tori, Dyon's and Orlando-Rene's Mum

Posted By: Teenmummy
Date Posted: 05 November 2003 at 1:23pm
that gives me a headache imagineing me havin 11 kids


Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 29 August 2004 at 5:09pm
Thought i would just bump this up to being an active topic again as there has been a bit of talk about different experiences the past week or so, and there are a few stories here.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 29 August 2004 at 9:30pm
hey kewl - what a good idea to bring this back up - its always good to read about other people's experiences.

so heres mine - sorry if its a bit long - i wrote it a while ago:

I was 20 when I found out I was pregnant. It was the end of my first year of nursing training, and wasn’t too sure how I’d juggle everything, but I was still pretty sure I could do it. I was due in the middle of the holidays, half way through my 2nd year. My study meant that I didn’t really get to rest a lot, and I was working every second weekend. Despite this my pregnancy went very well, I didn’t really have any of the problems that everyone else seems to have. The worst I got was a bit of morning sickness early on. It conveniently struck just when I was trying to prepare a Pre-Christmas dinner for about 16 people, in my tiny kitchen, on a very hot day. But that’s stressful enough to make anyone feel sick. As for weight gain, it was all baby and not much else. At full term I only looked like I was 7 months, and I was told my baby wouldn’t be very big, possibly around 5 to 6 pound.

I’ve walked everywhere all my life, and that never changed. People thought I was a bit nutty, walking to and from town most days for classes, and to my midwife appointments in my lunch hours. Even at full term I was still waddling about and I believe that kept me fit, and helped me have a good labour. I made a point of reading up as much as I could about everything. I bought magazines full of birth stories to read. Funnily enough I always skipped straight past all the horror stories of long, painful labours, inductions and caesareans, to the stories of quick births. I have no idea why I did this, maybe it was wishful thinking? Reality is, I think I was more scared than anything else. I’m a bit of a baby when it comes to pain. Despite this, I knew I didn’t want an epidural, or pethidine unless I really had to, so I decided that I would try everything else first. When I packed my hospital bag I made sure to put in all the things I thought I’d need – magazines, wheat bags, a TENS machine, barley sugars, crossword puzzle books. You name it, chances are I had it in there! I was planning for a long haul, and was looking forward to having a nice spa up at the hospital.

On the Friday, a week before I was due, I noticed I had a show. It was pretty neat to think that in the next week or so, I was finally going to be a Mum. It was hard to keep it quiet when my Mum came round that day and wanted to go for a walk – I just made up some excuse about not really wanting to go. The weekend passed and was pretty un-eventful. I went to a home expo but left after only a little while because my partner Mike was getting annoyed, as I had to keep going off to the bathroom. I felt quite uncomfy, like baby was pressing on my bladder constantly, but apart from that I was fine. On Monday night I was looking at baby names on the internet. Our girl’s name had been picked for months, and I ended up going to bed early because I just couldn’t find a boys name that we both liked.

I had a really good sleep, and at 5am on Tuesday I got up for one of those frequent late-pregnancy bathroom trips. I’d barely been back in bed for 5 minutes when I heard a POP! It sort of felt a bit like someone had just popped a balloon in my tummy. I wondered if my waters had broken or not because there was no sign of any liquid – until I stood up, then there was no doubt. I woke up Mike, and told him I didn’t think he’d be going to work that day. He just said “cool, can I go back to sleep now?” Since I still had no pains of any sort, I let him sleep and did a last check-over to make sure I hadn’t left anything out of my bag.

Contractions started just after 6am. Each one felt like a really nervous cold wave washing over me, and I could feel my tummy tighten, but they weren’t painful. I timed a couple and they were coming every 5 minutes or so, some lasted ages, and some barely a few seconds. We rung our midwife Maretta, who suggested I get in the bath to try and make the contractions more regular, and ring her back later.   I will never know how I managed to squeeze into the bath so that I was kneeling, with my arms resting on the side – but somehow I did, and that's where I stayed.

I wanted to be alone, and whenever Mike talked to me, I felt frustrated - so he went and lay on the couch and went back to sleep. I just concentrated on each contraction. I could feel when each one was coming, and I would focus on rubbing my head back and forth along my arms instead of what I was feeling. I still wouldn’t call it pain, just that same weird nervous feeling. However, I do remember trying to think of a song to repeat in my head, to take my mind off it. The only one that popped into my head was the Bananas in Pyjamas song, and wouldn’t you know it, it stuck there!   By now it was 8 o’clock. The contractions were lasting forever, and were coming really close together. I felt like maybe something was happening but I still thought I had hours and hours to go. I got Mike to ring Maretta back. She arrived at 8.30, and practically had to drag me from the bath because I didn’t want to get out.

She checked me and found that I was 7 centimetres already. It was finally then that I realised I didn’t have far to go. We got to the hospital at quarter to nine. I had a HUGE contraction at the back doors to the delivery suite while we were waiting to go in. It made me double over, and it was just then that a group of people came out the doors. They looked at me, clutching the door frame for dear life, who knows what they thought. Truth is, I really didn’t care – I felt cold, sick, and the contractions were relentless. We got up to the delivery suite and at quarter past, I was checked again and told I could push.   

