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ArielAngel View Drop Down
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    Posted: 24 March 2010 at 8:25pm
Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if I'm all up with the lingo as am kinda new to this, but we've been ttc for a year now. I've had a raft of blood tests, two ultrasounds and have been referred to have an MRI (HUGE waiting list) as there may be something odd with my uterus. We don't know whats wrong but it obviously isn't happening for us yet. We're both in our late twenties and otherwise the only health issue we know of would probably be that I am slightly overweight (BMI of 27).

Anyway, we've been married for five years so for the last five years we've had a lot of people asking (and in some cases - the same people asking on a monthly basis!) if we want to have kids. There has always been some excuse (still studying, buying a house, new career etc) as to why we aren't having kids right now, but now I just don't know what to say to everyone.

Some of our friends have kids of their own and I just don't think they'd understand how heartbreaking it is - and in some ways telling people makes it more real. I guess I'm so used to making excuses about why we are waiting that I just don't know how to tell the truth - even to close friends.

I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable, but I also feel like it's a personal thing and I don't want advice or stories from people who haven't been there.

What do I tell people, and how?
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Lulu View Drop Down
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I've always been an upfront honest person and found that this works for me personally. There is no story to remember if you stick to the truth. I would be inclined to say 'we would love a family and have been trying for a baby, but we are facing some difficulties that are under investigation. We would prefer not to discuss it further at this point but will let you know if there is anything to report'. I found with our own infertility journey it was only those close to us who I needed to tell, other random people didn't ask.
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Hopes View Drop Down
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I didn't want to tell people. I didn't want their sympathy - I know it's well-meant and all, but I didn't want to have to live with it. And the well-meaning advice that usually goes with it would do my head in. So we didn't tell anyone except a few close friends and family that we were TTC.

My stock-standard answer was a smile and "all in good time", which gives no clue as to whether you're even trying or not. Sometimes I used a slight variation "there's plenty of time for that" (there was. That didnt' change the fact we wanted it to have happened yesterday). Or "yes, perhaps one day" (there's no need for them to know that tomorrow would be good for you!).

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frankie View Drop Down
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Hi Ariel,

Sorry to here you are going through a rough time of things at the moment.

I agree with Hopes, you just don't tell people if you don't want to. I chose to tell a few close friends and family that I hoped would not make unwelcome comments. Sometimes I wish I hadn't, because they still asked how things were going and usually at a time when I really didn't want to talk about it. But you have to remember that they don't have a clue what you are going through or what to say. They don't want to say nothing because it would seem insensitive, but unfortunately what they do say does not usually help.

With people I didn't want to know, I would just say "we're not quite ready yet" or "we'll see what happens". As Hopes said, you're not lying that way, you are just not alluding to the situation either way.

Good luck and I hope your journey is over soon - ie resulting in a nice BFP.
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JaneW View Drop Down
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Hi Ariel,
I'm 26 and DH 28, we are on a waiting list for ICSI(DH has very low sperm count)for July next year. .

We initially only told close friends and family of our troubles....but I have changed my mind a bit on this and feel ready to tell people. The reason is that I get annoyed now with people just assuming it's so easy to snap your fingers and start a family and I want to in a nice way remind people that it's actually not that easy and sometimes their questions can be hard for someone who is having trouble conceiving! And I also would like people to know now that we aren't actually putting off kids for our careers or house or anything but simply because we can't get pregnant.

I also found it very hard that after we had found out we were infertile, everything seemed to go back to normal and the people that knew, would never ask me how it was all going, when it was such a huge life changing thing that was affecting me and I WANTED to talk about it!So in the end I had a long cry to my mum and I truly don't think she realised how much it was affecting me, so she was the one that suggested that maybe I tell more people and just be upfront and it might make it easier rather than hiding this 'secret'.

And so far it has been quite good, I haven't gone blurting it out to everyone, but when the subject comes up I say whats happening, and I've been suprised at the number of people who are interested and who know so many other people going through the same thing.