At first it was hard to get it right. I felt like I was getting no-where. Then I changed position so that I was more upright, and that was much better. The baby’s head started to keep its place instead of sliding back after each push. When it was crowning Maretta asked if I would like to touch the head. I didn’t, I just wanted it out!   Finally, at 11.07 am the head was delivered, and the baby just came sliding out without another push. It was a girl! She was put on my tummy, all warm and wet and slimy. It was the best feeling in the world; all I wanted to do was just hold her forever. Mike came and cut the cord – throughout the whole delivery I had made him sit over at the side of the room, only coming over to give me sips of water. I never swore at him, or was nasty – I just didn’t want him near me. We did have a bit of a scare a few minutes after the birth though, when the baby was quickly handed to Mike, because I was bleeding more heavily than usual and it wouldn't stop - in those few minutes I was more petrified than I have ever been in my whole life. The midwives managed to sort things out though, and after that everything was fine. I had about 5 stitches for small grazes, where I had torn upwards and sideways, but nothing too major.

After all my preparations, my bag of goodies was never opened. I didn’t get my spa, I didn’t even have any pain relief! Paris Harmony Taylor was born on Tuesday the 5th of August, after a mere 5 hours of labour. She weighed 7lb 3oz (so much for that “small” baby!) She had olive skin, dark eyes and lots of beautiful black hair. Today, Paris is a cheeky 1 year old. She is well above average height for her age, and her features have changed so much. She is now fair-skinned, with blue eyes, and light hair. She loves her Daddy and her Nana, and her cat called Joey. I never thought I would give birth with no pain relief, and so quickly. It was just like something I had read in those magazine birth stories. Maybe all that wishing came true.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 30 August 2004 at 8:14am
What a awesome story Janine.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 30 August 2004 at 8:47pm
thank you - i wrote it to put on an american birth story site when paris was about 10 months old. I've kept a copy to put in her baby book.

hey, where did you get that cute little thing underneath your signature.. i've seen a couple on here lately, its so gorgeous!

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 30 August 2004 at 9:00pm
Yeah, One of the new members had it. If you click on it it takes you to the site.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: first_bubz
Date Posted: 01 September 2004 at 3:42pm
Wow, what an awesome birth story.. Well done! I'm hoping to have a drug-free birth as well, but we'll see...

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 01 September 2004 at 8:15pm
Just go into it with an open mind - that way - you are relaxed instead of stressing if you need to use pain relief.   Don't over analyse anything, just focus on something else, find your "place" and float away there instead of focussing on pain. lol sounds like a bunch of hippie bull, lol but thats what i did, and it worked. realistically - if I had had a longer labour i think i may have used pain relief. as i said.. keep an open mind, and just go with what you need to do.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: angel
Date Posted: 04 September 2004 at 2:47pm
Must be my turn to put my story in here now seeing as Ella is 5 months old!

On April 1st I noticed I had a really achey lower back, and it wasnt going away. That was a Thursday. The following Tuesday morning (April 6th) I had a show. Wednesday morning, I woke up a bit earlier than usual, around 7.30. I was contemplating getting up to go to the loo when I felt something go 'pop', as if the baby had just kicked the top of my cervix. I moved very fast and just managed to hold on to get out of bed and to the toilet so my waters didnt go everywhere!
Contractions started pretty much straight away, irregular, but getting stronger. I phoned my midwife around 8.30am, she said she would come and check up on me during the morning. Well by about 9.30 I was dry retching in the kitchen sink, had had diahorrea a few times and was generally uncomfortable, so had my husband phone my midwife. She was just around the corner at another patient so arrived by 10am. She brought a wheatpack which was bliss on my lower back while I was kneeling on the floor leaning on the couch. By 11.30 or so I was getting the urge to push so we piled in the car and off to the hospital, once there my midwife did an internal and I was 10cm! About an hour of full on pushing and Ella Elizabeth was born at 12.58pm, no pain relief, 4.5 hours clinical labour. Her apgar was 9,10 and she weighed 6lb 13oz (3100grams), 51cm long. John got to cut the cord when she was born. I ended up with a second degree tear (internal) which was stitched, that was the worst part of it, I sucked on a bit of gas during that but it was horrible, made the room spin and my ears buzz. I lost quite a bit of blood immediately after the birth with some large clots, I was rather light headed when I got up for the next day or so.
It was all good, I had planned on using the bath while in labour but it wasnt long enough LOL ! I will definately be going back for another baby (or 2 )

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 04 September 2004 at 4:01pm
It sucks when you loose heaps of blood! - i felt fine in hospital - but by my 3rd day - which was the day after i came home, My iron stores and everything must have been so low, i just couldn't get out of bed - it was so bad that i did everything in bed for the next few days, only getting up to eat or go to the loo. I'm sure Paris must have thought that our house was only that one room!

Just like you Aimee - after having such a short easy labour, i'm almost looking forward to my next birth, whenever that may be. lol

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 02 January 2005 at 12:34pm
Jayde’s birth story, (our Christmas baby)

At 6am on the 24th of December, Alyssa our 20 month old came into our bedroom and thought it was time to get up. I told her it was too early and took her back to her bed to tuck her in. As I was tucking her in my hind waters broke.

I phoned the midwife who advised me she would be out later that afternoon to check on me and the baby. Nothing happened throughout the day, Braxton hicks but that’s it! The midwife checked the baby and I, we were fine. And she made an apt for 8-30am Christmas day so she could do a sterile internal at the hospital, just to check how things were going.

I started waking up with mild contractions at about 1am on the 25th but nothing too major. At about 2-30 am Rob woke up and I reluctantly told him that I was in labour (sigh) the timing now began, very annoying. The contractions were ranging between 8 and 5 minutes apart, but were still pretty mild, just having the odd really strong one.

Got up about 7, got my hospital stuff together, just in case the midwife thought my labour was far enough advanced for me to stay in hospital. Alyssa woke up and we opened her Santa presents with her. Mum arrived to look after Alyssa and we left for the hospital at about 8-10am.

Got to hospital and was hooked up to a machine for half an hour to check baby and monitor contractions. Everything going well, contractions about every 3-5 mins still not that strong. Midwife did speculum exam and found I was 5cm dilated, told me my forewaters were bulging and did I want them broken. As I had now resigned myself to the fact that this baby was going to be born on Christmas day I agreed so we could get things moving.

While the midwife was filling the spa bath Rob and I were walking around the ward. Started off having one contraction per round. After about half an hour or so of doing this I was having 2 contractions per round and was ready to hop in the bath.

Jumped in the bath at about 11-30 and was hooked up to IV antibiotics for half an hour because my hind waters had broken over 18 hours beforehand. Contractions are starting to get fairly painful now and starting to get a lot of back ache. After the antibiotics had finished doing their thing I thought I would get out of the bath and see if that eased my back pain. It was way more intense so I jumped back into the bath. I was now getting double whammy contractions (not fun).

12-30 I think I must have been going through transition because I was freezing and shaking, so decision was made for me to get out of bath. (At this stage my sister turned up as well). I told the midwife I was feeling a lot of pressure, so she did an internal and told me I was only 8cm (I was positive I was ready to push. She then told me to go to the toilet for a wee but I was having contractions all the time and could not go.

The back pain was really intense by this stage and I was starting to loose it, I had to really concentrate on my breathing and try and keep myself calm. The gas was given to me to try, even though I insisted I hated it. I think in the end they got the message, I didn’t swear but I think I was very firm! I asked for an epidural and got told no.

By this stage I was leaning over the head of the bed on my hands and knees and really feeling like pushing. The midwife noticed this and told me if I wanted to push I could push (FINALLY). After literally 3 pushes her head was out, she then started to wriggle (OUCH) and it felt like an eternity before the next contraction and she was out. So less than 5 mins to birth her. So she was born and 1.24pm

Now comes the really scary part. As I was facing away I couldn’t see what was happening all I heard was the midwife saying to Rob to push the yellow button and then to push the red button. I think I was screaming is my baby alright. My sister was reassuring me that she was and my midwife was really calm and still let Rob cut the cord. Apparently because it was such a quick birth Jayde was stunned she also had the cord wrapped around her neck. The other nurses got there really quick and all she needed was a few whiffs of oxygen.

I then started bleeding quite heavily and had to have an injection of stuff to try and stop the bleeding. They also inserted a line just in case I needed to be hooked up to an I.V. (It took three goes to do this and in the end the house surgeon needed to be called). (BTW the afterpains were horrible and are still happening)

By 7pm the bleeding finally slowed down and I could have a shower and be transferred to the ward. And I could start enjoying our little girl!

Jayde Mia was 9lb & 53cm at birth and has already put on 100gms (she is a guts). Her big sister absolutely loves her. And she is settling in well at home.

Latest Pictures available at -


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 January 2005 at 2:16pm
What a drama Maria! I'm glad that everything worked out well in the end, and I hope you guys are settling in well at home. Lookinf forward to hopefully meeting Jayde when we come up in a couple of weeks!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 02 January 2005 at 8:39pm
wow, what dramas.. definately one xmas you won't forget in a hurry!! good to hear that things are now going well and that big sis loves her new baby! Congrats once again.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 January 2005 at 9:04pm
Wow Maria, Jayde has so much hair! And Alyssa has grown so much. Guess they don't stay small for long...

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 02 January 2005 at 11:01pm
Yeah she does, Alyssa had lots of hair too but not as thick as this. Jayde is so contented so far I can't beleive it. I hope it stays this way, so far she is coping with how much milk i have and hasn't developed colic. Whew. Looking forward to seeing you guys in a few weeks too! Im sure the girls will love causing havoc together hee hee.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 03 January 2005 at 11:07am
Maya is definitely a hurricane! At least she will keep Alyssa occupied for a little while...

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 04 January 2005 at 8:01pm
Yeah we can let them run around in the back yard and play on the swings, slide and seesaw. Maybe send Rob out to supervise and we can sit down for a rest and a drink .


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 04 January 2005 at 8:36pm
sounds like you two have it worked out! lol. i had alook on your site.. both your girls are so gorgeous!

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 04 January 2005 at 10:05pm
oh my gosh what a lot of hair... gorgeous.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 05 January 2005 at 10:12am
hehe. That's what dad's are for...
Willie is looking forward to seeing Maya on Saturday when we get back to NZ, he's hardly seen her at all lately 'coz we've been away so much.
I'll ring you when we get to Whangarei.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 05 January 2005 at 10:13am