Anyway sorry for the novel lol, I know not everyone wants to tell people but I just wanted to share how I've found it has worked for me. Before that though I used to just say 'soon hopefully' when someone asked when we were having kids...then they usually left it at that!
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Bambino View Drop Down
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Hello ... we have told a handful of people primarily to stop the questions.

My rule of thumb, is to tell people only when they ask and only dependant on the level of friendship. We all have friends and acquaintances encouraging us to have families and asking us with grins on their faces.

My approach, when asked is to say: "Actually, we can't have children. And it is a really personal and difficult subject for us. It would be great if you could stop asking." I will often add some advice, suggesting to these people that they shouldn't ask such questions of anyone in the future because everyone's situation is different. I for one, will NEVER again ask a couple when they are going to start a family.

We are about to go through our first cycle of IVF w ICSI and we have only told our parents because we don't want the questions about progress from well meaning family and friends wanting to be supportive and failing. We just want to be like a normal couple and announce a pregnancy after the 12 week scan not the 2 week wait!
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Kazzle View Drop Down
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Hi there, i didnt want to read and run

so just offering big hugs...and i agree with the others, tell those tht you want to, and anybody else just tell them to mind their own business.

Good luck for your mri, i hope you get an appointment soon

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ArielAngel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ArielAngel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 April 2010 at 11:13am
Thanks so much for the advice everyone (and sorry I haven't gotten on here earlier to say so - been a hectic week!).

I have an appointment to see the gyn in just over a week so depending on what he says, we might start telling close friends and family.

Hopes - I think your short one liners, particularly 'there's plenty of time for that' and will become part of my repertoire when I meet new people. We are at the stage of our lives that whenever we meet new people, through friends and family, they ask if we have kids, and then ask if we are planning on having them. I think for some people, particularly those with kids, they think it's a good conversation starter.

JaneW - I am also starting to get a bit annoyed with people just assuming it's so easy to snap your fingers and start a family. I also feel like people are assuming we are putting off kids for our careers/house/travel and are judging us to be selfish because of it.

Bambino - good luck with the IVF w ICSI

I think once we start telling close friends and family that it might be easier to tell more people - at the moment 'one day - we still need to finish the house and we'd love to travel more' just pops out of my mouth without thinking when someone asks! lol. I'm going to have to learn to pause!
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Hopes View Drop Down
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I'm glad you're getting more comfortable with how you're going to go about things

The one thing I do feel strongly about is that there's no right or wrong way to do things here. As I see it, infertility is a ridiculously hard enough road without making it more complicated to please other people. So I reckon the best thing is to just do what you think you're going to feel most comfortable with - whether that's telling anyone and everyone, or no-one at all. What works for some might not work for others.

Edited by Hopes

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oscarboo View Drop Down
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Hope it all works out for you.

My line was "I will get round to it when I am ready." We had told a few close friends when we started TTC and when we found out we were going to need some help I changed it to, "I'm having a little break from it now." We didn't want to tell people we were going through IVF cos we didn't want to get ours or their hopes up. We finally told our parents a few days before our egg collection. Nowdays I am happy to tell people what we went through, I just wasn't ready to then. I think you have to do it when you are ready to. Once again I hope it all works out for you.
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angelmouse View Drop Down

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I just tell them straight, and in the same breath not to offer any suggestions like "relax and it'll happen".
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tischler View Drop Down
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Hi, just thought I'd put my 10c worth in if you don't mind! I've also had oodles of people ask 'when are you going to have babies' or 'are you and your husband planning for a family' or 'you've been married for over 2 years - when are you having children'. It really does my head in!!

Anyway, after my first IVF cycle I was just like "oh one day" or "we've just shifted" - any excuse. However I'm now far more open as I find it's a great way to shut people up, and to provide education as well to those who think it's like falling off a bike!!

I tell them I've gone through 2 failed IVF attempts and that we'd love a family of our own but we have fertility issues. It's been really interesting the number of people who have ended up saying "oh we've got fertility problems too" (which I find absolutely unbelievable why they asked in the first place! I would NEVER assume people would be able to pop children out whenever they wanted too).