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 06 January 2005 at 11:42pm
Oh well, better contribute my birth story while he boy is asleep!!
I was due on the 13th of October. the due date was really important as my husband and I both live in Japan. I came home to have baby and my husband Lewis had a ticket to Japan on the 25th of October. So on the 13th, we tried everything!!! and I mean everything to start the baby luck. On the 14th we went to the health store and got some castor oil. Nothing. On the 15th the midwife did a sweep.....nothing. ON the 16th we went up to the hospital to be hooked up to a fetal monitor....nothing. On the 17th, I was so upset at the thought of having this baby alone, until I watched a documentary "life before birth" - about women who were pregnant with very sick babies. THey needed fetal operations. I felt a little better.
Anyway on the 25th, the midwife said to come in and she'd break my waters. My husband was due to fly out that day...but with some calls, he couldn't change his flight (Boo korean Air!!!!!) but thanks to his wonderful sister and mother, he had a brand new ticket!!
So, 8:30am we walked to the Palmy hospital and meet my midwife. She hooked us up to the monitor to see what was going on. Now, I think at this point i knocked the monitor as the babies heartbeat stopped during a contraction. oif course now everyone is worried so I spend another hour monitoring contractiobn which are about 10mins apart. My midwife was initially talking c-section, but after an hour of no problems, she decided it was probably just me being careless!!
so at 9:30, she broke my waters and told me to take a walk around the hosptial, maybe get something to eat while I wait for the labour to begin.
on the way to the elevator I had two contractions that I couldn't stand through. In the elevator i had three, and then we decided to go BACK up to the delivery suite! Lewis ran me a batjh and me, the girl concerned with body image, stripped with the door open and jumped in. After half an hour the midwife offered me some gas. I grabbed it and tried for a while. It didn't seem to help much, but made me feel funny, so we kept up with it. After an hour, she checked me and said I was 8cm dilated, and had to get out. So we got out onto the bed. My grandmother arrived. My mother was supposed to be there, but had locked herself in the safe at work!!! She had to wait until Armourguard turned up so she could get up to the hospital.
At this point the midwife offered me Pethidine. They put in a drip..which I honestly didn't feel - this from the person who threw up after a blood test - and also gave me an IV. At this point Lewis was encouraging me to eat something. We opened the lollies - which my grandmother, husband and midwife stood discussing for about ten minutes!!
About then my dad came in. he had come up to the hospital and asked for me. they sent him in. Turns out he was actually expecting me to be wheeled away and brought back with the baby. he didn't realise that i HAD been wheeled away, this was where I had been wheeled to!!
Mum finally arrived, and it was time to push. I pushed for about an hour and a half. This felt quite long as I had been led to belive the pushing takes only minutes (thanks for nothing ER!!). My midwife had told me it can take longer, but I thought she was exaggerating. Anyway, Jake was born at 1:51pm. Turns out he was facing the wrong direction, with the largest part of his head presenting (Thanks!!). So i tore a little and had four stitches. And I can honestly say I didn't feel a thing! the biggest shgock was the placenta!! That thing is huge!
I went home the next day (thank you sharingrooms with a woman and her noisy four year old!!) and have had no real problems. I'm feeling exceptionally lucky. And Jake even flew the whole way home without a peep. He slept and played quietly the whole time...what a trooper!!

Posted By: Nikky
Date Posted: 12 January 2005 at 11:52am
On the Saturday before my daughter was born, I lost my plug during the night, so on Sunday my Mum, sister, nephew and brother and I went for a walk around Western Springs and I’d been having mild contractions ever since. They weren't painful or anything, just really uncomfortable. I couldn't sit still, and couldn't get to sleep. I had an appointment with the Obstetrician on Monday because I was a week overdue. I got put on a monitor to measure the contractions, and to make sure the baby was ok and not stressed out. Everything was fine. I didn’t have a single contraction the whole time the thing was on me!   That night I started having contractions. I mean, real contractions this time. I went for 14 hours, from about 8.30 pm. They got down to about 5 minutes apart, but they were lasting for 2 minutes. Then at about 10 am, everything stopped! I was so tired, but I was still having niggly ones, so I couldn't get to sleep. Then on the Tuesday night, I started having full on contractions again. My initial thought was "Oh God, I cannot go all night again!!" but at 1 am, I went into Hospital. I was only 2 cm dilated, and they can’t do an ARM (Artificial Rupture or Membranes) until you’re in established labour (4cm dilated). So I went home and contracted and contracted. At about 12 pm, the Midwife came over to see how things were progressing. She did an exam, and I was 5 cm dilated! So we went into hospital at about 2 pm, and she broke my waters. About 1-˝ hours later, after about 3 pushes, my Mum delivered my daughter onto my stomach and she was so beautiful, with dark brown hair, and big brown eyes. She weighed 2920 gms (6 Lb, 7 Oz) and measured 48 cm. She was born with her cord around her neck, but thankfully it wasn't tight!! I had one stitch and Jay didn't cry until she had her VitK shot. Today she's 5 1/2 months old, will be 6 on the 14th.

Love Nikky, Proud Mummy to Jyannah

Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 08 February 2005 at 4:46pm
For various reasons, the main ones being that I menstruated through the first half of my pregnancy, and was around 18-20 weeks when I found out I was pregnant, I had 6 different due dates. So basically, I had no idea when to expect Kiya!

My Mum made the comment that we had no photos of me pregnant, so we went outside and took some on Tuesday 27 March 2001. My contractions started at 10.30pm that evening! My wonderful Dad (I was living with my parents) sat up with me until 3.15am Wednesday morning, while we watched videos and I walked round the lounge during the contractions. My sister's cat was funny - about 30 seconds before I felt anything, she would sit up and stare hard at me. Once we figured out what that meant, it gave me enough warning to get up off the couch before the contraction started! At 3.15am the contractions were 15 minutes apart so we called my Mum and she came home from her nightshift (she's a nurse) to be with me, and Dad went to bed so he could cope with university. At 7.30am, my contractions were 10 minutes apart and we rung my midwife, Julie. She came round and examined me about 8am. To my surprise, I was 7cm dilated! At 9am my contractions were 8 minutes apart, so Julie told us to head to the hospital.

I have a hereditary, non-contagious blood disorder called von Willebrands disease. This means that I bruise and bleed easier than most people, and take longer to stop bleeding once I start. It’s not a big deal, except in case of major accident or surgery. Because of it, however, I have to have my children in a hospital where they can attend to any complications very quickly. The upshot of all of this was that once we got to the hospital and I was in the spa bath (I wanted a water birth), a nurse came round and put a lure in so they could give me a drip or blood products if necessary. Being a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain, I insisted on a local first! The contractions slowed down to 20 minutes, which Julie said is normal. So, here I was, sitting in a spa bath, eating cheese and crackers, and joking with Mum, Julie and Debbie (another midwife who had done more water births than Julie). Someone made the comment that women in labour make the same noises during the final stage as they did at conception! [:o} Really what you want your mother to hear! [:0] At 12.10pm Wednesday afternoon, the contractions were 8 minutes apart again, so Julie examined me and said I was 8cm dilated. They gave me some gas, which I didn't like as it made me feel dizzy and out of control, and Julie broke my waters with that little hook thingy. I got back in the bath and at around 12.45pm went to sleep! I kid you not! Remember, I had been up all night! I was on all fours in the bath with my head on my Mum's hands while she leant over the edge of the bath. I told everyone to wake me when it was all over. Mum said they just ignored me, because they knew I was going through the transition stage. I slept for about 20 minutes, just waking up for the contractions which were about 5 minutes apart at this stage.

When I woke up properly it was just after 1pm and I really wanted to push, but Julie said I wasn't ready. My contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, and by the time I'd finished arguing with Julie as to whether or not I was ready to push, it was time to. I pushed for about 45 minutes, then Kiya's head came out with one push. Debbie told everyone not to touch her, as her head was underwater and she wouldn't start breathing until she had that first touch. Mum and Julie wanted me to keep pushing, but I needed to catch my breath first. After a minute, I pushed Kiya's body out in one go. Mum caught her, and flipped her onto my tummy. Mum cut the cord.

Kiya was born at 2.02pm Wednesday 28 March 2001, weighing 3540g (7 lb 13), after a drug-free water birth. Based on how Kiya looked, Julie said she was probably 2 weeks early. I tore a little, only surface tears though, and had 4 stitches (with a local). The von Willebrands was never an issue, except trying to keep the hand with the lure in it out of the water!

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: kobe
Date Posted: 14 February 2005 at 12:35pm
I had a normal pregnancy but was really big. My midwife said that was normal, I was measuring alright etc. At 34 weeks I remember saying to my friend I feel all achy like Ive got my period but I had just unloaded 2 trailer loads of dirt so I thought that was why. The next day I had a little bit of bleeding and because Im resus negative (however you spell it) I went into hospital for anti D injection. When the registrar saw me she said something was not right becuase I was to big and had tested me for diabetes which was positive(something my midwife had not done around 20 something weeks as is normally the case) She also did an exam and discovered that my waters had broken and I was 3cm dialated already. I had no idea my waters had broken so that was a huge shock. They did a scan to see what size baby was (7lb 4oz they thought) and the sonographer picked up that he had a cleft lip and possibly pallate. They did more scans and there was lots of waiting, it was awful. This all happened within about 2 hours so I was a bit of a mess really. I was admitted and told I could not go home until baby arrives which thankfully was 4 days later when my hind waters broke. The labour staff said it would take ages but my first stage only took about an hour. It was funny cos the lady in the bed beside me had been in labour all day and I remember saying to hubby "man I dont want to have to listen to her all night" and half an hour later my waters broke. I tried the gas which didnt do anything expect give me something to concentrate on so in the end I had an epidural mainly because babies heart rate kept dropping when I had a contraction and the surgery was full incase I had to have an emergency c section so I had to wait for hours before I could push. After 9 hours of labour baby finally arrived but had really really low sugar levels and was taken straight to NICU so I only got to look at him for a minute. He was 7lb 2oz which probably helped him in the end because we got to take him home only 6 days later. His cleft was only minor and no palate damage thank god and he has since had this fixed. I was really anxious about the labour but in the end I really enjoyed it (after I took the drugs that is)

Robyn & Kobe

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 14 February 2005 at 12:43pm
Great story Robyn. hey I went to Kobe's webpage. What a sweety!!! Reading your story i feel sorry for the woman next to you. Can you imagine - someone new comes in, you've been in labour all day - waiting for the signs to push, and the newby reaches that stage beofer you...I'd be a little annoyed!!!!   Reminds me of Friends! Hehe

Posted By: kobe
Date Posted: 14 February 2005 at 1:29pm
Yeah but she went down just after me and gave three pushes and baby was out, I pushed for 3 hours!!!!! Its horrible having to do the early labour part in the hospital cos everyone can hear you and knows whats going on, there is no privacy at all.

Robyn & Kobe

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 14 February 2005 at 9:37pm
lol lizzle, i was reading the story thinking that exact same thing.. i couldn't stand that. i liked being at home.. might leave a little earlier this time cos it happened so quick, but then, lol, maybe i might just ring my midwife a bit quicker this time too so i know how i'm progressing.    robin, pushing really sucks when it takes forever. that seemed to take forever for me.. when you compare that it took only 3 hours of contractions to get to fully dialated.. taking 2 hours to push is pretty sucky.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 15 February 2005 at 3:29am
I had about an hour and half of pushing. jake's head looked so weird. i remember them saying it might be coneshaped when I was pregnant, however, i also remember thinking just after giving birth "Hmm, I wonder when this thinking my child is the most beautiful will kick in, cause that heads just weird"

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 15 February 2005 at 12:39pm
Janine it took me 1 and a half hours of pushing the first time, less than 5 the second time, so hopefefully your time will be less too!


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 15 February 2005 at 5:39pm
haha lizzle... i agree with you! newborn babies aren't the most attractive looking things in the world, no matter how much 'motherly love' you have!