For those that aren't as close or who are just being totally nosey - never ask again!!

I think it's a timing thing for yourself and what you feel comfortable with, but know that most of us on these forums totally know how you feel!

Good luck to those going through IVF - come and join us on the IVF chat thread it's nice to have more buddies to go through the experience with.
5 IVF/ICSI Cycles - 10 embryo's, 8 transfers, all BFN's.
Our journey to parenthood is over, and we join the unfortunate many for whom IVF does not work.
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ArielAngel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ArielAngel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 April 2010 at 2:39pm
Thanks tischler.

After a friend confided in me about her fertility issues during the weekend I briefly told her about my own - first person I've truly talked to it about....and it was fine. I didn't even mind that she said we could at least have fun trying (although I'm sure after the 20th person says it, I'll mind a bit more).

After 16 months TTC, surprise BFP July 10
DD1 Mar 11
After 9 months TTC, BFP on 4th Clomid cycle Feb 13
DD2 Oct 13
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RubyTuesday View Drop Down

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Hi Ariel,
I've been married two years and with my husband for 7, and we're both in our early 30s. For a while it seemed like everyone was asking when we were going to start our family. It happened all the time at work, I'm a teacher and well-meaning people were always asking why I didn't have my own yet when I so obviously loved kids. At first I would make excuses and change the topic, but now I just reply with 'well, these things are easier for some couples than others.' and leave it at that. Most people get the message and stop asking. I've talked about it with close family and close friends, and I've found saying that has helped, but I don't want to go into details with people I barely know, and I've found that making a simple comment then not discussing it further it the best way of dealing with it when they ask. I think that when people haven't experienced infertility themselves, they don't realise how many people actually go through it, or how painful and frustrating it can be.

I'm sorry you're going through a hard time ttc, and I hope your MRI gives you some answers about what is happening with you.
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chick98 View Drop Down

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I felt horrible telling people "we're not ready yet" or "when the time is right" when we were sooo ready and the time had been "right" for sooo long! Then I decided to be honest with close friends and family (only those I felt needed to know).

We did not have a great response and I sometimes wish I didn't tell anyone. We no longer have contact with any of our friends who know.

Our families try very hard to support us and they are lovely. They sometimes say the wrong things, and I have to accept that they don't intend to hurt me.

It was important to me to be honest. Now I have to accept that friends and family have a right to respond to my infertility issues in their own way, even if it is not what I need or what I expected!

Edited by chick98
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ArielAngel View Drop Down
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Thanks Ruby and Chick 98.

Ruby - I've thought about saying things like that, in fact to one friend, I said something like, when it happens it happens - so I'm pretty sure she figured out we are ttc. My only concern is that I'm terrible at keeping my emotion out of my voice, and at the moment, as soon as the topic comes up, I put on my happy face and pretend everything is ok. If I'm telling the truth, I don't think I'll be able to keep the bitterness and sadness from coming out in my voice and I'm afraid it will push people away.

Chick, I'm sorry that it didn't work out well for you. And losing friends is a real concern for me - I'd rather they didn't know, and we just kept the conversation/mood as we always have. For some of them, I'm not sure if they'd be able to leave it alone and would keep asking questions or offering advice, even when I don't know the answers and don't feel like advice (particularly from someone who hasn't been there).

I'm thinking that we will have to tell family once surgery comes into play (the gyn is talking a laparoscopic investigation depending on results from bloods and if I get MRI in next month or so). It's not fair to them to not know if I'm going into hospital. So bearing that in mind, I'm considering telling my mum next time I talk to her (she lives in Australia, so don't see her all that often) - I had thought about taking the cheats way out, and sending her an e-mail, lol, but can't really do that.
After 16 months TTC, surprise BFP July 10
DD1 Mar 11
After 9 months TTC, BFP on 4th Clomid cycle Feb 13
DD2 Oct 13
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