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 15 February 2005 at 8:43pm
Once paris was cleaned up she was very cute and budha like.. like those little nanook eskimo babies.. kinda chubby and dark. but at the moment i'm doing a scrap book photo albumn..i finally started it, and have done the first 2 pages.. and there's a pic of her on the scales right after she was born and her head was reallly cone-shaped. at delivery they said her head was a little "moulded" from pushing so long... but heck, now that i look at the photos she was pretty weird. lol

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: kobe
Date Posted: 15 February 2005 at 9:00pm
You always think your baby is so cute and not ugly like all other babies but now I look back at some photos maybe he wasnt as cute as i first thought (still the most beautiful boy in the world though hehe) Kobe was a vontuse delivery so he had a funny suction cap shape on his head for a few days and it was all squishy and gross.

Robyn & Kobe

Posted By: lou
Date Posted: 16 February 2005 at 8:07am
Sophie was cute, and still look back and think she was.  I think the fact that she was a big chubby baby helped- never really had that newborn look

Mother to two beautiful children - Sophie age 6 and Ephraim age 4

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 16 February 2005 at 11:44am
Maya never really had the newborn look either coz she was bigger, but she was kind of squinchy and covered in vernix from being born early. Then she got jaundice, and I never realised how yellow she was until I look back now at photos and she was actually really yellow.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 16 February 2005 at 11:51am
I remember jaundice. My husband and I were looking at him, saying, Wow Jake looks so tan, he has Lewis' colouring (lewis is raratongan/maori). He looked so cute.....turned out to be jaundice. I was a little disappointed.

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 16 February 2005 at 4:27pm
lol, yeah Paris was pretty olive, for the first little while, and had dark hair.. that all changed gradually. she got alittle jaundiced but not a heap.. we just had to keep watch on her cos mike has a genetic disorder which means he naturally makes far too much bilirubin (which is responsible for jaundice) if he gets run down it's quite noticable but otherwise he's fine.. we were quite worried it might affect Paris at birth but it didn't.. now just have to get her tested when shes a bit older for it.

She was never really new-born like either but there's a couple of pics of her at 2 weeks old, when she had lost that chubbyness, and i swear, she looked like mini-me.. it is very disturbing!

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 16 February 2005 at 11:38pm
Yeah, jake looks like Mini-lewis. All the girls at work keep saying "oh, it's lewis two"....oh well, maybe he'll grow out of it.

Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 17 February 2005 at 8:49am
Kiya looks like her cousin Michal (girl), which is funny because they are not actually blood-relatives!
Or maybe it's Michal who looks like Kiya, since Kiya's the older one...

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 17 February 2005 at 12:52pm
As a baby Maya was the spitting image of me, you can't pick the difference between baby photo's of us. But now she is a little white Willie. She has his nose (kind of0 and eyelashes but she also has the most beautiful olive skin. Willie is Maori, but Maya isn't as dark as him, she's just nice and tanned.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: melz
Date Posted: 17 February 2005 at 7:54pm
When we started at playcentre I had heaps of mothers coming up to me telling me that Angie must look like Andrew as she didn't look anything like me. She still has his expressions at times. I just take credit for her brains!

Posted By: kobe
Date Posted: 17 February 2005 at 8:32pm
People say Kobe looks like me then they see him next to his dad and change thier minds. I dont think me and Darron look the same though. He has Darrons tanned skin so hopefully he will keep that although he is going quite fair so that will look strange when he gets older.

Robyn & Kobe

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 17 February 2005 at 9:21pm
yep, people usually say paris looks like me, till they see her daddy, then they say nup, she's her daddy's girl. i think she's a good mix and i can't wait to see what baby number 2 looks like. actually though, when she was born, she looked so dark and chubby like a little gypsy and we both just thought that maybe they mixed her up. lol. its so strange how much she changed.. although with her messy curls and crazy nutter attitude, she's still a gypsy.. she loves going to visit her great gran and grandad who live with the gypsy fair.. probably cos they give her balloons and she gets a free ride on grandad's merry go round. lol. as long as you give her food or presents you're paris's best friend.. i feel we might have to watch that as she gets older.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 09 December 2005 at 1:23pm
Just bumping this up


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: lenabeanz
Date Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:58pm
Ok well since this has been bumped I should put my birth story in...

I was on weeky visits to the midwife (later stages of pregnancy) and went to the usual appt I had on Monday (31st May) did the pee on the stick test and midwife saw I had 2++'s of protein (first sign of Toxemia), my blood pressure was also high (can't remember what it was). She told me what was going on and booked me in to be monitored @ Palmerston North Hospital all day Tuesday.
Turned up Tuesday and was on the monitors (I was on all sorts and can't remember what I was on when!) - at about 6pm I had an ultrasound to see how much fluid was around baby, the lady said it was fine and that I could go home - Went home and rang Lois (my midwife) told her about the latter part of the day (she had to go to a birth) and she said "Great see you at 7:30am tomorrow" I was shocked and asked where and why and she said that I have been booked in to be induced as baby needed to come out. She thought the nurses at the hospital had told me!
Wednesday morning I turned up to the Delivery Suite and had vitals taken (blood test, B/P, urine test etc) in case anything had changed, at 8:15am Lois inserted the Prostin Gel onto my cervix, had "contractions" within 15 minutes and later found out (at 11am) that I was allergic to the gel and if baby got distressed I would be having a c-section. Sucked on the gas from about 10am till about 2pm when Lois noticed I was exhausted from the constant pain I had been having all morning so decided to give me Pethadine, Bad idea - threw up for the next hour.. but then dozed inbetween pains for the next 2 hours or so (calling them pains cause it wasn't contractions) - at about 6pm they broke my waters to try and hurry things along and put a monitor clip on baby's head. I was now in established labour and slowly dilating (From 9am - 6pm I had dilated about 2 cms I think - so cant remember details!!) From 6pm - 9pm I was having regular contractions, but babys heart rate was all over the show (eg down to 65 then up to 170). at about 8:45pm Lois rang the theatre to book me in for a emergency c-section and they decided to give me an epidural first to see if that would relax me (I was quite tense from the allergic reaction) at 9pm after having TWO epidurals (he put the first into my spinal space - hence a epidural headache!) I was starting to feel the urge to push - at 9:16pm our beautiful baby girl was born!
However when she was born she coughed and then stopped breathing (combination of fast delivery and pethadine - also dehydraton - I had 5 litres of fluid via IV - still didn't work!) So the next 30 mins they worked on her breathing etc APGAR was 2 , 5 , 10 , 10.

I didn't need stiches but after an examination by Lois a week or so later ( I told her I was VERY sore "down there") she had a look and my labia (lips!) had fused together - so had to have an operation for that (when arna was 4 weeks old) and the anesthetic dried up my milk but didn't know until she was 3 months old!!

Also had 2 blood patches for my epidural headache, first one failed as they said I could be up and around after I was out of recovery - got out of hospital and went and got some things from the supermarket then ended up back in hospital with a shocking headache - had another blood patch and was flat on my back for 24 hours...

Arna Charlie - McLean Judson born 7lb 4oz. 2 / 6 / 2004 at 9:16pm.

Sorry about the novel!!


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 09 December 2005 at 6:52pm
Far out Lena you didn't have much luck did you ! Pethadine makes me sick too but luckily I knew about it beforehand and so I could avoid it during labour.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: lenabeanz
Date Posted: 09 December 2005 at 7:10pm
Yeah - on my birth plan I had "natural labour and birth - gas ONLY if nessescary, aromatherepy oils, water birth etc etc - ALL went out the window - was in the water for 30 mins when I first started having the pains in the morning and couldn't walk so stayed in the room / on the bed all day!! All worth it I think though.. But I am more educated for next time round *hint hint*


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 09 December 2005 at 8:51pm
i really was worried that there was no TV. I thought i could watch something while being in labour....hmmmm

Posted By: lenabeanz
Date Posted: 09 December 2005 at 9:53pm
Yeah I'm hearing you - I didn't even get to go to the lounge in the post natal ward!! Had too many problems!!

I don't know why I am so negative about it - I know if it was the same for every birth I would easily do it again!! No hesitation... I guess you only usually talk about the bad stuff


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 11 December 2005 at 10:29pm
Well I thought I'd finally contribute my birth story after all this time. Now the bad memories have faded!

Also, while I say 'overdue' I have no idea how over she was, may have even been on time (at 9 pounds 6 ounces?!?! ahhh!) seeing as I found out that she wasn't concieved when I thought she was (or with who I thought she was ).

On Thursday night, 8 days over my due date, I finally handed in all my uni work after sitting at the computer for a week or so with killer back pains (YAY for Hannah hanging around). The next day I had a check up with my midwife who did an internal and found that I was 3cms dilated and then did a sweep. Stupid me got all excited and was gently let down by midwife and Mum that it still might take a while to go into labour.

On Saturday, Mum dragged me round all day shopping which almost killed me. My back was hurting like hell. Which I hoped was a sign of labour, although that didn't mean it was welcome! The day passed without event and I was getting a bit disheartened thinking Hannah would never come - or atleast until the induction which was booked for the Wednesday. Then at 1.30am I woke up and went to the toilet, as soon as I stood up I felt water running down my legs. I was a bit horrified at that but then realised that it was my waters breaking. Luckily still above the toilet so just plonked back down. When I went to the bathroom to wash my hands I had a contaction. Which wasn't too strong, but I wanted it to be so I kinda pretended to have to breathe through it just to look like they do in the movies. (Ah boy did I have a nasty shock when they actually started hurting!!) Waters kept leaking out everywhere which wasn't so flattering but stopped after a while and by the the contactions were around 3 minutes apart (although I may have been a bit on the optimistic side).

My midwife, Carolyn, was at her bach an hours drive away (shows how concerned she was about me going into labour! hehe) so I called her and told her to get on her way. We left for the hospital (just have to consult birth record) at about 2am. I think the contractions must have slowed because they didn't seem to concerned about me once I got there, I think they were around 5 minutes apart. Waited around for a couple of hours. Wanted to go to the toilet but they wouldn't let me. I think it was because I was embarrassed that maybe the baby would end up pushing out "stuff" when she came out. (Little fear of mine... have no idea what happened... just don't want to know... ignorance is bliss!)

Carolyn checked dilation and broke my waters proper. Apparently my hind waters had broken earlier. After a few hours I had pethidine, which was fine for a while but as the contactions got more painful I wanted more drugs. Managed to finally convince Caroline to give me another dose but after that she wouldn't let me have any more. They gave me gas as well which didn't do bugger all unless you sucked on it as soon as you felt the onset of a contaction and my midwife was giving me crap about starting too early. hehe.

After 6 hours of labour my midwife said that I was fully dilated and I could start pushing. I think this is where I went wrong. I didn't listen to my body enough and was too anxious to get the birth over and done with so tried to force myself to push when the urge hadn't yet come. For ages they were trying to get me to push but it wasn't having any effect. Carolyn was trying to be really encouraging and in my eyes could do no wrong but as soon as my Mum piped up I swear I wanted to throw her across the room. Lucky for her I was able to restrain myself.

So still pushing (or refusing to push and trying to stop the birthing process) and Hannah's heart rate started dropping. My midwife called an obstetrician incase we needed help but after Carolyn threatened me to start putting some effort in, I think I finally started paying attention to the contractions etc. As the obstetrician walked in my little girl finally came out.

I don't really remember much as a result of being drugged up, but found out later that the cord was around her neck and that was probably the reason behind the dropping heart rate. It wasn't tight and was easily lifted over. In that respect I kinda regret the drugs. They were great for the pain but didn't allow me to focus on what my body wanted to do. So I feel a bit disappointed with my efforts in the birth but know that next time I'll know a bit more about it and will be able to pay attention.

So... Hannah arrived at 9.25am after one hour of pushing weighing 9lbs 6oz. Luckily no tears or significant grazing!

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 11 December 2005 at 10:35pm
oops... that's one looooong birth story! sorry!

Posted By: lenabeanz
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 8:43am
You get carried away telling your "stories" ay!! All good Nikki!! I'm a sucker for birth stories for some reason!!


Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 10:40am
I tried this once before, but for some reason it didn't quite work... so here's Josiah's birth story.

As most of you know, I had irritable uterus, where I had useless, irregular contractions for 3 weeks before he was born. It was driving Nathaniel and me nuts! My cervix was slowly (really slowly!) thinning, but other than that the contractions were not doing a damn thing. Actually, it ended up taking 3 weeks for my cervix to thin by half.

On Tuesday 3rd May, I had my regular weekly midwife appointment. I asked Gaenor to do an internal exam, and she said my cervix had finally thinned enough and I was dilated 2cm, although it is normal for 2nd/whatever times around mums to be dilated 1cm for most of their pregnancy and I was no exception. Gaenor separated the layers of the cervix to try and bring on labour... it worked! 30 minutes later I was hit with the first painful contraction. It winded me a bit - with Kiya, none of my contractions hurt!

My contractions continued through the night, getting closer together. At 2.25am, I was kneeling on our bed breathing through a contraction, which were 8 minutes apart by then, when I either heard or felt (I'm not sure which!) a "pop" then felt something thud into my pelvis. I grabbed a towel and made it to the toilet just as my waters broke. After that, my contractions got closer and closer together until at 5am they were 5 minutes apart. At that stage, I rung my midwife. Gaenor lived in Raglan, so it was going to take her 40 minutes to get to the hospital. I arranged to meet her there at 6, then Nathaniel rung the people who were going to look after Kiya. Anna came round and crawled into our bed, I told Kiya (who'd been woken by us getting excited) what was going on, and at 5.50am we left for Waikato Hospital.

We got to the hospital at 6am on the dot. I had my first urge to push on the way, and Nathaniel was driving as fast as he felt he could! Gaenor walked in the door a couple of minutes after us, and took us to a delivery room. Nathaniel helped me change into one of those hideous hospital gowns, and I got up on the bed. Gaenor strapped all sorts of monitors onto me, and for 25 minutes I lay there breathing through contractions every 3 minutes and feeling very uncomfortable.

Finally, at 6.30am, and 8cm dilated, I was allowed to get off the bed and get into the spa bath, where I wanted to push almost straight away. I fought the urges until Gaenor got back, as she'd gone to get a delivery kit (with the cord clamp and other such stuff). As soon as she was back, she checked and said I was fully dilated and I could start pushing. When Josiah's head came out, the cord was loosely around his neck, but Gaenor told me to not push straight away (boy, was that hard to do!) and she got her finger in and unhooked it quickly.

At 6.58am, Wednesday 4th May 2005 (his due date), Josiah Phillip was born. He weighed 7 pound (3.18kg) exactly, and his Daddy cut the cord. We walked out of the hospital at 9.30am to go to Waterford Birthing Centre, where I stayed for a couple of days.

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: crazy_crazy
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 2:13pm


Posted By: k&jsmum
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 3:45pm
well i am gutted i typed up my birth story and went to piost but was logged out!!!!! I knew i should have copied it while i was typing. Oh well another day when i feel so inclined to type it up i will sharemy story too

Keegan ~ 14 October 2003
Jaidyn ~ 14 October 2003

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 9:14pm
hhhm cannot remembwer if i wrote ayjas... might have to go back and look

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 9:15pm
what the?! why the hell is there a w in remember? who am i? elmer fudd?

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 12 December 2005 at 9:43pm
hee hee. I read it Janine didnt notice the W until you pointed it out.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 7:25am
lol Becca,Harmony was born at 659am!! funny

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: AnnaD
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 10:08am
Hey Nikki.. Don't regret the drugs 'cause they made you fuzzy on the details, I had no drugs and still can't remember what happened!!

Anna and Quinn 10 July 2004
and one more on the way....">

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 11:21am
I had some drugs (gas and pethidine), and can't remember clearly either...obviously otherwise I wouldn't be doing it so soon again!!!!

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 11:39am
AHHHH, lol so Lizzle, you've reached that stage where you are thinking "WHAT AM I DOING??!! I'M GOING TO HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN!" don't worry you'll think it again once you go in to labour too

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 12:53pm
actually not too concerned about labour....its the aftermath that really worries me!

Posted By: newmum
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 5:23pm
OK - Scariness - My friend (well my brothers future sil and my friend ) is 1 week overdue and went in for a scan to check if bubs is ok yesterday as not engaged yet etc..... Doc estimated baby is over 11lb aaargh poor girl


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 6:13pm
woah!!!!! B2 is 4 pounds so far...well, was a few weeks ago and I will continue to have that figure firmly planted in my head.

Posted By: AnnaD
Date Posted: 13 December 2005 at 7:09pm
That is one BIG bubba... SCARY!!

Anna and Quinn 10 July 2004
and one more on the way....">

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